The pitting in the gears will be the cause of your whine/howl.
Looks like the pitting is only on the driven side of the teeth, hence why there is no noise when you back off the throttle.
Those crown wheel teeth are just waiting for the right moment to let go.
Unless the howl is more like a chatter, that's extremely unlikely given that only a few teeth have pitting. If the diff has been used recently I'd say the backlash is wrong because there are no witness marks from where the tooth contact should have been (looks like maybe its too far in toward the centre). This lines up with the description of the noise too.
External pitting is generally caused when the diff has been sitting around at some stage exposed to moisture and is not symptomatic of any metal failure, those teeth will probably last just as long as the rest of them. I would double-check when you get the contact pattern right that no metal is being removed by gear contact just to be sure, but I highly doubt it.
Can't really see any LSD components from that photo, is there room for a clutch pack as per the diagram above?