One thing is for sure Heath. Everyone knows that you don't use drugs man . No time or money for them with all this work you have been doing. Good to see the old boy's teaching a young bloke how to do things too.

Heath's Hatch
Posted 22 November 2019 - 04:51 PM
Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:35 PM
Bought a hugely over the top A9X scoop, because it was really the only way to fit a sufficiently large (cfm rating) air cleaner in the orientation required.
Big arse scoop. Jesus that is ugly but needs to be done.

Cut down in length. Now we're talking. A bit boxy for more of a Two-Lane Blacktop kinda vibe, although I'm sure plenty will not like it. That's okay, it has a function.

Bit of Cardboard Aided Design after working my way through the K&N Catalogue.

Poor man's folder with some ally sheet.

Braced the width of the scoop (with a small strip of alloy and some screws into the holes that line up with those on the bonnet, to hold the shape, then profile cut the alloy to suit).

Ground the centre line of the bonnet flat at the back, and made sure the angle was going to be a good fit. (hint, I stuffed up the position of the filter)

Few bits of ally angle mitre cut around the filter:

Made up some little tabs on the side to fasten it to the main plate.


Time to glass it in to make it permanent:

Also since I got the bonnet gapped up, figured it would be a good time to install the rest of the bonnet pins:

The lower bit of the front guards (fibreglass) were out of shape as heck. I cut them off just to loosely mock the panels up, and since the ally stuff is going pretty nicely I figured I'd just add some more adjustment with my own little mechanism and put some slotted holes in the bottom of those guards (better than re-shaping and re-glassing the little brackets into the right position):

Pretending to partially resemble a functioning vehicle.

Edited by Heath, 09 December 2019 - 10:40 PM.
Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:00 PM

It's an Elite 2500 kit with a 'Premium Universal' wiring kit (comes with basic set of relays and fuse box).
It has a built-in MAP sensor, will obviously do a rev limiter, launch control, knock sensor, dual bank O2 sensor input, and some degrees of engine protection. This will be my first foray into the digital world with cars. I won't use a digital cluster or anything, but some of these features will be heaps sick.
I had the foresight to weld some threaded tubes onto the firewall under the dash before painting my floorpan.

A piece of alloy sheetmetal with a fold on each side, a little TIG weld on each corner, and four holes makes a suitable mounting plate for this kind of hardware:

Trying to figure out the placement... but quickly ran into an issue with the wiring coming out in a really inconvenient spot on the tall black fuse box in the background.

Anyway for screwing two things onto a panel it got a bit stupidly complex after that.

Well that's one less thing to do.

