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#1 _mikecatts_

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 08:44 AM


Hi all....

I had this delivered yesterday....


Its a fellow South Aus forum members car.....

He was impressed with My XU-1 rebuild and wants the same gaps.. Paddle pop thickness...


Hes not happy with the gaps, the way both the doors close,they are tight, suspect twited hingers. Fix RH A-pillar.. Its rusted out, both panels.. I will replace the whole pillar...


Fix gaps on ALL panels.. as you can see they suck.....


The LH door hingers will need replacing,, They have been butched to make door close..not too good a job as it doesnt close too well... As long as its not rusty.


Move boot lid forward,, shitty fitting job...


I had an explore on the RH door top area.. and yep,, Full of bog... at least 3-5mmm thick, and I thought my car had bog.... I think this has more, hiding some nasties me thinks.


check out the holes on the RH guard top that was bogged over.... Me thinks quick fix, sell for max bucks.. Pitty to destroy the really nice paint job... But It has to be done to fix.


you all like the "nails" used as hinge pins???. I wonder how many corners have been cut with this car.. I will find them..


Plan is..

1.. set gaps on bonnet to back and front...

2.. Take off guards...

3.. Fix RH a-pillar.. set door gap.... might have to weld rods

4.. Cut off LH hinge and replace with a good one, set gaps... will weld on rods if I have to make up gaps

5.. grind out boot lip area to move up boot lid.

6.. reset guards and gaps...

7.. finnish..


sounds easy doesnt it... But I do know, when I start it will show more defects.. I will have to fix... I cant help myself.


I quoted 2k, plus consumables.... any other nasties will be discussed with customer when revealed... There will be some. Hopong not too much..


keep watching this space as I destroy a beautifull pant job..

I will be carefull and wont touch anything not needed...I/we dont want to create extra work..


He wants it ready for next years Nats in SA.... Last time he came second, due to gaps... this time he will win.. I hope..


Its good to see that the customer has put it on a trolley for me.. Brilliant.. I want ALL cars deliverd this way.. I wont/cant handle working around front and rear ends.. Trolley guys if you want me to do work..




Oh.. You all like the HB sedan I picked up.... I want the floor for my LC GTR.. Its in ver good condition.. and MR GONG... I might have your inner sills...


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#2 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:07 AM

Hi all....

I had a little investigating yesterday with the repairs...


My god, what a mess, typical bloody crash repaires/ back yarders,, Just slap bog on, paint and sell for max bucks.... DODGY< DODGY and bodgy...


I really dont have to comment.. The pics say it all..


I have suggested new guards as these are stuffed... They did a bodgy repair on the A-pillar.. Look how they just cut in half and welded... What about the inner panel guys???? dodgy and bodgy..

This would be a defect, so is the repairer who did this liable????


Its a mess... Lucky Im only doing gaps and RH a-pillar...The car is FULL of hidden nasties.. I dont want to touch the rear end..Who knows whats hidden..

The bonnet doesnt line up with the nose cone. I will have to take off and move, the gaps on the guards are shocking after getting the bonnet right...


Im a bit worried what will happen when I take the guards off.. What is underneath and how long to fix.. I have quoted on this car... I might have to re-quote once more is revealed.. Its a Mess guys..



So, to be a GOOD and Succesfull crash repairer... Just slap together and fill with lots and lots of BOG... and I thought my XU-1 had bog.. this one takes the cake....


The owner paid good coin for this car.. Lucky it wasnt too exspensive.. but still, its all cash..


Guys... why do they do this?


I want and couldnt even if I tried... let alone charge for it..


shoot them all... bastards..


Ide like to see someone say that my repairs are dodgy.. Ill smash them, no way would any of my jobs end like this....


more to come


I tried to do a vid..Utube wont let me download it.. dont know why.. its an AVI of 18meg?????

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#3 sibhs


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:25 AM

Good luck with this one MIke, I know you'll do a top job, just don't get short changed.



#4 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:43 AM

Not this time :)


.... and ta for the kind words.

#5 _Skapinad_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:52 AM

Geez certainly looked good beforehand ! Was the current owner aware when he purchased? Do you know who did these great repairs ?

#6 Potta


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:10 AM

Yeah its not fun working for free Mike.


I can't believe anyone would slap that much bog on, but a quick way to make some cash from a rust bucket I guess.


What's happening with the HB? Getting a new chassis?  :P

#7 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:22 AM

Geez certainly looked good beforehand ! Was the current owner aware when he purchased? Do you know who did these great repairs ?

yep,, they were pretty handy with the bog and paint..did look good, for how long????anyones guess.

I dont know if he knew or not.....I showed him some defects when quoting... Poor guy... anyway..If I have my way.. It will be ok in the end.. just time which = money...he said he aint a rich man..


Yes and no about who did repairs..I wont tell anyway.. Its not my problem. I just have to fix.

#8 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:26 AM

Thats seems the way of the industry... robbers and dodgy.


