Is it just trial and error when you machine these or do you go by a given measurement?
They come with instructions, machine until zero clearance and then remove a small amount, I can't remember but think it was .25mm
Posted 06 December 2024 - 05:39 AM
Is it just trial and error when you machine these or do you go by a given measurement?
They come with instructions, machine until zero clearance and then remove a small amount, I can't remember but think it was .25mm
Posted 09 December 2024 - 02:59 PM
I would have thought less than 0.25mm, I think when I built my front hub stiffeners I possibly only gave them .004" of pre-load? Which is less than half of the above.
Did you find any difference driving the car with the stiffnered on those front stub axles?
Congratulations on the recent motorsport events. That one at Bathurst is so good!
Posted 17 December 2024 - 10:26 AM
I would have thought less than 0.25mm, I think when I built my front hub stiffeners I possibly only gave them .004" of pre-load? Which is less than half of the above.
Did you find any difference driving the car with the stiffnered on those front stub axles?
Congratulations on the recent motorsport events. That one at Bathurst is so good!
Could be my memory and was .025mm
Once I had zero tolerance it was a very small amount I took off, instructions did say bearings can wear in and might need to re-check in a few weeks and if necessary take some off back of bearing cup. Could also add a shim.
I did notice a difference on the street, thought the pedal stayed firmer longer, at MGCCN hill climb which is very tight I thought the pedal was low again but brakes still worked.
Bathurst hill climb was fantastic, only disappointed I didn't do it sooner.
Posted 21 February 2025 - 07:14 PM
Went to the Optima street car at Calder last weekend, although the weather was not great for motorsport it was still a great fun weekend and I will go again next year.
Few small mods to the car before I left, after last years trip I wanted a foot rest, column mounted wiper switch and something to stop me pushing the clutch pedal too far.
I had a wipre switch indicator arm I had bought off eBay years ago, on the wiring connector it said 'Suits HX-HZ' and it was easy to fit with minimal effort. Had to cut out some room in the honey pot for the bigger shaft diameter, cut off some of the unnecessary second hi-beam switch and it went in without too uch fuss.
Posted 21 February 2025 - 07:19 PM
Was great having the wier switch closer, it rained a lot on the way there and a lot on the track.
I recently fitted a foot rest and found it well worth it for such a long drive and also added a stop for the clutch pedal. It is an M8 sleeve nut or long nut screwed to the pedal under the rubber pad with a isolation mount screwed into it, worked well to stop me pushing the pedal too far when excited.
IMG_7082.jpg 156.26K
Once again it was a great fun event, slightly less time on the track and it could have been due to the drift show which I guess is a crowd pleaser.
1960KM round trip for 184L car performed great!
Going to look more into handling upgrades for the future.
Posted 22 February 2025 - 07:04 AM
I also replaced my instrument voltage regulator and lubed my speedo cable as last year the speedo was shaking widly above 130kmh and tacho seemed a bit ambitious.
Both worked, this year tacho was very stable and realistic and speedo cable didn't shake all the way to its stop at 200.
Posted 23 February 2025 - 09:14 AM
What car is the foot rest from Tom? It looks like a good fit.
Posted 24 February 2025 - 07:45 PM
What car is the foot rest from Tom? It looks like a good fit.
Laurie, its from a VT Commodore.
I had to make a bracket and the plastic got trimmed down at the base as it was too tall. Some pics on the previous page of the bracket.
It looks like its meant to be there
Posted 25 February 2025 - 08:43 AM
Good on you Tom, your car was on all the YouTube clips I saw. Shame about the rain, but looks awesome fun. Planning on joining the fun next year.
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