Edited by Heath, 09 December 2019 - 11:02 PM.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 09:35 AM
great update, love the ECU mount
Posted 10 December 2019 - 10:50 AM
Well Heath i will admit you come up with some cool idea's but man why did you go with heltech, everytime i think about getting one I'm reminded of the fact that to run all the sensors that i do they need an expanda box to deal with it, while others have more than enough in std form. Even an old vipec v88 has more capabilty than a heltech ecu for sensors.
So you will have to add more weight with an extra ecu for sensors haha
Posted 11 December 2019 - 04:02 PM
I think I'll be using dual wide-band (bloody expensive, should have bought this up-front when it was on sale lol), temp sensor, oil pressure, oil temp, TPS, maybe knock sensor/s. All that stuff will work with standard inputs on an Elite 2000 I am told.
If you are monitoring a lot of shit in a race car, then yeah I believe those expanders come into the equation.
But you've prompted me to start doing some more research on the fuel system, sensors, etc. Shit is about to get really expensive, haha. God damn.
Edited by Heath, 11 December 2019 - 04:10 PM.
Posted 11 December 2019 - 06:25 PM
I don't know what Haltech the above applies to, but there aren't any sensors that I'm expecting to run that will necessitate the expander box thing that you're talking about.
I think I'll be using dual wide-band (bloody expensive, should have bought this up-front when it was on sale lol), temp sensor, oil pressure, oil temp, TPS, maybe knock sensor/s. All that stuff will work with standard inputs on an Elite 2000 I am told.
If you are monitoring a lot of shit in a race car, then yeah I believe those expanders come into the equation.
But you've prompted me to start doing some more research on the fuel system, sensors, etc. Shit is about to get really expensive, haha. God damn.
If I wanted to run one in my LC with the sensors that are factory fitted to the engine plus the extra one for the map sensor I would not of had enough inputs and outputs to run them. So the Heltech got the flick straight away.
You might want to double check you can run that many sensors as from memory they could only take about 4 I think. Way not enough without the expander box.
The Vi-Pec V88 I run has 8 standard inputs for sensors. and outputs.
Posted 11 December 2019 - 09:56 PM
Too much Voodoo magic for me?
Posted 12 December 2019 - 08:28 AM
Haltech Elite 2000 specs:
- Supports 1 to 12 Cylinder engines
- 2 to 4 Rotor engines
- Normally aspirated or forced induction
- Load sensing by Throttle Position (TPS), Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) or Mass Air Flow (MAF)
- Staged, Sequential, semi sequential, batch or multipoint injection patterns
- Distributor ignition systems, multi-coil systems, expand CDI range or Haltech Multiplex CDI systems
- Connect to a wide range of display dashes and expansion devices via CAN.
- Waterproof Case (With Pocket Cover Fitted)
- 8 x Fuel Injection Outputs
- 8 x Ignition Outputs
- 10 x Digital Outputs
- 10 x Analogue Voltage Inputs
- 4 x Synchronised Pulsed Inputs
- 4 x Dedicated inputs (Dual Knock, ignition Switch & onboard MAP Sensor)
- 2 x Dedicated Engine Position Inputs with extensive trigger type support
- Up to 45 channels of Input & Output (I/O) expansion (via CAN)
- USB Laptop communication (Windows)
- ESP Calibration Software - Intuitive and easy to use
Edited by MictheAussie, 12 December 2019 - 08:31 AM.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 08:58 AM
Too much Voodoo magic for me?
I am still struggling to operate my phone. I leave this sort of stuff to the young fellas at the engine builders. Or should I say surgeons, because they bloody charge like 'em.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 10:23 AM
Haltech Elite 2000 specs:
ECU OVERVIEWHaltech's Elite 2000 ECU takes the art of engine calibration to a whole new level. Featuring a robust environmentally sealed waterproof case, intake cam control, short term and long term map learning, dual channel knock control, and much more, the Elite 2000 ECU provides engine calibrators the tools they need to get the job done right. Alongside the Elite 2000 ECU is the Elite Software Programmer (ESP) that brings levels of functionality and user friendliness never seen before in an engine control package. Together they offer true cutting edge technology to tuners and performance enthusiasts worldwide.
- Supports 1 to 12 Cylinder engines
- 2 to 4 Rotor engines
- Normally aspirated or forced induction
- Load sensing by Throttle Position (TPS), Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) or Mass Air Flow (MAF)
- Staged, Sequential, semi sequential, batch or multipoint injection patterns
- Distributor ignition systems, multi-coil systems, expand CDI range or Haltech Multiplex CDI systems
- Connect to a wide range of display dashes and expansion devices via CAN.
- Waterproof Case (With Pocket Cover Fitted)
- 8 x Fuel Injection Outputs
- 8 x Ignition Outputs
- 10 x Digital Outputs
- 10 x Analogue Voltage Inputs
- 4 x Synchronised Pulsed Inputs
- 4 x Dedicated inputs (Dual Knock, ignition Switch & onboard MAP Sensor)
- 2 x Dedicated Engine Position Inputs with extensive trigger type support
- Up to 45 channels of Input & Output (I/O) expansion (via CAN)
- USB Laptop communication (Windows)
- ESP Calibration Software - Intuitive and easy to use
They must have upgraded it as they never use to have that much for inputs and outputs.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 04:21 PM
The next iteration will be interesting with Andy from adaptronic now working with haltech
Posted 12 December 2019 - 07:09 PM
Too much Voodoo magic for me?
Posted 13 December 2019 - 02:27 PM
I went and stopped in at EFI Hardware again today to pick up where we left off back in 2018 (damn that time has flown!).

