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aydens hatch stolen from byford wa 10am

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#26 _LS2 Hatch_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 06:00 AM

if the owner calls the police and tells them that it was seen with a dozen or so harley riding chaps....
thats a certainty to get the cops into action.

I would call the "Harley Riding Chaps" and ask them to follow it up. They will get it back, in one piece, and deliver "Justice"

Good luck Ayden, we can only wish you all the best and keep our eyes open.

#27 _LHSL308_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 06:39 AM

I dont think it was for sale?

Yeah I understand that but was just saying that these sort of precautions need to be taken in this day and age.

#28 WA1TNC


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 02:34 PM

I would call the "Harley Riding Chaps" and ask them to follow it up. They will get it back, in one piece, and deliver "Justice"

Good luck Ayden, we can only wish you all the best and keep our eyes open.

#29 WA1TNC


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 02:41 PM

I would call the "Harley Riding Chaps" and ask them to follow it up. They will get it back, in one piece, and deliver "Justice"

Yeah but you'll then owe those "Harley Riding Chaps" a favour..... & you don't want to be owing them a favour because they'll own you.... Don't you watch Sons Of Anarchy?!?!?

But seriously, I hope you do get it back mate, as I'd be devastated if it happened to me.

Cheers, Nig.

#30 _LHSL308_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 05:20 PM

Yeah but you'll then owe those "Harley Riding Chaps" a favour..... & you don't want to be owing them a favour because they'll own you.... Don't you watch Sons Of Anarchy?!?!?

But seriously, I hope you do get it back mate, as I'd be devastated if it happened to me.

Cheers, Nig.


#31 DMLC71


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:23 PM

Gonad Gobbler
Bad news, but sounds like it might end well....
Highlights the need for gps trackers...
lets make how own then,,, you have the brain
we could recruit people from each state as the go get it back,, and make heaps of cash in between.
so for the thread steel,,, a say lets stone the prick

My mate has a GTS 427 monaro coup and he was car jacked near Crown Casino . His car was found 6.5 mms away empty and dead as a door nail. He contacted his GPS tracking and the car died on a back street near Chapel st. All good no damage!

#32 _lxss5000_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 07:48 PM

made it onto the Face Book Page here in Whyalla so it sounds like the word is well and truly out there hope they nabb the pricks the would want to make sure the cops got them first if it was my car.


Yes GPS Tracking system will be installed in my car when its done with battery back up.

#33 bullitA9X


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 09:11 PM

frOcking low life Cunning Stunts cut there frOcking hands off if they are caught very sorry to hear this has happened hope you get it back mate...

#34 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 09:57 PM

GPS tracking can be defeated with a cheap jammer < $200. There is not much you can do if someone is serious about taking your car.


Hopefully Ayden will get his car back.

#35 Clearshield


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Posted 13 November 2013 - 10:03 PM

Okay guys,
Especially those of us who are in Perth.
Post the following on your FB pages and ask all your friends to share. Before you know it everyone in Perth will be on the lookout for Aydens car.

Okay everyone.....keep your eyes open for this car that was stolen from Byford in Perth 2 days ago. The low life's are driving around the Perth suburbs and it has been seen from South of the river all the way up to Ocean Reef.
Call the Police straight away if you see it.
( insert pic here )

Feel free to share.


Feel free to Message me your mobile number Ayden, if anybody I know sees it I will get straight on the blower mate.

#36 _datpsi_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 10:24 PM

Shoot the pricks...

#37 _Viper_

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Posted 13 November 2013 - 11:23 PM

Any news Ayden?

#38 _LXSS350_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 01:04 AM

Boy I had hoped to hear that this car was back home. So its not pleasing to know that its still in the hands of the thieving low life pricks.


One of the big things with car theft is to try to make it hard for them being able to drive (or tow it away) So the more difficult and biggest variety of methods you use the better. From GPS trackers to remote phone shutdown for fuel shutoff, engine power shut-off's etc


But try stealing one and driving far with all 4 brakes locked on.



