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Holden Pull Out

ABC report

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#1 eyepeeler


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:06 PM

The ABC reports Holden pull out all but done.

#2 _TJ355_

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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:15 PM

Not good

#3 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:19 PM

Bring back John De Lorean!!!

#4 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:44 AM

Sad times..

#5 Dr Terry

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 06:57 AM

Typical ABC reporting, all speculation based on rumour. They love dome & gloom, especially when it helps destroys a commercial entity. Remember the ABC is just another Govt. 'Iron Lung' where nobody has to produce anything or be accountable to anyone. It was the ABC which caused the premature demise of the Australian Mitsubishi factory.


Both the Govt. & Holden have said that no decision has been made. Stories like this in the media can only hasten the wrong decision being made.


Dr Terry

#6 Rockoz


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:35 AM

Bloody ABC. Just take the spying scandal.

Was a Gillard/Rudd issue.

They had the info and sat on it while labor were in power. Released the info so it would hurt LNP not their leftist mates.

Most journalists suck anyway, never letting truth get in the way of sensationalism.

ABC are the worst of the lot and we pay them way too much for the crap they produce.

#7 eyepeeler


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:38 AM

Typical ABC reporting, all speculation based on rumour. They love dome & gloom, especially when it helps destroys a commercial entity. Remember the ABC is just another Govt. 'Iron Lung' where nobody has to produce anything or be accountable to anyone. It was the ABC which caused the premature demise of the Australian Mitsubishi factory.
Both the Govt. & Holden have said that no decision has been made. Stories like this in the media can only hasten the wrong decision being made.
Dr Terry

Do you think the brass from Detroit even know ABC news or care what they write about?? GM will be about the bottom line, and news reports wouldn't sway a decision.

#8 _oz772_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:30 AM

Do you think the brass from Detroit even know ABC news or care what they write about?? GM will be about the bottom line, and news reports wouldn't sway a decision.

Unfortunately, these reports sway the decision of purchasers, and that does have ramifications for the company. I am already aware of a couple of people who have pulled back from buying a VF on the basis that the cars won't be made here in a couple of years. It may sound irrational, but the fact is these reports do have that effect. 

#9 Dr Terry

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 11:00 AM

Exactly, news reports won't change anything in Detroit directly, but will change buyers attitudes in Australia & can also affect the decisions made by the various politicians involved, which will change the bottom-line, which will then affect the decision made in Detroit.


Dr Terry

#10 eyepeeler


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 12:01 PM

Fair point, I wouldn't have thought that it would influence sales to such a degree. Maybe it does, would have to agree oz772 that it does sound irrational.

It just seems as though it is destined to happen no matter what any news outlet may report.

#11 Ice



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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:02 PM

Its time this country woke up we waste so much money on foreign aid and keeping all the illegals in detention centres and god knows what else they waste money on
but we cant help a car industry in Australia that needs assistance
50000 jobs to go do we want these people to all go on the dole i know they all wont but cmon
wake up Australia and grow some balls
end of rant

#12 S pack

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 01:18 PM

I'll venture to say that GM will have already decided on the alternative courses of action they will take. If they get the Federal Govt assistance they require then Holden will stay (for a a few more years at least), if they don't then Holden will go.

Edited by S pack, 06 December 2013 - 01:19 PM.

#13 _LXSS350_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:11 PM

IMO its a commercial business and as such taxpayers can't be holding up its inevitable collape if the business itself is not financially viable.


Taxpayers shouldn't be expected to FUND a business model that is no longer working.


Obviously I am a lifelong Holden supporter and would hate to see it GONE but in reality if they can't have a viable business plan that WORKS then its a pointless waste of Taxpayers money that would be better spent on schools, hospitals etc. Remember we have been funding them.


Lets face it people the butt ugly fat dunnydore is not what the majority of buyers in 2013 want or else Holden would be viable and be doing fine.


We shouldn't loose sight of the fact that taxpayers and the Government should not be pumping their funds into a money pit because why should we fund a failure of a business model? We would be crazy to have the Federal Government investing our hard earn't money into a dying car manufacturing business.


Now if they can prove they will manufacture cars that people will buy and turn them profitable in a reasonable period ........... then sure save Holden and pump some money in. But in reality they needed to dump the dunnydore 10yrs ago and move towards the future of cars that the public find compelling to buy. The days of the big Australian car have long gone so Holden just dishing up evolution rather than revolution was just speeding the death call.


Hell if the Goverment propped up every failing business we would still see Ansett, Bond Corp, Quintex sending us broke.


Holden has to radically change its business or why would you suddenly think anything is going to change. unfortunately and with great sadness I think they left it too late and now realise they went in the wrong direction.

Edited by LXSS350, 06 December 2013 - 02:21 PM.

#14 Dr Terry

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:17 PM

I'll venture to say that GM will have already decided on the alternative courses of action they will take. If they get the Federal Govt assistance they require then Holden will stay (for a a few more years at least), if they don't then Holden will go.

Correct, & Toyota will follow them out the door.


Every country in the world subsidises their car industry to some extent, we are at the lower end, dollarwise. The figures that I've seen say that every Australian current 'gives' $19 to support our car industry, while in France, Germany & the USA they support it to the tune of $100s per person. So we not talking huge $$$ in the great scheme of things.


Add to that the fact that our dollar is artificially high, then our exports are also doomed. This combined with our high wages is why we cannot compete, no matter how good our cars are.


If they can get a long term plan organised then maybe the industry will have a future.


Dr Terry

#15 Dr Terry

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:27 PM

Lets face it people the butt ugly fat dunnydore is not what the majority of buyers in 2013 want or else Holden would be viable and be doing fine.

