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V8 Prototypes Alive by Modern Motors Sept 1983 Barry Lake

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#51 yel327


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 06:06 AM

dave,do you have a example and the amount of cars we are talking about not just one at a time?



Remember Anthony, the service/warranty listing isn't a magical list, it is a search report printed out of the mainframe on the date given at the top of the Z-fold paper with the results sorted by PSN. Just think if chassis numbes were listed, and it was sorted by the chassis number - the completion dates would be all pretty much aligned for some assembly plants and vehicle series but all over the place for others. The mainframe database had all other cars in it too, if a report was done an all PSN's you'd see the bigger picture of HQ's, Bedfords and all other cars being assembled at the assembly plant in the listing.

Because the PSN is assigned to vehicles at different times for different plants it can look very different if you fixate on PSN's as being a consecutive thing. Pagewood assigned the PSN and affixed the ADR and VIN plate very late, right at the end of the assembly line. Chassis number went on in the assembly plant for cars with a chassis number on the rail (ie HQ-HZ), but for cars with the chassis number in the body (HK-HG and LC) the number went on in the body straight after paint in the body plant. For Pagewood cars there is less scope for delay of completion relative to PSN's around after a PSN is assigned.  Acacia Ridge was similar with chassis number but the PSN was assigned very early to a body as after roughly April 1973 the PSN was the BODY number, and the BODY tag went on when the body was bare metal - so there was a huge scope for delay of completion relative to other PSN's around a number. Dandenong also fitted the BODY plate early. Elizabeth is the vaguest, but from memory the PSN on these may have been assigned right back when the car was entered into the schedule, so the PSN will be all over the place. This means you can't look at one PSN, and another one 100 PSN's later for 2 x cars you might find with 8/72 compliance for example and assume all those in between are 8/72. Also cars may not actually be delayed if you look at cars with later completion days amongst others, they may have been completed from start to finish in a day, but by listing them in PSN order it looks like they have been completed late.

#52 Dr Terry

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Posted 26 February 2014 - 12:00 PM

This issue of PSNs & completion dates not being 'in alignment' can be caused by any number of things. The car in question may have been ordered with a particular trim set that they had to wait weeks for, or something like that. As others have said there could be any number of reasons for delays of that type.


Back in EH days, where production records are now a bit 'thin', we've noticed an anomaly with engine number sequences. the 120 S4 engine which were special builds, are way out of whack with other engines of the time. The S4 engine numbers are several thousand earlier than other 179 engine in the same body sequence.


So it is assumed those engines took 3 or 4 weeks longer to build or sat around for that amount of time, waiting for the go ahead for fitment.


Dr Terry

#53 xu2308


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 12:51 PM

We are going off track now :stirpot:

#54 yel327


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:19 PM

Agree. Maybe another thread.

#55 _Flying Fox_

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:21 AM

Hi all,

Here are some pics of one early proto-type torana that got away pics are from 1972 ,1973,1975 and 1986 enjoy 

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#56 _outer control_

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:07 PM

Hi all,

Here are some pics of one early proto-type torana that got away pics are from 1972 ,1973,1975 and 1986 enjoy 

Poo brown LH mule was written off at Lang Lang in front of GMH exc,s who were watching it being put through it,s paces with a 350 chev in it. The extra weight unbalanced the car and it barrell rolled and was destroyed hence end of 350 chev powered idea. Driver walked away and kept walking. Abandoned they pursued the development of the 308. Told to me by someone who was there. Even know drivers name

#57 xu2308


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:11 PM

Dec 1972 going off the Magazine Date, so very late 1972

Edited by xu2308, 11 March 2014 - 04:13 PM.

#58 _LXSS350_

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 12:01 AM

The extra weight unbalanced the car and it barrell rolled and was destroyed hence end of 350 chev powered idea.


Sounds like a nasty and serious engineering mistake for any reputable group of vehicle engineers to make .

Nasty result to have so much weight unbalanced. No wonder they went with far less weight over the axle it could have been a PR disaster for Holden having cars barrel rolling when they corner..

Edited by LXSS350, 12 March 2014 - 12:02 AM.

#59 _outer control_

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 12:48 AM

Sounds like a nasty and serious engineering mistake for any reputable group of vehicle engineers to make .

Nasty result to have so much weight unbalanced. No wonder they went with far less weight over the axle it could have been a PR disaster for Holden having cars barrel rolling when they corner..

