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aydens hatch stolen from byford wa 10am

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#151 _LXSS350_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:53 PM

The sentence will be interesting especially how much time is served or minimum set.

#152 _arkwolf_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:54 PM

Nor any weapon.


The rules on self defence are very strict.  The threat has to be immediate and imminent.  For instance, you can't hit a person once they stop attacking you, no matter how badly you're injured. You can only defend if they're in the process of attacking you.  The defence also has to match the threat, you can't defend yourself with a weapon if the person is unarmed unless the only way to stop injury is with a weapon, i.e. the person is much bigger, there is more than one of them, etc.


Each case will be judged on its own merit and judges don't give away self defence pardons easily, you have to convince them without a doubt it was a true act of defence.




They recently changed to the laws about self defense if I am correct or at least in WA. I believe you are allowed to use more force in self defense if its justified. For example if a guy breaks into your house wielding a knife and is threatening you can use a firearm. However if a person breaks into your house unarmed and you confront him, You are not allowed to use a firearm as its considered excessive force. 

However I could be wrong this is just what I read in a court case a year or two ago. 

Regardless I hate the fact that as a victim you have less rights then a criminal. 

Also I am happy that ayden got his torana back, Shame they ruined the paint job :/.

Here is a link to the picture on SBBC


Edited by arkwolf, 26 February 2014 - 04:56 PM.

#153 _Baronvonrort_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:04 PM

The gun ban after Port Arthur targeted assault rifles, not pistols.


All semi auto rifles were banned after Port Arthur, a Ruger 10/22 is not an assault rifle it is classed as a category C weapon which means only primary producers can have them after they have demonstrated a special need for one and have a property larger than 40 acres, you cannot take a category C weapon to a firing range.


Does this look like an assault rifle, these were banned in 1996

Click on images after clicking on link-

https://www.google.c...ink ruger 10/22


Pistols were designed for killing people,rifles are the best tool for feral pest control,trapping and poisoning does not discriminate in which species they kill.


Would you prefer a bolt action or semi auto when dealing with these problems?



I dont think the rules should be eased for shooters licenses,i think the law abiding firearm owners should be allowed better choice of tools for feral pest eradication.


As the authorities say, give the criminal what he wants so he does not hurt you,we have gone full circle with criminals having more rights than law abiding citizens.

#154 _green taxi_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:04 PM

why cant we have  name ages address and photos of the affender or affeders. i hope the rest of the car is ok best of luck ayden.

#155 StephenSLR


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:10 PM

Regardless I hate the fact that as a victim you have less rights then a criminal. 


That's not true, you have as much rights as a criminal.  You hate the fact that a criminal has rights ... and I totally agree with you.



Edited by StephenSLR, 26 February 2014 - 05:11 PM.

#156 _LHSL308_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:32 PM

So sad :( I'll let Ayden jump on and fill in the rest



Not sure whether this is where the car was found but I find the picture interesting if it is. I can see a lot of car parts in the background so am I to assume that this house has been up to no good for quite a while? Hopefully Ayden can shed a bit more light on the situation without naming names at this stage.

Edited by LHSL308, 26 February 2014 - 05:37 PM.

#157 GMHAz


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:57 PM

So sad :( I'll let Ayden jump on and fill in the rest

+ 1 Ben start another thread for that topic

The Hatch doesn't look to bad though it doesn't look good Ayden, a little bit of work you can get your Torrie lookin sweet again mate


#158 _Pro308olh_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:59 PM

f*ck the f%cking guns. You guys need to look at whats going on here. Im glad they found your car mate. I know it will take a bit to get it back to the way you want it. But its better than a burnt out car which is what most of them turn up to be. Chin up mate

Edited by Pro308olh, 26 February 2014 - 06:00 PM.

#159 _Dustings_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 06:31 PM

That's so sh*t!
Still glad you've got it back

#160 _LXSS350_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 07:35 PM

why cant we have  name ages address and photos of the affender or affeders. i hope the rest of the car is ok best of luck ayden.



There is no law against naming them as the names are printed in the West and the court transcripts are on the wa law courts web site. Minors are different however.


Not sure about putting pictures up of them although they do on the news unless the courts say they can't.

Edited by LXSS350, 26 February 2014 - 07:36 PM.

#161 _Blackxu1_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:18 PM

Mate I'm so happy for you strip the old girl back rub it with fine paper and buff that old girl up

#162 dattoman


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:18 PM

Nor any weapon.


The rules on self defence are very strict.  The threat has to be immediate and imminent.  For instance, you can't hit a person once they stop attacking you, no matter how badly you're injured. You can only defend if they're in the process of attacking you.  The defence also has to match the threat, you can't defend yourself with a weapon if the person is unarmed unless the only way to stop injury is with a weapon, i.e. the person is much bigger, there is more than one of them, etc.


