Oki doki......put the temporary booth extraction system in and tested it today.....It ended up being a positive pressure system and it works really well.
I decided to stick with my water filter idea instead of mechanical filters because its a lot less pressure to force air through a spray than to force it through slowly blocking up filters..
Heres some pics of what I done.
First of all got an old garbage bin and cut hole all around the bottom with a hole saw....ensuring the total area of the holes is greater than the ducting area used on the inlet side of the booth.
I then went to the local hardware and bought a few garden watering system bits and pieces and made up a spray and fitted it to the lid right in the center.
The spray head......made it long enough to reach about half way down the bin and inserted a 360 deg spray tip on the end.
The exhuast ducting has to placed above the spray head or youll fill your ducting with water.
Center the spray in the lid.......attached a normal hose connector to the inlet.
This is what it looks like connected up
Ok now for the inlet air.
This is what I bought to make up my air supply. I bought some filter foam from Clark Rubber and inserted it on the intake grill....it pretty fine and has minimal air resistance.( no pic of that)
And 5m of 300mm expandable ducting.
This is how I connected it to the booth....I used an end cap off that rather large U shaped corrugated box drain and screwed it into into the upper corner of the booth.
Before I screwed it up I cut a hole on the middle of it and used a typical black plastic garden pot which was about 330mm in diameter.....I cut the bottom off the pot...screwed it to the box drain end cap and it made a perfect attaching point for the ducting because the side of these pots are tapered so I could put the ducting on and slide it up for a nice tight fit.......seal it off with duct tape.
Did the same thing for the exhaust at the bottom opposing diagonal corner. Used the same pot idea in the back of the garbage bin filter as well.
Made up a cowl for the intake to direct the air diagonally across the booth.
There you have it......works well.....it pressurizes the booth just nice and has a nice steady air flow.....I tested it out with a piece of smoldering cardboard and the system cleared the booth of smoke in just over a minute......it may not be as efficient as a pro booth but it will do me for the next few weeks while I smack some paint on RUSTY.
Cheers Al