They did not make a mistake in production thats why testing occured

#60 REDA9X



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:21 AM

Surely there is not that much extra wieght in a 350 to a 308? Then again the LH was un understeering shocker anyway

#61 _chrome yella_

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:49 AM

only the standard cars Red, the L34's seem fine, sure the A9x's were better but 3 1/2 yrs later so they should be.

anyone got that stock Lh pic with the massive understeer, phew that's scary

#62 _Flying Fox_

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 12:46 PM

Hi all,

I would like all of you to help me understand the naming of cars better coz im really confused. The way I see it there are body code names and engine code names 4instance  LC = year model GTR = body style XU1 =engine variant, LJ = model GTR=body XU1= engine. LH=model  S, SS, SL, SL/R =body style,L32, XU-2, 5000, L34,A9X all engine variants, LX=body, S, SS, SL, SL/R=body,L32, XU-2,L31,5000,L34,A9X= engine variants,  Let me explain L32=253, XU-2=Firth tuned 308,5000=Repco  fomula 5000 specially strengthened block 4 Bathurst shame GM didn't tell them about the hand grenade in the sump, L34 same as 5000,A9X same as L31. Other code names like HO=high output a Firth performance kit,Let me explain about A9X out of some 500 A9Xs built 405 were sold to the public thay were all stock LX SL/Rs  the 95 or so that raced at Bathurst were sold to race teams as shells. All A9Xs I have seen all have SLR 5000 on their duck tail, never seen one with A9X any wear on the car. One last thing the GM-H the Lion I know thay have mountain lions in the US but the last time I looked the ZOO is the only place youll see a Lion in Australia.PS If I couldn't prove it I wouldn't say it :driving:    

#63 hanra


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:06 PM

only the standard cars Red, the L34's seem fine, sure the A9x's were better but 3 1/2 yrs later so they should be.

anyone got that stock Lh pic with the massive understeer, phew that's scary



#64 _LXSS350_

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:11 PM

They did not make a mistake in production thats why testing occured


Maybe I am overly cautious vs the GMH engineering team whom where evaluating a potential production car option??

But if I was changing to an unknown/untested engine I certainly wouldn't go out for fast track testing session until I had put the race scales under the old girl. If its really some major engineering changes then I would precede that by running the changes through Solid Works, then if all good then onto the race scales and play with any balance adjustments. 350 vs 308 maybe 30-40kg max? I can't recall what it was as everything is all aluminium LS nowdays.


Nothing worse than flipping the old girl at speed just because you have made the car unsafe.

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#65 REDA9X



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:34 PM

After reading that I'm really confused!

Hi all,

I would like all of you to help me understand the naming of cars better coz im really confused. The way I see it there are body code names and engine code names 4instance  LC = year model GTR = body style XU1 =engine variant, LJ = model GTR=body XU1= engine. LH=model  S, SS, SL, SL/R =body style,L32, XU-2, 5000, L34,A9X all engine variants, LX=body, S, SS, SL, SL/R=body,L32, XU-2,L31,5000,L34,A9X= engine variants,  Let me explain L32=253, XU-2=Firth tuned 308,5000=Repco  fomula 5000 specially strengthened block 4 Bathurst shame GM didn't tell them about the hand grenade in the sump, L34 same as 5000,A9X same as L31. Other code names like HO=high output a Firth performance kit,Let me explain about A9X out of some 500 A9Xs built 405 were sold to the public thay were all stock LX SL/Rs  the 95 or so that raced at Bathurst were sold to race teams as shells. All A9Xs I have seen all have SLR 5000 on their duck tail, never seen one with A9X any wear on the car. One last thing the GM-H the Lion I know thay have mountain lions in the US but the last time I looked the ZOO is the only place youll see a Lion in Australia.PS If I couldn't prove it I wouldn't say it :driving:    

#66 Collo


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:53 PM

Hi all,

I would like all of you to help me understand the naming of cars better coz im really confused. The way I see it there are body code names and engine code names 4instance  LC = year model GTR = body style XU1 =engine variant, LJ = model GTR=body XU1= engine. LH=model  S, SS, SL, SL/R =body style,L32, XU-2, 5000, L34,A9X all engine variants, LX=body, S, SS, SL, SL/R=body,L32, XU-2,L31,5000,L34,A9X= engine variants,  Let me explain L32=253, XU-2=Firth tuned 308,5000=Repco  fomula 5000 specially strengthened block 4 Bathurst shame GM didn't tell them about the hand grenade in the sump, L34 same as 5000,A9X same as L31. Other code names like HO=high output a Firth performance kit,Let me explain about A9X out of some 500 A9Xs built 405 were sold to the public thay were all stock LX SL/Rs  the 95 or so that raced at Bathurst were sold to race teams as shells. All A9Xs I have seen all have SLR 5000 on their duck tail, never seen one with A9X any wear on the car. One last thing the GM-H the Lion I know thay have mountain lions in the US but the last time I looked the ZOO is the only place youll see a Lion in Australia.PS If I couldn't prove it I wouldn't say it :driving:    



#67 xu2308


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 02:13 PM

very confusing, but he got XU2=Firth (that parts right) The 'H' Coined the XU2 Name for V8 LJ

#68 xu2308


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:20 PM

A.M.C Magazine issue 9 V8 XU-1 Story

Interview with Ian Tate, he says the Strike me Pink LJ V8 Prototype that he got to drive when it was at HDT HQ in 1972,  it was not Rego as a V8 only as a 6 Cyl, he all so says this on the Chevron HDT DVD as well, and I rang him up and asked him about this, he confirmed to me it was the case.