Currently the Commodore is the no. 2 selling car & would be no.1 if they included the ute in the same sales figures. So to say that people don't want to buy it is incorrect.


See my comments above regarding why it's not currently viable.


The auto industry in Australia is too valuable to lose, it supports too many allied trades.


Dr Terry

#16 hanra


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:38 PM

I liked the days when we didnt allow rubbish car manufacturers into the country, Cherry, Mahindra, Kia etc. Who is responsible for this? The Government? If so, then they have an obligation to prop up the local manufacturer because the playing field is no longer level.

Australia is flooded with to many different car manufacturers, sure the consumer gets to buy a cheap car, but what are the long term costs associated with this? Its a bit like the TV market place these days, its all just crap cheap brands.

#17 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:41 PM

$2 billion over 10 years is $200m a year.

People say 50,000 jobs hinge on Holden's survival.

$200,000,000 divided by 50,000 jobs is a $4000 cost to the taxpayer a year for each job.


I'm no economist but those numbers seem much cheaper to me than 50,000 extra on the dole with zero productivity.

Maybe the government should keep supporting Holden and keep the people working?

#18 Ice



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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:43 PM

Currently the Commodore is the no. 2 selling car & would be no.1 if they included the ute in the same sales figures. So to say that people don't want to buy it is incorrect.
See my comments above regarding why it's not currently viable.
The auto industry in Australia is too valuable to lose, it supports too many allied trades.
Dr Terry

Your spot on terry the new commodore would shit on most imported cars today not only in safety features but in build quality
And there not ugly col compared to some other crap that that lands here
The high wages in this country is going to be the demise of lots of business here notjust our car industry mark my words

#19 _Lazarus_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:48 PM

If we reinstate a tariff system it not only levels the playing field but raises revenue from imported vehicles


The problem is really that our political system is not actually ours, it is a front for the multi-national parasites, who have no interest in mere mortals and their petty misfortunes.


All their decisions are structured upon maximum profit at any expense.. 


Vladimir Putin seems to be the only Western Leader to have the balls to put his people first, which is why Murdoch and Co. slag him off at every opportunity


If all the First World nations followed his lead we could eventually beat these vermin into submission..

#20 _Baronvonrort_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 06:15 PM

Holden should continue building a rear wheel drive taxi with ute/station wagon (commodore) variants and import the other cars from GM, there is no volume to bother with other smaller cheaper cars.


Ford should stick to the Falcon and import other Ford's for the same reason.


Mitsubishi had a disaster with the 380, Holden and Ford buyers would not be seen dead in a shitbox like that, the 380 was a huge mistake they should have built better Lancers.


Who knows what will happen, the Commodore is sold as a Chevy SS in the USA perhaps if the Americans like it and buy it Holden might have a chance.

#21 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:29 PM

$2 billion over 10 years is $200m a year.

People say 50,000 jobs hinge on Holden's survival.

$200,000,000 divided by 50,000 jobs is a $4000 cost to the taxpayer a year for each job.


I'm no economist but those numbers seem much cheaper to me than 50,000 extra on the dole with zero productivity.

Maybe the government should keep supporting Holden and keep the people working?



My point of view precisely.



If we reinstate a tariff system it not only levels the playing field but raises revenue from imported vehicles


The problem is really that our political system is not actually ours, it is a front for the multi-national parasites, who have no interest in mere mortals and their petty misfortunes.


All their decisions are structured upon maximum profit at any expense.. 


Vladimir Putin seems to be the only Western Leader to have the balls to put his people first, which is why Murdoch and Co. slag him off at every opportunity


If all the First World nations followed his lead we could eventually beat these vermin into submission..


Quoted for truth.



#22 WhiteA9XS



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Posted 06 December 2013 - 08:24 PM

Thailand built commodore ? .. insult to Australia ...

#23 Dr Terry

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 09:35 PM

$2 billion over 10 years is $200m a year.
People say 50,000 jobs hinge on Holden's survival.
$200,000,000 divided by 50,000 jobs is a $4000 cost to the taxpayer a year for each job.

I'm no economist but those numbers seem much cheaper to me than 50,000 extra on the dole with zero productivity.
Maybe the government should keep supporting Holden and keep the people working?

Precisely !!

In these tough times, we need to keep things at home.

How does it benefit Australia to throw another 50,000 people on the genuinely employed list.

Dr Terry

#24 _Hamster_

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 09:57 PM

I would like to see were you got those stats from cause i'm not seeing as many new commodores as i used to so i'm doubtful of them being no.2 would be interesting to see whats number 1 aswell.


Thing is everyone on this forum is gonna say rear wheel drive and power, over more than half the other people in the country will probably either be fuel or looks.



Most abulance cars are mercedes (wagons) and subaru foresters for the officer car or what ever those ones are.

Police cars here are a ford and a mitsubishi wagon

4wd firies trucks a hilux

ses has toyota's from memory.


If holdens were used as all emergency service vehicles and government ones, thats a lot more cars being sold considering some government cars are resold before 50, 000km.

Edited by Hamster, 06 December 2013 - 10:00 PM.

#25 eyepeeler


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Posted 07 December 2013 - 12:13 AM

Whilst it is good for Australia to have Holden stay afloat, that decision will be made by Americans. Even if the commodore is a local success, if the Americans ie GM can import a replacement cheaper then that's what they'll do.
What do you think it will take for GM to keep Holden alive. How much government assistance? How much will it take?
Say GM did want to shut Holden manufacturing down, what are your thoughts on it being sold off to another car giant that wants to use the facility to make a Holden.

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