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1990 Harley XL1200

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#51 _judgelj_

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 05:44 PM

Well grant that's how I feel, bikes are so much easier to pull apart. I'm trying to concentrate on my LC at the moment but its hard with this bike sitting around, already found these to buy what ya think? Attached File  image.jpg   67.84K   1 downloads

Might have to go for a ride one day, grant. Wonder how many melbournians from the forum ride?

#52 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 08:24 PM

The bars on the bike now are pretty gay, recon the ones pictured would be a fair bit cooler.


Expect epic issues with fitment though lol, cables etc.



#53 _Dan 76_

_Dan 76_
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Posted 12 December 2013 - 07:57 AM

Way better choice of bar there... 


LS2 Hatch is right... eBay is your friend regarding parts and the prices there will naturally be better than in any shop.


Blacking out is a cheap thing that you can do yourself....


I'de look at lowering it a lil too... drop the front forks through the triple tree about an inch and get lower shocks for the rear... 

#54 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:25 AM

Bits here are cheap of course as well....there is a bike swap meet here every month even too :)


(I just went and looked at a guy who had a couple sportys and an evo yesterday...his idea of 'cool' looking was not quite what I would agree with, lol)

#55 _LHSL308_

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Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:35 AM

Looks like a pretty good get there Jacob, I would pay 5K for that as well. I would keep the chrome, I think the red and chrome goes well together.

#56 _judgelj_

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Posted 12 December 2013 - 11:56 AM

Red and chrome do look good mate, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding now. I like all black and I like chrome, might have to compromise. I'm glad people like it. I'm waiting on my lowering kit for the back, didn't know you could lower it from the front?

Yes DJ, western bars aren't that nice. I like them from the back, not from the front though. There's enough slack in cables on the brake side of the bike, just not the clutch side, might need to source longer cables/wiring. I wonder if it's actually a screaming eagle intake or just the cover

And Jeff, parts are cheap wish out dollar was a bit better though

#57 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 12 December 2013 - 12:00 PM

I hear you on the dollar.. I have some money there, and been dragging my feet out taking some out, hoping the rate sneaks up a little, ha ha

#58 _judgelj_

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Posted 12 December 2013 - 10:43 PM

Do these things charge like a car? New battery and it died today after switching it off after riding. I noticed it struggling the previous few starts but how do I check that it's charging? As I would with a car? What could be the cause of this?

#59 _j.e.d._

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 02:09 AM

You may need a new one of these mate..




Could of been a case of this bike losing it's charge for a while now & the previous owner bought a new battery cos it buggered the old one, without actually fixing the problem.


I'm not sure how you check the charge of your existing one though - others will have a better idea.

#60 _j.e.d._

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 02:30 AM

... if you think it needs one bracket, put two. What ever you think will be ok, double it! Always over engineer what ever you are making. These bikes vibrate more than you realize and shake the hell out of itself...


Totally agree with this - after I got my bike on the road I had to go over all the bolts & re-tighten them or re'apply loctite.


Even an aftermarket taillight / number plate bracket I got from the states (via china probably) failed on me the other day after only 600 odd miles on the clock. The vibration of the bike broke the 2mm alloy plate where it bends for the plate along a length of about 2 or 3 inches. So now I need to make up a new bracket out of steel so this won't happen again - thankfully I found my plate lying by the concrete median 30 k's from home a bit worse for wear being run over a few times. Bit of a fluke really.




So yea, think about how much things shake on these bikes - but have fun mate, it looks like a nice bike 

Edited by j.e.d., 13 December 2013 - 02:30 AM.

#61 arrimar


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:37 AM

My 2012.

Attached Files

#62 _judgelj_

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 AM

I was thinking stator too. If the multimeter is on the battery should it show 13+ volts like a car? It's a brand new HD battery I don't want to screw it. Will riding with the headlight off consume a fair bit less power in the meantime?

They do vibrate a lot, one thing if noticed. I had a bolt with a spring and nut fairly right, wasn't there the next morning I was shocked.

That yellow looks sweet man, I like the black and touch of yellow.

Contemplating plasti dipping my front and rear fender leaving the tank red

#63 _judgelj_

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:08 PM

May as well turn this into a build thread and move it, hey? Few advancements with the hog. For starters i ordered my lowering brackets. The idea with this is to really mod this bike tastefully, and safely, but not worry too much about comfort and 'the norm'. I want it to be raw, fun and a bit of a head turner. So, next to change are the handlebars. I dummy'd them up and they seem like the well fit with the wiring the way it is. Plenty of slack on the brake side, touch and go on the clutch side. Do i need to worry about running the wiring inside the bar? Looks impossible! Still have to get it cleaned up and paint a few things. Worked out it has a screaming eagle intake, score!! I really want to run just a filter, no chrome cover, wonder if it can be done?

Havent worked out why the battery died, turned out to be a brand new Harley Davidson one. Apart from that it was running good until yesterday when i noticed it would cough and splutter pretty bad. It was doing it non stop until after aboout 40 mins of riding and it got a bit better, how do i explain that? I need to learn a bit more about bikes, feel like im starting with cars all over again.

