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aydens hatch stolen from byford wa 10am

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#126 bullitA9X


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 02:50 PM

great news mate I just hope when you go look at it you want it back.....

#127 _outer control_

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Posted 25 February 2014 - 05:20 PM

Poor culprits did,nt know that it was wrong after all they never had any toys to play with in there pram so naughty naughty don,nt do it again (or get caught) There is only way to cure them but you are not allowed to cut off body parts in this country.

Edited by outer control, 25 February 2014 - 05:23 PM.

#128 xu2308


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 06:22 PM

So glad its been found, the new motoring party should pressure the government in bringing in, go straight to jail for stealing cars, as all these muscle cars getting stolen.

#129 GMHAz


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 08:34 PM

It is good hear that your Hatch has been found Ayden, I hope the shitbag & there's always more than 1 of these pricks involved do some hard time in the big house.


#130 Indy Orange

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Posted 25 February 2014 - 09:47 PM

Great to hear you got your car back,its a shame you have to lock these cars away now and you shouldn't have to be worried about getting it nicked,these people are low life knuckle draggers,maybe they don't realise all the hard work people put into these cars, not to mention money time and passion,get off too lightly in my opinion and no good to society.

#131 _LXSS350_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 12:36 AM

So pleasing they have been caught red handed , so no chance of them getting off a jail sentence. Good stuff.


That this was not part of the many drug busts they had last week, (or stumbled across) must have meant neighbours where paying close attention to what these scumbags where doing.


In all honesty I have been around a long time and I know the police don't chase stolen stuff for very long, so after a small window unless it falls from the sky into their laps or they stumble across it (on other matters) then that's pretty much where it will remain.  I have been to the big storage units where they have dubious goods from raids etc and its mind blowing what they have and most of it I didn't see because I was not allowed to leave the officiers side as they escorted me to identified some big machinery (stolen gear).


Anyhow sound like these pr#cks had planned to either sell it off as parts or change its id in a rebirth.


The key here is to teach every torrie owner what has happened and why. Owners need knowledge to understand how to better protect themselves. Believe me if your a crook your a crook and nothing written here is not common knowledge. Hell if someone wants to steal any car they can always find a way to do it .... no matter what any car owner may try to do.


I still think if someone (uninvited) is inside your property you should have every right to be able to shoot them dead. No one should be able to break into your house without you having the right to shoot them before they get a chance to do bad.


Makes me laugh that anyone can defend a criminals right to break into your house without you having the right to smash them. The bloody rights of criminals seems to be worth more than the rights of a person trying to defend their property.

#132 WA1TNC


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 06:36 AM

Makes me laugh that anyone can defend a criminals right to break into your house without you having the right to smash them. The bloody rights of criminals seems to be worth more than the rights of a person trying to defend their property.

There's a movie about that with Stephen dorff & Val Kilmer that's called "Felon". Cracking movie.
Watch that as the first 10mins shows just that. A criminal breaks in, the owner grabs a bat to protect his wife & chases the bloke out his house & gives him one on the back of the head on the front lawn as he's running away & gets done for hitting the bloke & goes to jail.
If he was a real American he would of pulled out a bazooka & blown the crim away & suddenly the whole neighborhood would of erupted into a massive street party with people dancing on cars & bad 80's music everywhere.
Cheers, Nig.

Edited by WA1TNC, 26 February 2014 - 06:43 AM.

#133 Mort


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 07:33 AM

Good to hear your car has been found Ayden, but bad it's been messed with.


I hope you were insured to the max and have recovery rights to it, i also hope that once you have seen it (assuming you haven't yet) that you still want it back and it isn't too bad to fix or rebuild.


Nosey i know, but i too would be interested in seeing what it looks like and how bad they messed with it so we can feel your heartache that the /these scumbag/s have caused you.

#134 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:25 AM

I still think if someone (uninvited) is inside your property you should have every right to be able to shoot them dead. 


Just place a toy pistol in the dead man's hand.


Self defence your honour!



#135 _Baronvonrort_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:54 AM

I still think if someone (uninvited) is inside your property you should have every right to be able to shoot them dead. No one should be able to break into your house without you having the right to shoot them before they get a chance to do bad.


Makes me laugh that anyone can defend a criminals right to break into your house without you having the right to smash them. The bloody rights of criminals seems to be worth more than the rights of a person trying to defend their property.


Self defence is not a valid reason to own a firearm in Australia, the laws changed in 1996 which resulted in collective punishment for law abiding firearm owners because of a madman with documented mental health issues.


The Greens want to outlaw firearms, the Greens opposing hunting in National parks results in a policy that makes feral pests a protected species in our national parks.

It is against the law to shoot native animals, aborigines are the only people who can hunt native animals.


If we look at the drive by shooting statistics in Sydney how many did we have before 1996 when the gun laws changed and why are they almost a daily occurence today, our gun laws are a joke they do nothing to deter criminal use of firearms and only make the law abiding firearm owners jump through more hoops, the leftists tell us we should not judge all muslims by the actions of the suicide bombing acid throwing devout muslims yet they judge all law abiding firearm owners by the actions of criminals who are unlicensed using unregistered guns.


A swiss army knife is a prohibited weapon, you can tell the swiss have never fought any wars by looking at their army knife, the poor blokes probably wonder if they should stab someone with the nail file or should i use the scissors or perhaps the bottle opener.




Sorry for the thread hijack perhaps i should start a thread on this.


