Posted 18 March 2007 - 09:42 PM
I once heard a wise man tell me it's easier to tame a fanatical person than raise the dead.
I don't want to sound like an oger, but maybe set some goals with smaller goals to get you to you final destination, otherwise this project it will over take your mind.
I've got a torana rebuild action plan hanging in my garage. It has variuos stages of the rebuild documented. I also have all the parts/bolts removed in bags labled in boxes.
I also have the boxes labelled and a book with the contents of every box in it.
I've been trying to build my car for the last 6 years, putting it off due to other commitments. If i didn't have this list and plan, i would of lost the plot a long time ago.
Kudos to you for taking on such work at your age, maybe just slow down a little, write down some plans goals and take time to celebrate the little steps towards it.
For example.
Torana rebuild action plan (your car)
Stage 1
Engine bay refresh
-Remove engine and components
-Strip down engine bay
-Repair/weld l/h side
-Etch primer l/h side
-repair/ get the point by now. I hope i'm not stepping over the mark, just trying to help.