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brad merrick never again

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#1 _darkerheart_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 01:01 PM

just want to share my experience with the above.ordered a sway-bar after reading his website and so you would expect to get what you read.first of all 2-3 weeks takes 7,oh well i can live with that.then after 7 weeks it finally turns up after $550 spent.well,where do i start? he advertisers that it is painted in the original gmh black paint,well mine turns up in bare metal,not linished-grind marks all over it.the end flanges look like a child had a go and supplied with nyloc nuts .for concourse parts i know they are not right.i am totally disgusted with it.looks like something made in a chinese backyard.makes out he is the best in australia,what a joke.i sent a e-mail complaining but as usual no response so another let down .hope no one else wastes their money buying crap.

#2 _brad_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:02 PM

First of all, is it Ian or is it Stewart?? Hhmmm.. you're using different names everywhere.

You have 'not' emailed me, or called me on the phone about any problems with the swaybar. The last email from you was on the 25th May when you emailed me your address. It only arrived in my hands on the 23rd May.


You email ordered the swaybar on the 21st Feb, but didn't do the deposit into my bank account till the 1/5/14 as you insisted on paying by paypal, which I told you repeatedly that I don't accept.


The swaybar was then ordered with the supplier on the 1st of April and I received it as above on the 23rd May. I didn't even have your address, so I got it in the post 1st thing Monday morning.   On the main page of my website it states clearly that out sourced items can take weeks to come in, and I verbally told you that it may be 4-6 weeks after order/payment, so don't don't complain about the time frame as you knew this all along. I can't control time frames of parts being made by other suppliers. The supplier made 3 of these swaybars as 2 were already on order prior to your order. They did take 7 weeks to make the 3 swaybar kits. 


My website has (until today) 2 pictures/description of the swaybars, and you only read the 1st. The 2nd picture (lower on the same page) has the text ' supplied in raw steel, as different customers wanted them in different shades of black'.   They are supplied to me as is, for prep and paint required by the customer. I've now updated my website, so that tools like you, who can't scroll down and read all additional info, don't slag me off (behind my back) on a public forum, even though they do indeed have all the information.  Another pic on my website clearly shows the new swaybar clamp (next to an original), and you can see the Nyloc nuts (which you also complained about) in the picture on the new clamps. Once again, don't discredit me about a product that is displayed for everyone to see on my website. Get a life. If you don't like the nuts that are shown and supplied with a product, change them, don't slag me off about it. 


Then you have the nerve to lie in a slanderous attack on myself and my business.

I would have be much happier to have discussed your concerns on the phone, but you don't even have the balls to take my phone calls this afternoon.


Most of my customers know that I'm upfront and honest about all of my parts, and I treat all of my customers with the respect and consideration that everyone deserve, and would've much preferred to sort this out in s civilised manner.  


Although, you chose to cross the line and attack me on a public forum and lie about the circumstances.

You're dam right that your not buying another part from me!


#3 _Skapinad_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:06 PM

Like, well said Brad :)

#4 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:13 PM

im actually really amazed cause I was on brads site 3 hrs ago and it stated the swaybars were painted black in original xu1 paintcode there was no mention about raw material and it stated 3 weeks turnaround, I feel there is abit of deceitfulness here care to comment brad? and I have no affiliation with any of you's just stating what I saw

#5 _rogered_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:34 PM

just looked myself. brad is right,  

Quote    . Few mm larger diameter than original. Excellent reproduction. Hand made and it takes 4 weeks to receive them from manufacturer. Supplied in raw steel, as different customers wanted them painted in different shades of black. $550 + postage

#6 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:40 PM

it didn't say that before rogered, and ive just looked again and its been updated and changed as I mentioned I know nonw of these guys in ?

#7 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:42 PM

anyways im moving on before this gets nasty best of luck peoples

#8 _brad_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:56 PM

In the product box, there's only enough space for a certain number of text characters. One product box did say that were painted black and the price, but the other box was on the very same 'engine bay parts' page with the same pic and extra info about 'now being supplied as raw steel', not painted and the 4-6 week supply time frame. It's been on there since well before Chrissy last year. I update the website about once a month (removing pics as I run out of stock) and put extra info boxes to fill up the product boxes on the page. Also, adding pics when I get new parts made and are available again.


I got a call about 2pm this arvo about this forum complaint, and got on my website to remove the conflicting description, to make it clear how I supply the swaybars, and have left the box on there stating that they're supplied raw steel, but I've added the price to this info box. The other product box showing the close up pic of the clamps, has been on there for years and still is.


This issue is not just about the description of the product, it's that I was also accused of failing to reply to his email complaint.  He has sent me 8 emails since Feb, the last on the 25th with his postal address, and not a single one about this issue.


He chose the wrong way to voice his complaint. 

#9 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:02 PM

ok so clearly the buyer has read the wrong description that stated it came painted, well I can see how the buyer could be upset as you've stated there was 2 conflicting ads of the item with 1 saying painted and on another page saying raw steel could make a purchase turn nasty but now its been updated to unpainted only I guess your reassured it wont happen again

#10 _darkerheart_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:12 PM

just so my reputation on this site is,nt damaged i will make one last statement on this matter,first up my name offically is stewart,i have been called ian forever,now, i have proof here of all my emails sent ,there are some not replied.my bank statement says it was paid on 1st april,he admits to changing the website.it,s all here in writing in triplicate.as for not answering the phone i do have a life and cant always pickup on demand.anyway in business you have good and bad i guess my part was a bad one,in all fairness it was a brought in item so maybe checking goods before dispatch would have saved heartache for all.attack is always the best form of defence brad.it got to this point through pure frustration of you not replying to emails.and as for not having my address your latest email says i have your address with your order which was way back.anyway i,m done with it,cheers all.

