As posted on ozrodders
Hi folks
Well always a sad post "if" it turns out to be a fellow rodder but then we're smarter than that.
Early hrs of this morning (was seen) a low life broke into my garage and stole a number of stuff for my hot rod.
Haven't done a full stock take yet but would have to be someone linked to cars as no hand or pwr tools or other stuff was even touched which is more marketable for druggies & seasoned thieves.
I do know the following has gone & all brand new:
Chrome Alt
starter motor
dash insert for '32
full set of gauges - cockpit royale
billet dash switches
Hagan tail lights (slot type) -
polished stainless headlights
polished stainless dealight stands
rectangualr HD chrome indicators
stainless demountable Windscreen wiper
and counting