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V8 Prototypes Alive by Modern Motors Sept 1983 Barry Lake

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#101 _duggan208_

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 11:04 PM

I allways thought that GMH did a pathetic job of handeling the v8 prototypes. If they had any form of inovation in them, then just maybe stop wasting time and money on them and store the bloody things, GMH was a big place. Just imagen how much just one of these things would be worth, possibily more than all 3 remaining Phase 4s. Holden allways seemed to start with inovation, waste heaps of time and money developing inovative cars and failed to have the ambition to produce them. Even if they had kept one of the prototypes, just like the incredable Hurricane, GTRX, never to be produced and the star would be the LJ V8.


#102 xu2308


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 02:29 AM

What exhaust poked out the back of these things? The same two tips from one muffler, or a twin system like the SL/R?

On the XW7 Engineering Paper Work they had the XU1 single Exhaust to keep it Quite one would think for the road car, but CAN-AN had Twin System for LJ Torana in a Exhaust Book in 1978, the Pink V8 XU1 that came to Tassie in 1974 had a twin system.

Edited by xu2308, 20 February 2015 - 02:31 AM.

#103 xu2308


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 12:22 PM

I allways thought that GMH did a pathetic job of handeling the v8 prototypes. If they had any form of inovation in them, then just maybe stop wasting time and money on them and store the bloody things, GMH was a big place. Just imagen how much just one of these things would be worth, possibily more than all 3 remaining Phase 4s. Holden allways seemed to start with inovation, waste heaps of time and money developing inovative cars and failed to have the ambition to produce them. Even if they had kept one of the prototypes, just like the incredable Hurricane, GTRX, never to be produced and the star would be the LJ V8.



The Telling was done even worse by GMH

As we know the Lone o Ranger (Orange) LJ GTR Prototype was Tendered out as the Tender Sheet for the Car surfaced, I came across a Ad in The Age Newspaper in March 1974 of the White LJ GTR V8 Prototype For Sale (One of Six Made) Private Owner selling the Car,

So White one leaves as a V8 if Ad is Correct, and I believe it would be Due to the Fact its in 1974 Time Frame and you would think the Seller would of had Proof as in Log Books for the Car that say GMH was its owner etc.

Now the Pink Car, did that leave as a V8 as well ?????????.  The White and Pink GTR's were out at Lang Lang as Engineering Test Hacks, maybe bought by GMH Proving Ground Engineers or Mechanics maybe that worked out at Lang Lang, Someone must know who bought them from GMH.



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#104 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 28 July 2015 - 07:50 PM

Hope you enjoy Al,  I think this is a pretty good indication of just how good an XU-1 V8 would have been....    pretty much unbeatable i rekon .   :spoton:

#105 xu2308


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:05 PM

Thanks for that mate, as Harry Firth said it was that good it would of won every thing it entered in. A car with a small frontal area will all ways be Quick, in this Video its leaving that 4-Door LH/LX in its wake. Would give a Group C A9X Hatch a run I reckon with its Power to Weight Ratio and small frontal area of the V8 LJ Torana.

#106 yel327


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:26 PM

I agree Al, nothing any other manufacturer had in the pipeline would have come close to it especially if Harry had been allowed his HG Monaro and later L34 spec 308 engine. It'd virtually have been a one make championship like it was in 1979 and later with Sierras. 

#107 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:22 PM

Its a shame they never went into full production after the test cars were made.

#108 xu2308


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:47 PM

Yel327 that Special Monaro Harry built with the Hot 308 would of been interesting as the Monaro was Ment to be lighter so the Rumour has it. Yeah so sad they never hit the Production start button, fingers on the button but no push, should of let Harry in charge of Production lol

Edited by xu2308, 31 July 2015 - 07:50 PM.

#109 yel327


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 08:41 PM

Yes, a 308 HG is significantly lighter than a 350 powered one. I think it was like 75kg. Try carrying a HK-HG 81837 inlet manifold and water pump around a swap met and you'll know where most of it lies! It was the LT1 "Old Man Emu" that Harry wanted though. He knew he could have made it a better race car than the XU1, but I think the V8 XU1 would have been even better again.

#110 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 08:25 AM

Al, what is know about "The Lockwood Special" ?? ............    I read somewhere that this car was the Sebring Orange V8 Prototype, that was later given to Brock as a loan car.  but at that stage the motor had been replaced with a 202 ...    is it still about ?


                                                                                                                                            Cheers Ian ..

