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aydens hatch stolen from byford wa 10am

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#226 Ice



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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:25 AM

I'll bring some for you on our next cruise :lol:Good to hear you got it back, dont suppose you want to disclose a figure for what you bought it back for, even a rough one would suffice?

Dont think thats anybodys business except aydens
glad you got it back

#227 _LHSL308_

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:45 AM

I'll bring some for you on our next cruise :lol:Good to hear you got it back, dont suppose you want to disclose a figure for what you bought it back for, even a rough one would suffice?
Dont think thats anybodys business except aydens

glad you got it back

Only askin Geno completely up to him if he wants to keep it to himself.

#228 Ice



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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:46 AM

True wayne

#229 N/A-PWR



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Posted 30 March 2014 - 01:01 AM

Payout minus buy back = even, I recond

because the left overs is to get the Torana back to Glory

#230 _cruiza_

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 09:09 AM

So will a GPS tracker be on your shopping list in the near future, I don't know why more poeple do not fit them as cheap now adays

#231 StephenSLR


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 09:53 AM

There is still some damage to be fixed and parts replaced but I’m absolutely stoked to have the car back


I'm curious how they stole it, was the upper column shattered?


How'd they get in?



#232 Bernie


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 11:27 AM

So Happy for you Ayden and I am sure your experience with Shannons and their ability to make a decision for the enthusiasts whom insure their pride and joy with them has done some good for Shannons and  all fellow policy holders .Sadly though someone had to go through the exercise for it to be known to be an issue .

May see you on a cruise sometime .


#233 _LXSS350_

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 01:44 PM

Ayden now its all over ....... what was the story with how they new where your car was?

What where they intending to do with it .....  i.e. keep it, rebirth it, sell it for parts?

Where they known to the cops as car thieves?

What penalty did they get and what was removed, sold, taken or damaged?


Knowledge and lessons helps owners in protection of their cars.

#234 GMHAz


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 03:38 PM

G,day Ayden
Stoked to here that you were able to work things out with Shannon's & purchase your car back mate, I hope you can get the Hatch looking
as good as you had it. It is one of the best Hatchy's I've ever seen.


#235 looznugtr


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 07:27 PM

I'v been following this story and it looks like the outcome has worked out well for the owner.

Lucky shannon's sold it back to him and i hope he gets it back to it's former glory and has cash spare to compensate for his pain and suffering.

#236 WA1TNC


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:53 PM

Great news mate on getting it back, I'm so happy/relieved that they agreed to "relax" their policy's.
But I too am wanting to know more details on how it all happend.

Cheers, Nig.

#237 _05-BROCKY-05_

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:51 AM

Awesome news, the car is sexy again. Congrats mate.

#238 _LX77SL_

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 02:53 PM

Hey guys

Um on the buy back price i would prefer to keep that to myself, I was happy with the amount and shannons were happy to recoup some of their money.


Still we are not 100% sure on how they knew the car was where it was may have followed me home or what I think what happened was. Our area was going through a pretty bad crime spell where there was numerous house break ins. I think they have come onto my property to do the house over and broke into the garage through the locked door at the rear of the garage noticed the car and left without touching anything. Told their mates and it got back to certain people with the skills to take an older car. ( yes i know they are easy to steal but not everyone would know)

The car normally sat with one or more rims removed but as i was getting it ready to drive it, they were on. My fault yes i know but you should be able to have a complete car in ur garage without the worry of it being stolen. Anyways go to the gym and came back an hour later to the garage door open and car missing. Neighbours confirmed the time it was started and they had the car started and driven away without half an hour after i had left. They had been watching me, makes me wonder how many times they had been in my garage waiting for the rims to be on.

So they screwdrivered the door lock leaving a nice dent btw to get into the car and the policed showed me a few different ways they may have got into the garage throuh a locked door that really opens your eyes.

