As the search function is kaputt at the moment I need a bit of help.
Looking for a picture(s) of how the brake and fuel lines run under the car including around the diff area on LX hatchbacks.
I need to determine which body clips are used for what lines as well.
The UC I have is different around the diff area so cant copy that.
The LX parts book is very vague and doesnt bunch the whole lot together neither.
Pictures that will be helpful are
- under the car (layout of brake line, fuel line and tank return line in relation to each other).
- where all the lines turn up into the diff cavity (around the right hand spring area) from running along the floor area.
- in the diff cavity area with the tank installed.
- the angled firewall under bonnet where they run up to the right front chassis rail.
Any help would be most welcome.
Edited by mika03au, 12 December 2013 - 04:41 PM.