#111 xu2308


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Posted 30 November 2015 - 04:04 PM

The Lockwood Special was the Lone o Ranger (Orange) LJ GTR, I think the Sebring Orange Colour was put out there to put everyone off the scent, as it was not in that colour. The Car was rego on the 6th Sept 1972 as a V8 Car, the Tender Sheet said it ran with a V8 for 18 months and then fitted with a New 202. Brocky had it as a loaner when it was back as a 6Cyl, so a magazine reported in the 1980's. It was Stolen in 1985 in Bundorra Victoria and never been recovered :(

#112 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 04:28 PM

Cheers Al, I read it was Sebring Orange ....   yes it was a loaner car to Brock....  the story is from what Brock was supposed to have said..  he said it was a V8 prototype, but when he got it it was a 202, but still had the twin fuel tanks,  36 gallons...........  it also goes onto say that the SMP car pumped out 271 Hp ...


The Story is in "the history of Torana from viva to victory ...

Edited by ChaosWeaver, 30 November 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#113 xu2308


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 05:58 PM

Yeah the Orange Car was the only GTR V8 with a complete Twin Fillers and Working Tank. The Pink car I think would of been around 300HP. The 271HP he says I reckon is a under Quote.

#114 jd lj

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 11:27 AM

If the orange one shows up one day someone's got some explaining to do.

Anything could have happened to it by know. Fingers crossed that it's still out there somewhere. Maybe there should be an amnesty offered to who ever can reveal it's where abouts, just for this one time.

#115 S pack

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 01:17 PM

If the orange one shows up one day someone's got some explaining to do.

Anything could have happened to it by know. Fingers crossed that it's still out there somewhere. Maybe there should be an amnesty offered to who ever can reveal it's where abouts, just for this one time.

I'm betting it was used to rebirth a wrecked XU1.

#116 lakeside


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 09:25 PM

Yel327 that Special Monaro Harry built with the Hot 308 would of been interesting as the Monaro was Ment to be lighter so the Rumour has it. Yeah so sad they never hit the Production start button, fingers on the button but no push, should of let Harry in charge of Production lol

Has the 170mph BB chev, 4apd, Monaro ever turned up anywhere?

#117 xu2308


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 12:38 PM

Don't think the BB Monaro has ever showed up so far,  the 350Z Yellow Monaro I assume was the BB Monaro at some stage.

#118 xu2308


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 12:46 PM

The Yellow 350Z Monaro is on the same Tender sheet as the Lone o Ranger V8 LJ GTR Torana, so it was Sold.  So a GMH Dealership would of got the Yellow 350Z Monaro, some one must know more.

Edited by xu2308, 14 December 2015 - 12:47 PM.

#119 yel327


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:03 PM

The 350Z had a 400ci SBC in it, the actual engine was nothing special, just a 2BBL 400 from a big boat full size Chevy. Whether it sold or not we don't know - it was unregisterable and had no ID tags supposedly so it may have gone to a dealer with a wreckers or even that sponsored sports sedans or speedway. It was most likely an aquamarine colour under the yellow 

#120 lakeside


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:25 PM

I will have to try find Doug who was a test driver at Lang Lang I the early 60-70's, I worked next door to him in the late 80's. I remember him telling me lots about these cars but remember nothing. I do remember him telling me he wasn't impressed with V8 LC/LJ but can't remember why.

#121 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:32 PM

Probably cause it wouldn't turn ???   Na I got nothing, but I imagine it would be damn front heavy with a big chunk of bent cast iron stuffed in the front, and then you gotta stop it with little discs on the front, and little drums on the back .....  I'm no Rocket Surgeon :)   But I know when I'm scared...   :spoton:

#122 yel327


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 06:28 PM

Harry reckoned the V8 LC they raced around Bathurst at Easter 1972 drove better than a 6cyl one as its COG was actually better. It was many seconds faster around the track than the Series Production LJ's and it was running a near to stock 308.


Remember that a 308 isn't all that much heavier than a 6cyl, in say a HZ it adds a significant amount (74kg for L31 M21 over L20 M15/M20) but it isn't all engine: the Salisbury is significantly heavier than a banjo and the radiator is far bigger. Plus a small amount in bigger sway bar, springs etc. You might be talking 65kg all up but the bulk of the 308's weight is at its rear and it is shorter than a 202 XU1 engine. You may even find that even though the car is heavier with the 308 the engine weight is further back.

#123 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 06:58 PM

Yep thats all true Byron,  but it wasn't like that from the start...



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#124 yel327


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:39 PM

No doubt!

#125 xu2308


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 12:08 PM

Harry sorted the suspension out so it did handle, and the 308 V8 is not that much heavier than the 202. Harry said it was that good it would of won every thing in entered in, Harry must of been very confident in the V8 LJ.

Edited by xu2308, 15 December 2015 - 12:09 PM.

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