Any recommendations for a place to get a RWC in melbourne? Cheers


#64 arrimar


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 09:33 AM

Without a cover it'll suck in the rain but then you just pop on the rain sock. Zip into your local HD dealer and grab the 600 page parts and accessories book. They're free in the dealership or can be downloaded on the line.

#65 _judgelj_

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 01:12 PM

Well I don't ride in rain, but then again if I was gonna leave a great big hole in the middle I might as well take the filter off all together as it would be useless. Was hoping I could cover the inner part and leave the filter element exposed. I'll check out the catalogue cheers

#66 Rockoz


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 07:36 PM

Check your battery voltage without engine running then again running.

If you get a voltage increase charging system should be good.

The sputtering could be a low voltage issue as well.

Is the battery brand new or has it been stored and not used much?

The life of bike batteries really sucks.

Invest in a C TEK battery charger and plug it in whenever its parked up.

My Harleys battery runs down to be unable to start after about 2 weeks without the charger, but it does have a security system.

Make sure your cables still have plenty of slack when turning lock to lock. Mate of mine didnt and had an embarrassing public moment.

If its not charging properly pulling the headlight fuse will keep it running longer but may get you unwanted attention from vehicles with pretty lights.

#67 _judgelj_

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 08:40 PM

Rob the battery was bought brand new a couple months ago. Genuine Harley Davidson. Was riding a lot the last two days and didn't have any issues which is strange (minus the coughing and spluttering when cold). I have a trickle charger but I can access the terminals easy, any ideas on making a harness to hang out the side and plug my bike into I when I garage it? Obviously two wires but what end connections can I use that are safe and easy two connect to the two alligator clamps on the charger?


#68 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 16 December 2013 - 08:52 PM

Small anderson plug?


Tamiya plug?


EAsy enough to make a jumper cable to go from your alligator clips to one of the above.



#69 Rockoz


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 09:56 PM

There are trickle chargers and maintenance chargers.

The one I bought has a polarised plug on the charger lead. Then one plug in lead with clips and another with lugs.

I connected the lugs to the battery and the plug sits nicely between the seat and the oil tank.

Some of the cheaper trickle chargers will still boil the life out of the plates in the battery. The maintenance ones wont.

Cost about 75 bucks from memory but some are lots more expensive.

#70 arrimar


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 10:32 PM

Well I don't ride in rain, but then again if I was gonna leave a great big hole in the middle I might as well take the filter off all together as it would be useless. Was hoping I could cover the inner part and leave the filter element exposed. I'll check out the catalogue cheers

You could use this one without the black cover or they do a round version also.

#71 _LS2 Hatch_

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 10:45 PM

Check your ignition switch. They have a tendency of rattling themselves apart. They look fine from the outside, but when idling and you giggle the switch it can start to play up. This would make it run crap all the time though, not just when cold. Check all wiring harnesses are plugged in, battery terminals are tight, and no vacuum leaks. These are all just starting points. It could also be a circuit breaker loose or broken. There should be a couple under the dash, under the tank, and even possibly one down low on the frame near the gearbox.
Trial and error, but always start simple, normally that's where the issue lies.

#72 _judgelj_

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 06:29 AM

There are trickle chargers and maintenance chargers.

Both of mine are chargers with trickle function.


Small anderson plug?


Tamiya plug?


EAsy enough to make a jumper cable to go from your alligator clips to one of the above.



That not a bad idea. Might get a two pin plug. Make one side the harness and the other detachable with two bare wires that i can plug in and attach to the alligator clips when i need to. 


You could use this one without the black cover or they do a round version also.

Thats exactly what i have, except my filter doesn't have the internal galvanized plate like you pictured. 


Check your ignition switch. They have a tendency of rattling themselves apart. They look fine from the outside, but when idling and you giggle the switch it can start to play up. This would make it run crap all the time though, not just when cold. Check all wiring harnesses are plugged in, battery terminals are tight, and no vacuum leaks. These are all just starting points. It could also be a circuit breaker loose or broken. There should be a couple under the dash, under the tank, and even possibly one down low on the frame near the gearbox.
Trial and error, but always start simple, normally that's where the issue lies.

It must be, hopefully now that the torry is about done i can start pulling this apart. Do i fill the oil with the bike on the stand or straight? Another thing i've noticed is after long rides my clutch loses effectiveness, and i cant get it into neutral when stopped. For example, ill ride a while, turn off the bike, start it with the clutch in and it jerks forward a bit. I can feel it jerking with the starter turning. 

#73 _Dan 76_

_Dan 76_
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Posted 17 December 2013 - 02:15 PM

Invest in a trickle charger...

#74 _LS2 Hatch_

_LS2 Hatch_
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Posted 17 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

Fill the oil with the bike straight up, not that it should make that much difference.
The clutch has an adjuster on it mid way down the clutch cable. Make small adjustments. Don't want it to slip. Just keep in mind even though the clutches work fine, some Harley's are hard to get nuetral when standing still.

#75 _judgelj_

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 08:01 PM

Only when its hot, grant, its strange. 

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