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Holden six cylinder head 101.

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#76 _stretchlc_

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 02:09 PM

Great Guide Bomber.....may I also add that I've seen personally, late red 9 port red heads that have blank EGR bosses on the top of the heads that project into the ports(on the port roof).


QUOTE-Measure the head thickness from face to a. Head bolt machine face
The reason for this, one could work out if the head has been decked

I always have a good look at the thumb print on the head face to get a pretty decent idea of how much a head has been faced.

#77 Stinga



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Posted 29 December 2013 - 03:52 PM

i had a better look at my head, it has the date code 22D0, is that 1980? early blue head? it doesn't have and mounting holes on the front right for the air con or power steer or whatever went there. it also appears to have the lump in the port ground down(i had not seen how far that lump actually sticks out into the port before seeing the pics in this thread. i assumed the dimple left in my port was how the undrilled heads were)


here are some pics for future reference






#78 S pack

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 04:20 PM

22D0 would have to be 22nd April 1980 cast date.

#79 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:27 PM

Well this is coming along nicely, but taking longer than expected.


Probably wont be up untill tomorow, especially considering i forgot to get some new camera batteries while i was out, and would like to take some new better picks with a camera as opposed to being lazy and using my phone.


Will include picks of all the different chambers, atleast that i have, as opposed to just a couple which i had on the floor infront of me at the time.


There will be picks of the different head gaskets, subsequent different coolant holes, etc.


There will be picks and a description of the change in manifold mounting stud pattern.


There will be far more detailed picks of the various ports. 


Probably a breif mention of the different valve springs between red and blue.


Valve sizes and the like are still up in the air if i bother. There will be no measurements to work out if its been decked at this point. There will also remain no chamber volumes at this point.


Stretch, i havnt looked yet, but i think i might have one like you mention in the shed i pulled off a 79 VB Commy i had years ago, You reminded me about it, i did notice something along those lines at the time. its on the list of things to add in, though not worthy of a subsequent generation IMO.


Its also been brought to my attention that there was an even earlyer red head that had slightly different exhaust ports at the gasket face, if i can get some proof/picks of this it will be included. 



Edited by Bomber Watson, 29 December 2013 - 06:35 PM.

#80 Dave6179


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:21 PM

I have two 12 port heads, one has the short plugs above the zorst ports and the other doesn't... but they both have the dimples in the port roof. I have heard the non plugged head is the injected black head.

#81 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:46 PM

Yeah look mate thats dead and easilly provably wrong.


Not trying to offend you, but the whole purpose of this thread is to state facts, not state "i heard"


There has been lots of that going on.


Im working on the update to be added in as teh first post, and will ask more or less for all comments afterwards to be deleted....Bar a couple.



#82 _judgelj_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:17 PM

Do you know all the pics on the first page are missing? 

#83 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:24 PM

If you read a few posts up i state im going to break the links so i can put everything regarding this thread into a special folder.


So yes, i do.



Hence from the offset i had absolutely no intention of going into valve sizes, chamber volumes, date codes or "nitty gritty" differences, I was more looking at it in a case most people are going to wish to modefy the heads anyway and was moreso looking to give somewhat of a guide of the four major generations. 


I also wanted to stick to absolute fact which i can prove, and have as little as possible "we think...."


Anyway, few odd jobs to do probably start re working on this after lunch, see how it comes out.


Im going to break all the links temporarily, decided with the influx of pictures coming in i had best actually make a special folder for them, should be fixed tonight hopefully or whenever datto or someone gets on.





#84 wot179


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:27 PM

I just wanted to post something for Datto to delete later.

#85 _judgelj_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:42 PM

I don't read and I don't get it but no worries.

Edited by judgelj, 30 December 2013 - 05:42 PM.

#86 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 05:45 PM

It means i intended to rearrange the picks in my photobucket into a special folder for this here thread and this thread alone, in the process breaking the image links in the first posts.....

#87 _Cbwardy_

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:47 PM

My efi head had the air injection bosses in the roof of the exhaust port until I ground them flat. As mentioned earlier, mine has sodium filled exhaust valves.

The efi head also has mounting holes on the drivers side at the front for the vk air conditioner bracket, unlike red/blue heads I've seen.

#88 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 08:47 AM

Can you get some picks of the air con bracket mounts?


I have four 12 ports with unusual mounting bosses no them, wondering if the ones you mention are different.



#89 _Cbwardy_

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 09:15 AM

Some blue motors I've seen have the bosses, but I haven't seen any with the holes drilled and tapped like te injected head. Obviously, the red heads don't have them at all.

I'll try and get some pics, but I've got the power steering pump bolted to that one now though. I know where there's another one of those heads so could get some then


#90 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 10:22 AM

Are you talking about the four bolts around #1 spark plug?

#91 _Lazarus_

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 11:17 AM

#92 _Muzzy_

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:28 PM

Are you talking about the four bolts around #1 spark plug?

Yes that's for AC on the late engines, my mother had one VK EFI in its day and a bugger to change no 1 plug, BTW my blue head is cast 19 may 83 has un drilled air pump, and is from a 2850, something no one has raised quiet often engines are different between manual and auto, this could be a reason for the on and off arrangements with sir pumps

#93 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:39 PM

Ah yep.


Yeah i have plenty of run of the mill blue motor heads with those air con mounting type holes drilled out.


Again, at this point atleast, the difference between manual and auto cars etc is a long way out of the scope of this thread.


Im nearly done re arranging it, been a bit slack to be honest, need to go down to the shed and get a few more picks then we should be golden.



#94 _Gunmetal LH_

_Gunmetal LH_
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:01 PM

Anyone got any sectioned/cut heads to see how thick the metal is in different places?

#95 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:53 PM

Yep, i do. Again, outside the scope of this atm, which reminds me, i need to finish it dont i.

#96 _barana_

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 04:59 PM

thx s-pack :)

#97 _stretchlc_

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 11:07 AM

Here's a 9 port cut-away just to add to Bombers turmoil

Attached Files

#98 N/A-PWR



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Posted 27 January 2014 - 10:21 PM

Good Job DJ

#99 _SRV_

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 11:04 PM

What happened to first page pics? This is too good a thread to let pics dissapear, make sure they're there forever!!

#100 _SRV_

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 11:38 PM

^^^^^Disregard, read right through, makes sense now. Good job.

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