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#69 yel327


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 06:58 AM

Surely there is not that much extra wieght in a 350 to a 308? Then again the LH was un understeering shocker anyway


There is a significant difference Mick, given the full cast iron engines they would have been testing. The weight difference was enough to see Holden and Harry testing a lightweight version of a HG GTS running a 308 with super tall rear end (to keep the 308's revs down) as they knew the Chev powered car was too heavy for its brakes. They were also playing with an LT1 engine in a HG GTS350 and even with its alloy intake it was enough weight to not be seen as viable even with experimental brakes. Remember it is not only weight but the SBC is longer than a 253/308 by about an inch or so and if I remember correctly all this length is pushed forward in a HQ and LH, which probably as much negative effects on handling as the extra weight itself. If they'd had readily available alloy headed SBC's like had been around in BBC's since the L88 was released mid-ish 60's or even a full alloy SBC like the ZL1's all alloy 427 BBC the outcomes may have been far different! An all alloy SBC would probably have weighed around the same as a Holden 6cyl.

#70 Pop's-SS



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Posted 15 March 2014 - 07:14 PM

Hi all,

I would like all of you to help me understand the naming of cars better coz im really confused.

The way I see it there are body code names and engine code names 4 instance 


LC = year model GTR = body style XU1 = engine variant, LJ = model GTR = body XU1 = engine. LH = model  S, SS, SL, SL/R = body style, L32, XU-2, 5000, L34, A9X all engine variants, LX = body, S, SS, SL, SL/R = body, L32, XU-2, L31, 5000, L34, A9X = engine variants,  


Let me explain L32 = 253, XU-2 = Firth tuned 308, 5000 = Repco fomula 5000 specially strengthened block 4 Bathurst shame GM didn't tell them about the hand grenade in the sump, L34 same as 5000, A9X same as L31.


Other code names like HO = high output a Firth performance kit, Let me explain about A9X out of some 500 A9Xs built 405 were sold to the public thay were all stock LX SL/Rs the 95 or so that raced at Bathurst were sold to race teams as shells.


All A9Xs I have seen all have SLR 5000 on their duck tail, never seen one with A9X any wear on the car.


One last thing the GM-H the Lion I know thay have mountain lions in the US but the last time I looked the ZOO is the only place youll see a Lion in Australia.PS If I couldn't prove it I wouldn't say it :driving:    


Paragraph separation makes it easier to read although that lot can still be confusing AND .....


BUGGA, what about the MGM Lion and the African Lion, King of the Jungle.




PS. Not trying to be a school teacher here, just trying to make it easer for people to read especially those with old eyes.

#71 REDA9X



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Posted 15 March 2014 - 09:45 PM

Still makes no sense though

#72 Dr Terry

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Posted 16 March 2014 - 08:54 AM

Yes, I had a similar problem. Was Flying Fox asking a question, answering a question or simply stating facts ?


Not wanting to appear overly fussy, but if that's an example of the product of our current eduction system, we are in big trouble.


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#73 GTRXU1


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 07:19 PM

Hi all,

I would like all of you to help me understand the naming of cars better coz im really confused. The way I see it there are body code names and engine code names 4instance  LC = year model GTR = body style XU1 =engine variant, LJ = model GTR=body XU1= engine. LH=model  S, SS, SL, SL/R =body style,L32, XU-2, 5000, L34,A9X all engine variants, LX=body, S, SS, SL, SL/R=body,L32, XU-2,L31,5000,L34,A9X= engine variants,  Let me explain L32=253, XU-2=Firth tuned 308,5000=Repco  fomula 5000 specially strengthened block 4 Bathurst shame GM didn't tell them about the hand grenade in the sump, L34 same as 5000,A9X same as L31. Other code names like HO=high output a Firth performance kit,Let me explain about A9X out of some 500 A9Xs built 405 were sold to the public thay were all stock LX SL/Rs  the 95 or so that raced at Bathurst were sold to race teams as shells. All A9Xs I have seen all have SLR 5000 on their duck tail, never seen one with A9X any wear on the car. One last thing the GM-H the Lion I know thay have mountain lions in the US but the last time I looked the ZOO is the only place youll see a Lion in Australia.PS If I couldn't prove it I wouldn't say it :driving:    

I suggest the purchase of 'Torana Tough' http://www.handpub.c.../Order-Form.php.


The book will explain...everything you NEED to know!

#74 Shiney005


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Posted 29 March 2014 - 07:28 PM

Remember it is not only weight but the SBC is longer than a 253/308 by about an inch or so and if I remember correctly all this length is pushed forward in a HQ and LH, which probably as much negative effects on handling as the extra weight itself.

Taller as well isn't it? Don't you have to cut a hole in the bonnet to fit a Chev with any sort of high rise manifold?

#75 _Flying Fox_

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:00 AM

Hi Berry.

No not todays education more like yesterdays oldskool see im 54 years old,

But you bazza  sound like your a young fella that reads a lot but know nothing about Torana,(Sir Harry Firth) to you or GM H,

Dude  I bought my first V8 Torana in 1976 at the age of 17 and I have owned at least one of them till today,

Just for the record the name Holden was an Australian name but that's it,

Once GMC bought it it became a bitsa what else can you call a cross between ( GMC American,Opel German, Voxhull English,

The name Holden was given to the car only to boost sales as an Australian Motor car

Remember that an old car with no proven history is nothing more then roling art.

PS have a nice day     

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