#39 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:16 AM

by the sounds of it this car is not coming back, the 3 main things i am looking at


1 stolen in daylight hours,,, answer young kids 15-16 years old


2 driving around like they could not give a sxxt,,, ^^^^^


3 if not got by now car will be burnt-out


i hope very much that it just runs out of fuel and is found safe and well

fingers crossed mate.


cheers gong

#40 _imj411_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:07 AM

I doubt it was stolen for just a joy ride? Mabey offer $5000 for its safe return on the local facebook buy swap sell site. If it was stolen by some kids for a joy ride you can bet that people like that dont just steal cars, but also do plenty of other stupid things. There crack smoking associates will Dob them in for $5000, it would by a lot of ice or mabey someone they know has a conscience that needs a little persuasion, cheers Aaron.

Edited by imj411, 14 November 2013 - 08:08 AM.

#41 dattoman


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 08:43 AM

When this was stolen we did that

Offered $5k reward and got a call 3 weeks after the car was stolen

Car was spotted and they called us and we were there in about 20 minutes

Car undamaged and complete


They actually refused the reward

So got a night at the Burswood and a nice dinner if I recall.





#42 355LX


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 11:58 AM

I loved that car, really wish I'd been in a position to buy it at the time....

#43 Statler


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 12:44 PM

I've said this before, but if your car is stolen, you need to make 3 phone calls.


#1: Call the local taxi company & offer (at least) $500 reward. Even offer a passing taxi driver $20 to put the call out. 


#2: Call the police. I don't know the laws in each state but sometimes they wont even bother looking until they have a complaint in writing. 


#3: Call your insurance company. In some areas the insurance co' seem to get the police on board quicker. *tongue in cheek* I don't know why. :) 


Then start hammering social media with a pic. As above ^^^ the buy/swap/sell groups usually have a lot of members. 

#44 StephenSLR


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 01:47 PM

if not got by now car will be burnt-out


Burnt out cars are usually insurance jobs or burnt out to destroy evidence in the case of a robbery.


I knew car thieves when I was in high school and they wouldn't burn out cars after a joy ride, they'd even go back to them later if the car was still where they dumped it.



#45 _LS2 Hatch_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 03:06 PM

Well social media is working to get the word out anyway. I had two people at separate times of the day tell me about this. They got it from Facebook. Not much we can do from Vic though. Just keep an eye out I guess. Never know your luck.
Once again good luck

#46 _LXSS350_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 03:52 PM

Holy Cr#p you guys are making me depressed with all the burn out talk and its not my car. A reward certainly gets peoples attention and anyone who spots them should be on the phone so the pri#ks can get a free room at the knackery and become bubba best play thing where all thieving scumbags belong.

#47 _LX77SL_

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:36 PM

Hey guys I have spoken to a couple of people including the detective dealing with this in regards to the reward. They are worried as how viral the image went on Facebook that it would lead to more false leads when people think they have seen it or seen an orange old car. The way the car was reported to being treated as soon as it was stolen I don't hold much hope of getting an undamaged car back but I will take it in any condition and bring it back to the standard it was. They may have my car but they can't take my memories or the friendships that car has started.
Thanks for the support guys, I ask if you are on Facebook and see the photo could you please share it the longer it stays in people's mind the more chance it will be found.
Thanks again guys

#48 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:42 PM

It may be worth putting an ad on gumtree and ebay.

#49 _LXSS350_

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Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:06 AM

The way the car was reported to being treated as soon as it was stolen I don't hold much hope of getting an undamaged car back


I hope you are wrong as it looks like you pumped a lot of time and money into getting it how you like. As a old hotrod builder this sort of thing really works me up the wrong way because I know the amount of hard work and money that go's into a nice build.


I just don't understand how society allows such light penalties for thieving other peoples hard work and property. As a kid if I ever stole even a half a penny the old man would make sure I couldn't sit down for a week and I soon learnt never to take anything that didn't belong to me.


I agree with LS2lxhatch get it on as many sites as you can because the more eyes the better as a torrie is not a common site.


Put it on http://www.aussiev8.com.au/forum.php and http://www.ls1.com.au/forum/forum.php

#50 StephenSLR


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Posted 15 November 2013 - 07:10 AM

I ask if you are on Facebook and see the photo could you please share it the longer it stays in people's mind the more chance it will be found.


I've shared this on the Mustang and US Muscle forums.


Where is the facebook post?  I've been to your page (you're in the navy?) but it must be a private post, I cannot see it.



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