Mocked up some bits and pieces... finalised on my injector choice which the fuel rail and airbox tray depended on, so now we've each got some "next steps" to work on.
The wheels are turning which is exciting.
Edited by Heath, 13 December 2019 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 13 December 2019 - 03:18 PM
I can't remember if this has been covered, are you going to make full length rails to suit LPG injectors?
if so are you also running filters before tha rails and where are you going to hide/mount them?
One of the things I dislike (I'm sure I'm not alone) with LPG injection is how typically you have those banks of 4 injectors all bunched together and mounted kind of off the manifold, then hoses going to the injector runners - so gay.
Posted 13 December 2019 - 04:07 PM
I haven't figured out the filters, sensors, or mounting of a converter/regulator yet.
The list of fabrication jobs on the car is getting pretty short.
Posted 14 December 2019 - 06:27 PM
Hi Heath and following with interest
Are you going to leave the front spoiler back edge square?
You say it looks "boxy" so would it be worth cutting in the standard angle to give it a more original look
Can still look boxy because of the height but just softens it a bit back to what it is supposed to look like
Just a thought
Posted 15 December 2019 - 05:16 PM
The new iteration looks amazing. PDM, ecu, data logger, wideband controllers etc etc all in one.
Posted 15 December 2019 - 08:07 PM
It's a shame you just bought that haltech.
The new iteration looks amazing. PDM, ecu, data logger, wideband controllers etc etc all in one.
But it probably has a $4000 price tag to match.
Posted 16 December 2019 - 08:50 AM
I don't understand why you would even say that.It's a shame you just bought that haltech.
Posted 16 December 2019 - 09:35 AM
It will have a price tag, but Andy from adaptronic sold to haltech last year and has been heading up their r&D.
It will be a huge shake up in the ecu market.
Posted 18 December 2019 - 08:24 AM
Yes, I understand. But I don't see it being productive to say it's a shame that I bought what I bought, lol. What I have bought will be okay.
I changed the angle on the back of the scoop a little bit, but it's certainly not cut off square... the other photos perhaps were not as clear. But I've drilled holes etc. now so that's all firmed up.
EFI hardware make this little "sensor plenum" option with equal length hoses to get a more accurate signal to the MAP sensor. They said they have hidden them inside the valleys for a neater install recently, but some clearance needs to be made by machining the web in the manifold, and making a box the bottom of the manifold plate. Makes sense to do part of that myself:
Gave the little map sensor plenum a once over:
Made a box to squeeze around the bolt.
And that kinda shows how it'll work.
With clearance like so:
Keen to start making the tray now:
Edited by Heath, 18 December 2019 - 08:29 AM.
Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:00 AM
That fiberglass bonnet is very well made, bonnet to guard shape and gaps are excellent! Can I ask who made it?
Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:49 AM
The bonnet is an Alfa panel that I bought probably about a decade ago.
I've done the gaps manually (it didn't come fitting that well), but I agree that the shape is very good.
Their hatch lid is the complete opposite unfortunately.
Posted 18 December 2019 - 10:54 AM
And you have just answered a question for me that has been keeping me awake at nights.
Thats crap actually. Its pain that does that.
I was wondering about how MAP was measured on multiple throttle bodies, and that was kind of what I was thinking.
But I wondered if combining the vacuum ports would have any issue across the workings of the other ports.
Obviously it doesnt have any detrimental effect.
Love your attention to detail and the quality of the work you are doing.
Big improvements from when you first started posting here.
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