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I'll show you how to fit an A9X style bonnet scoop from start to finish.

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#1 Ruts


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:03 PM

Well it's been a while since I have posted a 'how to' thread and I know I've been a bit slack but shift work will do that to you. I have been receiving a few emails about how to fit a bonnet an A9X bonnet scoop and how to cut a hole in the bonnet as per A9X specs. So I finally bit the bullet and did both today which only took me a couple hours but I took a heap of photo's on how to do it. This thread will be on how to fit the scoop and I'll do another one for cutting the hole. As always I'll tell you now that there are a heap of different ways to do things but this is MY way. I will always accept advice and opinions be them good or bad so this is just to give an idea on how to it. So sit back relax and enjoy.


As I'm building an A9X replica I thought that I would do the bonnet now so what I start with is a standard bonnet.



This is the scoop that I want to fit and I want to replicate how they did it on the A9X.



I've read a lot about people asking which screws to use to hold the scoop on as they did on the A9X. I had an idea which screws were used but I asked a few forum members to confirm which ones and they put me onto these from Rare Spares. They are same screw heads which were used to hold a Torana dash / ash tray bracket.



So the first this I do is position the scoop on the bonnet.



The way that they are set is the rear of the scoop is on the back edge of the bonnet and the  front is positioned in the centre on the bonnet centre line.

Rear edge 







Front of scoop sitting on centre rib. When you buy a scoop they should have a slight raised bit in the centre to line up with the centre line.



To make sure the scoop is sitting in the centre I use a tap measure to check that it is centre by measuring from the edge of the rear corner straight out to the side edge of the bonnet.



Now the scoop I am using here is a second hand one I've used before so it already has holes drilled on it. When I was happy where the scoop sitting I used a texta to mark the holes.






#2 Mort


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:12 PM

Cool, thanks for this 'How To' Ruts I have a blank bonnet I was going to fit up, now I can do it with confidence.

One question, could you measure the holes in the scoop for those of us that have new ones.

#3 Ruts


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:28 PM

When all the holes are marked I take the scoop to check my marks before I drill the holes.







I then drill the holes according to the screw sizes. These are the two types of screws used.







Now when you drill the holes you will find that on nearly all but two screws will go through fairly easy. On the two FRONT CORNERS you only drill through the bonnet skin and NOT through the inner frame. The reason for this is that when you screw the scoop to the bonnet you use screws and nuts on all the holes except the two front corners which are held in place with self tappers. This is because you can't get nuts on the screws because of the bonnet frame. Here are the holes from underneath.









Here I am pointing to the frame which has a hole underneath which will have a self tapper fitted.



The next series of pictures shows which screws go in which holes. I have placed the screws next to their corresponding holes.





This is where the self tapper goes.






#4 Ruts


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:41 PM

Once all the holes are drilled I screw the scoop to the bonnet using all the screws in the Rare Spares kit.

Screws from the top. Now before you all start asking about the damage on the scoop I know all about it and I will be doing a thread in the future on carrying out fibreglass repairs.









Screws from underneath.













Here is the final picture of the scoop screwed to the bonnet. If you are replicating an A9X style you do NOT use flare piping between the scoop and the bonnet.





So there you go. This is a quick thread on how to position a bonnet scoop on the bonnet and which screws are used. Tomorrow will be a new thread on how to measure and cut an A9X style bonnet hole from start to finish. Hope this helps someone.



Edited by Ruts, 05 July 2013 - 09:45 PM.

#5 Ice



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:00 PM

I have seen some bonnet scoops with hex head type bolts they look a little bit better than screws
i can hear them from here ( but not original )

#6 Litre8



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:06 PM

The dome-head unbrako's work well too.

#7 Ruts


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:07 PM

I know what you mean Gene. The problem with using hex head or allen head bolts (if that's what you mean) is that they hold water and can leave rust type stains in the centre. This thread is to show how to fit a scoop as per original A9X style.

#8 Ruts


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:15 PM

Cool, thanks for this 'How To' Ruts I have a blank bonnet I was going to fit up, now I can do it with confidence.

One question, could you measure the holes in the scoop for those of us that have new ones.

Mort, if you have a new scoop with no holes there should be small dimples in the glass to show where the screws go. If your scoop has no marks then let me know and I can measure the hole spacing's for you. The size of the holes coincide with what screws you are going to use. Remember you can use whatever screws you wish bit this thread is trying to replicate the original A9X style.

The dome-head unbrako's work well too.

Very true Howard.

#9 Mort


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:24 PM

Thanks Ruts, my new one was used on Tracie's car and the holes that Tony put in are different to what you have.

He used another bonnet that already had the big hole in it so I am assuming it also had a scoop on previously and Tony has just used those holes to drill the new one.

#10 a9x868


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:39 PM

great job ruts

#11 _uctorry_

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 09:12 AM

great thread ruts


#12 LX 0076

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 02:18 PM

Hi Ruts, my scoop has no dimples for screw location so measurements would be great. Top work and thanks.

#13 sibhs


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:50 PM

Thanks Ruts, great job. <br />Marty

#14 Ruts


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

Hi Ruts, my scoop has no dimples for screw location so measurements would be great. Top work and thanks.

No probs, I'll measure it for you in the next few days.

#15 _ToranaLX76_

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 10:05 PM

Hey Ruts,

My bonnet scoop came with the piping like the flares, looking at many pics it appears that most don't fit the piping. Is this the case or is it tucked out of view



#16 Ruts


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 09:39 PM

G'day Lee, mate if you want it as per original A9X there is NO piping.



#17 _ToranaLX76_

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Posted 13 April 2014 - 01:19 PM

Thanks Ruts,

#18 jass_hatch


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 07:29 PM

Does anyone know the bolt/screw hole measurements for an A9X scoop? Mine is a blank and I will need to drill these holes

Edited by jass_hatch, 27 April 2020 - 07:30 PM.

#19 Hatchback13


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Posted 13 July 2020 - 07:21 AM

Hi, I also have a blank scoop and was wondering the measurements for the hole positions plz. I’m sure it can be worked out from the pics but actually measurements would be awesome. Great tutorial by the way. Cheers.

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