Each case will be judged on its own merit and judges don't give away self defence pardons easily, you have to convince them without a doubt it was a true act of defence.




They need to find the body first :)



Glad its been found Aiden

Hopefully you can sort out with your insurance who keeps it now and decide if its something you actually want to rebuild even if it seems easy enough to do

I know people who don't want too even after getting the car back... the love has gone and you can't even look at it without feeling violated


Keep us informed.

#163 _arkwolf_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 09:57 PM

I feel like I should update you guys, From what I have read he hasn't actually got the car back. Since he was paid out from insurance the car belongs to shannons now. On top of that the car was insured for less then its actual value. Shannons use to have a policy called the salvage policy which meant if the car was recovered you could give them back the money and claim your car, However shannons has over time secretly removed it. Which means shannons is going to fix the paint and sell it for MUCH more then what ayden got.

This is frOcking wrong! If you are with shannons I would give them a call and tell them you want salvage rights back in your contract otherwise you will be leaving them. I myself have over 5 cars with them and if they auction aydens car I will be closing my shannons account immediately. If we voice our opinions and mention aydens name they will change there ways.

Happy and I from SBBC are going to organize a petition or something tomorrow.

#164 Mort


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:18 PM

No offence Peter but is what you have read first hand info, i mean if we are to petition Shannons we need to have the whole complete correct facts beforehand.


I have 3 cars with them so i will be ringing tomorrow to find out if i still have salvage rights (which is one of the reasons i am with them ) on my policy.


It would be nice to hear from Ayden about the outcome of the car so we have it straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

#165 xu2308


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:19 PM

 Sad a shannons member has to go through the process to find that out

Edited by xu2308, 26 February 2014 - 10:25 PM.

#166 _LS2 Hatch_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:42 PM

He posted in General Discussion. Looks like he has to go to auction to get it back. No talk of them fixing it first though. Hopefully who ever is bidding against him doesn't know it's true value.

#167 Mort


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:45 PM

Peter disregard my last post, i have just seen and read Aydens thread in General Discussion.


I will still be ringing tomorrow to check o  my policy.

#168 71xu1



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Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:00 PM

Strange my wifes car was insured with Shannon's insurance until it was written off last week not our fault as a truck changed lanes into us. Shannon's were great and wanted to settle asap. I asked them if it were possible to buy the wreck as we do not have salvage rights on this particular car Toyota Camry. They said no problems and sent pics to Manheims auctions as to what they thought they would get for the car. They got back to me, the price seemed reasonable and they are in the process of paying the difference. No complaints from me great service

#169 71xu1



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Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:09 PM

Just read the other topics obviously our car was a completely different circumstance as we had not been paid out.

#170 _arkwolf_

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:37 PM

All good Mort, From what I have been told when Shannons was bought our they were sneaking in new agreement that removed the salvage condition and people where signing it with out noticing it was missing. I really hope for everyone's sake we can create enough uproar to get it reinstated if it has been removed from your contract.

Just FYI Mort, people have been chasing this info up all today and shannons has been dicking people around trying to avoid saying it directly.

#171 Mort


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:40 PM

Thanks for the heads up Peter, hopefully they are getting sick of all the people ring up to check the status of their policy.

#172 Potta


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 12:21 AM

I got insurance with Shannons about a month ago and have salvage rights.


The guy on the phone told me anything over 25 years old has salvage rights automatically.


I'll go read Ayden's post now.

#173 StephenSLR


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 07:50 AM

They recently changed to the laws about self defence if I am correct or at least in WA. I believe you are allowed to use more force in self defence if it's justified. For example if a guy breaks into your house wielding a knife and is threatening you can use a firearm. However if a person breaks into your house unarmed and you confront him, You are not allowed to use a firearm as its considered excessive force. 


You're correct, you're allowed to use 'reasonable' force to save yourself or others. A weapon can be considered 'reasonable' if you're up against more than one attacker.  Also if there's more than one person approaching in a menacing manner and one of them steps within your personal space, your'e allowed to strike first as the threat is 'immediate and imminent'. 


Best advice is to not stick around afterwards, you don't won't to go to court over it as they don't consider violence lightly, even if you're in the right.



Edited by StephenSLR, 27 February 2014 - 07:50 AM.

#174 StephenSLR


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 11:28 AM

So pleasing they have been caught red handed , so no chance of them getting off a jail sentence. 


Car theft unfortunately doesn't result in a gaol sentence unless the thieves have been caught many times after being given many warnings.



#175 _LXSS350_

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Posted 27 February 2014 - 12:56 PM

Car theft unfortunately doesn't result in a gaol sentence unless the thieves have been caught many times after being given many warnings.



Two kids one was 18, one was 16 both got jail (under-age got boys home) when they stole my Monaro back in the late 80's.

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