#11 Tyre biter

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:20 PM


Jamie is right mate - your website is very difficult to use: http://www.xu-1.com.au/index.html

I can't even find the sway bars let alone the product box you speak of.

It is the capitalisation, the lack of paragraphs, the changing fonts, the red coloured text - it is really hard to comprehend the content.

The thing being, I have never heard of you nor your business but seemingly it is doing some fantastic work for LC/LJ owners - I wish you did LH/LX parts.

More importantly and to the uninitiated like me, you also seemingly have significant and important things to say about the cars and subsequently about how to liaise with your business and what purchasers are to expect, but these important missives are lost in the 'translation'.

Remember the reason why you write all this on your website is two-fold;

1. to communicate,

2. to make some coin.

Consequently, and merely my opinion of course; perhaps tidy it up grammatically - by doing so, folks like darkerheart might less misunderstand your message and thereby avoid this spat.

Regards and best of luck, TB

Edited by Tyre biter, 04 June 2014 - 06:24 PM.

#12 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:22 PM

i guess thats what I was trying to say thanks tyre biter

#13 DMLC71


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 06:56 PM

I have purchased many parts off Brad and have picked them up in person. He is a real passionate Torana person. No complaints about what I purchased. Unless he has it in stock you won't get it in the time he says buts that's how this industries is.
I built an LC! Panel beater 3 months late, spray painter 4 weeks late, re-chroming/polishing/anodising 2 months late, GTR door cards don't ask, hounds tooth seats 6 weeks late, re built triple carbies 4 weeks late, engine machining 3 weeks late, gear box 2 weeks late.
Powder coating on time, brakes on time, xu1 tank ebay on time, auto elec on time, dash pad on time, Rare Spares not 1 issue, diff re build on time.
By the way I am a Builder and if I deliver 1 week late I am out of business.

#14 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:12 PM

I think the issue isn't waiting 7 weeks as darkerheart said (fair enough I can handle that) in his first post but there was obviously communication breakdown and he read the item listed as being painted and when he received item it was bare metal, then we learn there was 2 actual ads 1 saying painted 1 saying not painted so paying $550 for a sway bar which is a small fortune and you've purchased it on the belief that it was to be painted I can see where he is coming from as that's what the item listed stated at the time it's no different to buying something off ebay then you get it and it's not as stated of course your gonna be peed off anyway the sites been updated by BRAD and this will ensure it doesn't happen again but as stated by tyre biter the site itself is pretty scrambled anyways best of luck guys I think they both have genuine arguments

#15 _Skapinad_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:23 PM

anyways im moving on before this gets nasty best of luck peoples

#16 _jamie247_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:31 PM

^^^^^^^ hasn't turned nasty just stating both sides

#17 _rogered_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:53 PM

anyways im moving on before this gets nasty best of luck peoples

Me to :)

Actually I was pointing at the first post

#18 _rogered_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:12 PM

anyways im moving on before this gets nasty best of luck peoples



Edited by rogered, 04 June 2014 - 09:14 PM.

#19 _Waldorf_

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:18 PM

I think the issue isn't waiting 7 weeks as darkerheart said (fair enough I can handle that) in his first post but there was obviously communication breakdown and he read the item listed as being painted and when he received item it was bare metal, then we learn there was 2 actual ads 1 saying painted 1 saying not painted so paying $550 for a sway bar which is a small fortune and you've purchased it on the belief that it was to be painted I can see where he is coming from as that's what the item listed stated at the time it's no different to buying something off ebay then you get it and it's not as stated of course your gonna be peed off anyway the sites been updated by BRAD and this will ensure it doesn't happen again but as stated by tyre biter the site itself is pretty scrambled anyways best of luck guys I think they both have genuine arguments

Wanna buy a full stop....comes painted and ready for use,buying in bulk will save on postage .

But apart from that I agree

#20 _sprintmaster_

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:41 AM

Here we go Again,heard all this Before!!!!

#21 _Matvex_

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:16 AM

Is it just me or is this naming and shaming a touch unaustralian?

I understand there is a need for this in extreme circumstances ie fraud, theft etc..

But this looks to be a communication issue between supplier and customer which in my opinion does not warrant the above.

My 2 cents.

#22 mitchg


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:32 AM

Agreed above. It sounds like a big communication issue and someone had a rant on a forum when it would have been much easier to pick up the phone and call the bloke.

But anyway, I think naming in shaming is quite Australian when used in correct circumstances. Its like flashing high beams to alert of cops ahead. Just a way to help the fellow aussie from being burnt.

this situation seemed a bit premature...

#23 Zook


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 06:22 PM

Ha ha, Brad strikes again. It's never your fault is it mate!

#24 rodomo


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:23 PM

Is it just me or is this naming and shaming a touch unaustralian?

I understand there is a need for this in extreme circumstances ie fraud, theft etc..

But this looks to be a communication issue between supplier and customer which in my opinion does not warrant the above.

My 2 cents.

Exactly. Issues with suppliers should never be shamed on this forum. That is between the buyer and the seller. The "baggers" would do well by having a crack at making an item from scratch.

They might learn something?

I make a lot of my own bits and pieces.

#25 _Lazarus_

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Posted 05 June 2014 - 11:02 PM

I find it interesting that 2 of the prominent contributors to this thread joined 3 weeks apart from each other.

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