I am very happy he got his car back, well done to the boys and girls in Blue

#136 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:39 AM

Self defence is not a valid reason to own a firearm in Australia


Nor any weapon.


The rules on self defence are very strict.  The threat has to be immediate and imminent.  For instance, you can't hit a person once they stop attacking you, no matter how badly you're injured. You can only defend if they're in the process of attacking you.  The defence also has to match the threat, you can't defend yourself with a weapon if the person is unarmed unless the only way to stop injury is with a weapon, i.e. the person is much bigger, there is more than one of them, etc.


Each case will be judged on its own merit and judges don't give away self defence pardons easily, you have to convince them without a doubt it was a true act of defence.



#137 _injlc304_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 12:15 PM

great news mate.  looking forward to seeing how it looks now but devastated the pricks have ruined it on you

#138 _imj411_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:39 PM

Mate every gun owner I know is irresponsible. I know about a dozen or more blokes with gun licenses, I am not sayings they would shoot a human on purpose but they will shoot anything that moves, illegal or not including native animals, deer near people's homes or other people's pets and their own when being a pain in the ass. They all know that I think they are soft cocks as I tell them regulary but most of them would shit them self if someone was shooting back week pricks, cheers Aaron.

#139 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 01:46 PM

Mate every gun owner I know is irresponsible.


I know I'd get bored with a gun, sooner or later I'd start shooting road signs, church bells, objects at great distances, you name it.



#140 DanWA


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:06 PM

So sad :( I'll let Ayden jump on and fill in the rest



Edited by DanWA, 26 February 2014 - 03:06 PM.

#141 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:17 PM

Honestly. Speechless.



#142 _LXSS350_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:36 PM

The situation in Sydney is criminal and drug related it has nothing to do with legal gun owners like myself.

Criminals doing criminal things will always get illegal guns even if Australia put a total ban on any gun being legally allowed in this country.


People kill people and that will never stop.


Its just like the idiots in modified cars doing dangerous street donuts, or just being total wan#ers and hoons ...... but that has nothing to do with what I do in my modified Torana's.


Christ all bloody mighty it is sickening with all the goody two shoes who somehow think we should all be virgins and can't make common sense decisions. Parties like the Greens need to get out of dreamland and join the real world with their rubbish ideology.


The world is far from a text book and it never will be.


Like every country we sure have our fill of idiots in Australia ....... but not everyone is an idiot no matter if they own a modified car, a gun, wear tattoos or worship a certain god.

#143 _LXSS350_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:52 PM

So sad :( I'll let Ayden jump on and fill in the rest





What can you say. They obviously where not joy riders.

#144 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:54 PM

The situation in Sydney is criminal and drug related it has nothing to do with legal gun owners like myself.


The gun ban after Port Arthur targeted assault rifles, not pistols.  Since the ban there hasn't been one mass shooting and we're forgetting how many there were prior to Port Arthur, the Strathfield Plaza massacre hit a little too close to home for me.




#145 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:58 PM

What can you say. They obviously where not joy riders.


Nor paint and panel people either  :wtf:

#146 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:59 PM

So sad :( I'll let Ayden jump on and fill in the rest


That is still very salvageable.



#147 _Lazarus_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:11 PM

Self defence is not a valid reason to own a firearm in Australia, the laws changed in 1996 which resulted in collective punishment for law abiding firearm owners because of a madman with documented mental health issues .


A left-handed madman who -  "scored twenty head shots, from the right hip, in 90 seconds! There are only about 20 shooters that good (better than Olympians) in the Western World. They are the SPOOKS who work for various governments. The killer stopped shooting after firing 29 shots (of the 30 in a magazine). This leaves a live round in the breech while changing magazines. To count while firing at a rate of 48 rounds per minute is a technique that requires tens of thousands of shots to perfect. It is a military skill-at-arms far beyond a mentally retarded youth who fired at a few tins and bits of cardboard in the bush."


from -- http://southeastasia...iracy_fact.html


This is a better article on the subject -- http://www.hiddenmys...y/parthur1.html


As in most so called 'Conspiracy Theories' there is far more evidence to support the alternative scenarios than the 'official stories'. 


Sorry for the hijack but let's get the facts straight. This is important. Note ASlO were called in. It was an attack by a foreign power, a foreign power who has since taken control of both sides of our government, and basically our society. Open your eyes, the evidence is everywhere you look.


The MSM is no more than an omnipresent psychological tool for brainwashing sheep, constantly drumming complete untruths into their woolly heads.




Anyway, I'm very glad to hear they found your car Ayden.



Carry on...





#148 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:22 PM

"scored twenty head shots, from the right hip, in 90 seconds! There are only about 20 shooters that good (better than Olympians) in the Western World.


Maybe not in 90 seconds but the Columbine killer scored lots of head shots.  I recall an officer on the case said not even his best shooters were so accurate.


The killer trained on video games which required head shots to gain high scores and I heard that since learning of the killer's skill, video games have now been incorporated into police gun training to better their shooting.



#149 _injlc304_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:27 PM

maybe every gun owner down south are cocks but its a way of life up here in the NT.  Hunting is a massive part time.  Dont put us all in the same basket.

#150 _bpi_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:43 PM

How about we stay on the subject here, Aydens hatch. If you want to talk gun's and stuff start another thread. Glad to hear its comming back Ayden, certainly looks like it is salvagable. I would be absolutely shattered if i was in the situation you have been for the last few months! Hope the bastard gets a good sentence.

Cheers Ben

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