The HB is for a floor for my LC GTR.. its in very good condition. Some panels are interchangeable....

Holdens put the HB together soooooo much better than the LC etc... hardley any rust for a car that has sat in an open paddock for 30 odd years... What happened after these models? was it the 10 pound Poms?? no pun intended....


It has been coated with that tar stuff from factory by the looks..stopped all the rust .. and lots more seam sealer everyware... better welds too...

Yeah its not fun working for free Mike.


I can't believe anyone would slap that much bog on, but a quick way to make some cash from a rust bucket I guess.


What's happening with the HB? Getting a new chassis?  :P

#9 _oz772_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 01:54 PM

Good on you Mike. It's not good looking at a mess like that. Look forward to seeing it put right!

#10 _mikecatts_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 05:35 PM

Will do Scott...


2 new guards orded... Ian from rares assures me they fit very well and look exactly the same.. the flutes are the same as well...

I havnt fitted repo guards. yet... Ill let u all know what I think..


Im taking off the old guards the best I can with out killing them... might not work but I will try..

Good on you Mike. It's not good looking at a mess like that. Look forward to seeing it put right!

#11 N/A-PWR



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Posted 10 July 2013 - 05:51 PM

A general tap tap here and there helps, but Mike will get to the bottom of this. Dave I

#12 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 07:23 PM

I know it would be hard to swallow for the owner but if this cars a keeper for them, with the previous repairs that have been shown the owner may consider starting again.

#13 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:01 AM

was this car painted in 2 pak or acrylic ???

is the car only tagged with the 2 tags paint and vin ??? no adr tag ?


did the car come from port macquirrie nsw ???


this mabe the ex raced nz imported car that was last raced in oz and ended up in canberra,,, if you can answer these questions i then may be able to shed more light on this car.


cheers gong

#14 _mikecatts_

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:07 AM

I know it would be hard to swallow for the owner but if this cars a keeper for them, with the previous repairs that have been shown the owner may consider starting again.

Im goint to do the front end bits that I quoted... The rear end will need work... Maybee later, we will see... I know the bottom of the guards at the rear a re bog, the rea window lip...dont know yet as Im not taking it out..

There is bog hiding a lot of things...


Im taking off both guards today... I wounder whats been hidden under there :(


Its a keeper, and its his call.


i dont want to get stuck with this car for ages.. I want to continue with my XU-1... I want this out by end of August.



#15 _mikecatts_

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:10 AM

was this car painted in 2 pak or acrylic ???

is the car only tagged with the 2 tags paint and vin ??? no adr tag ?


did the car come from port macquirrie nsw ???


this mabe the ex raced nz imported car that was last raced in oz and ended up in canberra,,, if you can answer these questions i then may be able to shed more light on this car.


cheers gong

Hi John... hows life?


Yep it is that car from Canberra... we have talked about it before..


Its the NZ car that went into a ditch...

#16 bullitA9X


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:47 AM

hey mike have been following your work mate great stuff you are doing with these old girls love ya work....


and gong is there an lc lj torana that you don't know the history about lol you are an absolute guru :buttrock:

Edited by bullitljv8, 11 July 2013 - 07:52 AM.

#17 _mikecatts_

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:38 PM

Hi all...
I managed to get the front guards/nose cone off today... Took ages due to ALL the dodgy welding.. heaps and heaps...


What happened to "plug welding"?????

As suspected the RH A-pillar has been dodgyed up.. They couldnt even be bothered finnishing the welds.. Holes galore.. and rust as well
What a mess... Lucky its comming off...
Both guards have been off at some stage... Do u like the way they just cut the guard off with the inner guard lip as well...
Then they welded on a new lip to the inner guard then the guard... Crappy job. I know now why it was a bugger to get off..
Lots of welds... It was messy...
I wouldnt/couldnt do it like that.. Typical in and out with max profit.. dodgy.


..There is a join line underneath where its been put back.. Im going to have a better look at the RH/LH inner guard and see what they have done..

The inner gurads have been played with/replaced/cut/fixed at some stage, Or the radiator support panel has been replaced.. Maybee the later..
See where they joined the inner guard to the headlight area..
sneaky buggers.. hidding it behind the inner seal that goes there.. and a messy, dodgy job as well.. Full of bog and holes no doubt...


The LH A-pillar has been replaced at some stage as well... Not even sealed with sealer.. In fact there is no seem sealer at any of the joins that
 this guy did.. I went spastic with seam sealer on mine and the LJ, infact I use it heaps on ALL the cars Ive done.

Notice where the rust is .. Under the seams.. dodgy and slack... Thats is why I sandblast and either POR 15 or weldprimer.. depends where and what Im doing. Better than nothing...


See ALL the rust around the sill end? not even welded tight.... No wonder theres rust holes in the inner A-pillar...
A little more care and this car would not be as bad as it is.. Obviously they didnt give a shit.. Dodgy.
Notice how rusty the inner sill is through the end sill hole.... No fish oil/wax... They couldnt even be bothered to S/Blast and rust proof while it was open..