Now im not 100% sure on the actual way the car was started as im sure we all know the easiest way with the ignition switch rod but when i got to see the car there was a small jumper harness with the correct spade terminal crimped on correctly with the ignition switch plug removed. Not sure which method was used although if the jumper they knew what to do as once the car is started the wires must be switched around for other items required to keep it running. And obvisously the steering lock was just smashed

The fuel pump switch must have been found after a while, neighbours said they heard it start then stop and then turn over for a while.then powerskid ddown the street.

The blokes we think did the job are known to police and are pretty prolific in car/motorcycle thefts south of the river in perth. They are already inside on other charges and im guessing they will get charged with my car some time soon.

Not sure what their plans were with the car as i dont know how crack heads think. Although they also did the same to a EVO about a month before mine painting it black. The car was found with the complainance plates removed so maybe were planning on stripping.


Being an electronics tech/auto sparky the car has some pretty out there wiring now to stop it happening again and also a few more controls. I guess i was ignorant before as i didnt think it would happen.

#239 _LXSS350_

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 06:53 PM

Thanks as it helps give us a glimpse into what we all face from these oxygen thieves. The main thing is you have it back without major damage. It is far better scenario than what I had decades ago, when police chased my Monaro driven by joyriders, the idiots then lost control and wrapped it around a tree at very high speed.(total write off)


Sounds to me like these guys had you well targeted and under surveillance for quite a while. That's why I watch any strange cars or unknown parked cars. By returning several times they certainly wanted your torana and my guess is it was going to be parted out on flee bay/gumtree etc in time. Its pretty well known by car thieves what good torana parts bring.


Put in some hidden cameras that are triggered by movement and record onto Hard disc drives. The systems are very cheap now days and the right ones work well in the dark. Obviously a few angles inside and outside near the doors/widows tends to capture clear face shots.


One thing these gutless scum-bags hate is attention from very loud ear-piercing alarms and flashing lights. The more barriers you can put in the way the less damage and even less chance of them getting away with anything.


Even if they get away with nothing of value and you have their face on video the police and a court will charge them. It just means they will rethink before they target you again.  Just give you the sh#ts that people can't buy their own stuff instead of stealing what other people have worked hard for.


Thieves are just scum of the earth.

#240 _nowaynicko_

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:16 AM

Probably the best outcome from a shithouse situation.


Thanks fo sharing your story Ayden and I hope your beast is back to its former glory sooner rather than later 

#241 Swarbs


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:21 AM


You know the name of this prick now

May karma come his way at a later date yet to be decided

#242 Rockoz


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

Good to see you got it back.


Think about this idea when setting up security.

Have 2 independent systems.

One obviously visible which may or may be not active.

Another system which is less obvious, maybe hidden which will be active.


Whether you like it or not if they want to steal your car, they will.


But with two systems they may be detected by the hidden system while trying to over ride or bypass the obvious system.


Just hedging your bets so to speak.

#243 _BoltZ_

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Posted 03 April 2014 - 03:16 PM

Been following this story for a while - absolutely overjoyed you got it back Ayden. Hope no-one else has to go through what you did.



Edited by BoltZ, 03 April 2014 - 03:17 PM.

#244 hanra


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 06:58 PM



#245 _LHSL308_

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Posted 20 May 2014 - 07:23 PM

Can you put up the rest of the story about Aydens car please Brad? Cheers bud.

Edited by LHSL308, 20 May 2014 - 07:24 PM.

#246 hanra


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 07:31 PM

I'm in the dunny having a read. I know you's don't like dunny shots so give us half n hour or so.

#247 hanra


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 08:38 PM



#248 N/A-PWR



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Posted 20 May 2014 - 10:56 PM

Dunny's are now called Thrones Brad,

Pretty well looked  After Torana Mag, and the Beautiful Moist come-back. Dave I

#249 GMHAz


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 07:08 AM

Moving on from your toilet talk Dave

Good to see Ayden's Hatch in street machine, hopefully not because of a selling story.

But more in the way of a Bad Ass Torana Hatchback that it is.


#250 76XSS


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 07:34 PM

Who stole it.

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