And why not clean and rust proof the inner wet area as well?????? Doesnt make sense to me.. Dodgy tradesman strikes again.


Ohh.. a biggy, me thinks .. I slipped with the grinder and hit the LH window cowl end a little, just knicked it really..
Thought no probs.. Ill fix later..


When guard came off. I had a better look and yep,, bog over holes...
Judging by the inner sill under the window cowl ends, rusty and full of bog.. The inner sills will need replacing.. cant weld rusty shitty metal
Ill ask what he wants to do.. If not fixed.. It will rust, no point painting this.... While guard is off.. Its my recommendation to have a look at the window cowl..
Could be good, probably bad.. Which equals time = money :(  .. HAS TO BE DONE, BOTH SIDES..

So called "tradesman".....


And Im a "backyarder"????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Just had a thought.. I wonder how bad the window openeings are.. ALL the cars Ive done and ALL the cars/wrecks I have, have got some rust there.. I reacon it will have.. bogged up..


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Edited by mikecatts, 11 July 2013 - 08:40 PM.

#18 sibhs


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:50 PM

Thanks for the pics and write-up Mike. Just shows why you must do the job correctly otherwise the cancer keeps growing beneath the surface.<br />Marty

#19 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 08:26 AM

Posted Yesterday, 07:10 AM

LONA-CK, on 11 Jul 2013 - 06:51, said:snapback.png

was this car painted in 2 pak or acrylic ???

is the car only tagged with the 2 tags paint and vin ??? no adr tag ?


did the car come from port macquirrie nsw ???


this mabe the ex raced nz imported car that was last raced in oz and ended up in canberra,,, if you can answer these questions i then may be able to shed more light on this car.


cheers gong

Hi John... hows life?


Yep it is that car from Canberra... we have talked about it before..


Its the NZ car that went into a ditch...


yeh daz i know the car has i was the one whom got it from ebay for 18k going of the word of a seller and the pics he had posted the car had a slight front end smash, but really it had nosed dived into a ditch and buckled the front of the roof.


the car once home here was sat in the corner until i sold it on to a local paint and panel man whoms name i can not say for legal reasons, but some forum members do know him.


to cut a long story short i had this bloke do a couple of jobs for me when i first moved down from brisvages and i had complants from both owners, one car me and gary fixed the other turned into a heated argument, but the offer was there to fix the car.


i must say for those of you who have there doubts about me and the work we [gary and myself] do,,, come look for yourself ,,, no corners cut and no rust unturned ,,, all a1 metal work here.


cheers gong

#20 _mikecatts_

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 09:14 AM

Hi John...

Im not saying anything about you? Your a top bloke in my eyes.


I didnt know u had the car.... That guy should be shot.. Was his other jobs as bad as this?

I tell you what.. hes krafty with the bog.. He should hold lessons... I bet there will be lines waiting.. ALL tradesman  :):)


I know this car was bought from whom ever fixed it for around 50K..... I dont think he knew what he was buying.. He must have got up in all the  hype of "muscle cars"".. anyway.. he sold it ALOT cheaper than he bougfht it for to the curent owner... He must of found out how bad it was.. and sold while "shiney"...


All problems with this car will be fixed.. I wont charge the earth as he is a nice guy and I do feel sorry for him... There is a lot more wrong with this car..

Should I show him?? Or let it be?  The more I think about it the more I should tell him so he knows  whats comming in the future...


I do want to explore around the windows..

John.. have you any pics of what the car was like when u got it? I wont show :)


Taking the RH A-pillar off today.



#21 Potta


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 09:47 AM

You have to tell him mate, its up to him what he does with the info.

#22 lxsstorana


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 11:28 AM

Best to be upfront and honest, so tell the owner what you have discovered.  (he probably knowns that the car has these hidden problems).


The car needs  to be fully stripped and repaired to fix it properly.


I suggest showing the car owner the problems and re-negiotating your quote..

#23 _stapla22_

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:52 PM

Time to get that car blasted and fixed properly. 


I don't think you can just fix one area - where do u stop ? 


Or just do minimum to bandaid and sell the car to someone else - but be honest when u sell it.

Edited by stapla22, 12 July 2013 - 01:56 PM.

#24 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:30 PM

i sold the car to then my ex worker for 22k it cost me 18k and 2k in travel to pick it up, he then sold the car for 35k once finished not 50k someone is talking shit there.


the paint on the car was pretty good for what i remember, at the time i offered to get new guards for the then owner, i do have pics of the car somewhere but my compuror shit its self and i lost alot of stuff


cheers gong

#25 wot179


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:53 PM

Looks like it was a near basket case before it was trowelled up.


I reckon it could soak up 30k in labour at a pro shop without even blinking.


No wonder you flipped it John....what a nightmare.


You are keener than me, Mike...you wanna be careful you don't get burned on this one.

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