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Victoria Police Vehicle Crime Squad "Cloned Muscle Cars"

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#126 EunUCh


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:37 PM

So, if all these fakes are out there and most if not all numbers are on a national data base or available to the police via access 

to these records or otherwise held,how come the shit only hit's the fan many years down the track..what exactly is going on ?

#127 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:38 PM

Adam, I share your frustration, but you can't get involved in this police investigation unless you have something with hard evidence to add, the hand it to the police. On the other hand, I'm sure if you were being questioned you wouldn't like your name being bantied around if you were in fact innocent.

Apologies, but this site is helping them by burying their heads in the sand. Simple.

#128 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:42 PM

I saw a guy at Torana the Great in 2004 trying to sell what was apparently an LX SLR5000. It had LX SLR trim, but painted like an LH SLR5000 and had the chrome LX strips around the windows. It took 2 seconds to realise the car had tags from two different cars and was in fact an LX SLR. He had a number of people foooled though like a lot of people who take their cars to shows and claim they are something they are not.

I've heard some pretty reconduclous statements, Like at the last local car show old mate telling me that the "L32 M40" on his tag ment factory 308 four speed on his totally origional resto SLR, that was vibrantly painted in a LH SLR 5000 theme even though it was a LX...But FFS....

#129 Ice



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:44 PM

Imho this sort of stuff going on with these fakes will one day affect the ridgy didge cars hope im wrong

Value wise

#130 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:47 PM

To a point yes, it will, but what it does is make the cars with unquestionable history worth more to a real collector. It makes it hard though when some are well know cars and people and all of a sudden there is a big question mark over them

Imho this sort of stuff going on with these fakes will one day affect the ridgy didge cars hope im wrong

Value wise

#131 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:50 PM

Sometimes threads get closed down to protect people too, usually from themselves. I remember someone making some unfounded comments about a car they hadn't even seen in person and had no knowledge off. That thread was closed so they didn't shove their foot any further down their throat.

Questioned ? Unlikely, unless that half wit Dan chimes in.

The vic rubbish aside, why are threads shut down so quickly at the owners request... ONCE THEY realise they have posted something incriminating....

Im done, hopefully the police sort it out and we actually get to hear the end result, names included.

#132 tinkers



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:52 PM

Threads often get shut down due to going off topic or the original post, people jumping on the band wagon or personal threats. This thread wont get closed but some people wont be able to post.

#133 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:55 PM

Once the investigation is over you will be told.


:) yes, coz i am off topic hey tinkers ? Like i said rant is over, hopefully the police sort it out and we actually are afforded the knowledge of who was involved.

#134 _victor_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:13 PM

What the difference. When people have a genuine car but the motor, gearbox for whatever reason is missing & they search for numbers that are close to there car & then claim it's a all matching numbered car.

People on hear are always chasing very particular parts & numbers.

Is this to scam someone down the track.


#135 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:15 PM

Chasing an original matching engine to suit your car is a fair cry from chasing an original matching set of tags to suit the engine sitting in your donor shell mate....

#136 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:25 PM

Big difference but Victor is correct.

People chase specific date code/engine number blocks all the time.....presumably to claim they have a matching numbers car and hence sell on for more money to some other poor sod down the road.  Equally as reprehensible IMO.

#137 _victor_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:28 PM

What I said was close to there car, not the engine or gearbox from there car. So that it appears to be the original.


#138 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:29 PM

Sadly you big Torana guys dont have a Vin disk, so i suppose this is true. 


Sorry was thinking baby Toranas where this is easilly misproven. 

#139 _victor_

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:35 PM

So it Holdens fault for not keeping records.

#140 REDA9X



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:38 PM

And just as easy for the fakers to get the numbers, just like whats happened in victoria.

Sadly you big Torana guys dont have a Vin disk, so i suppose this is true. 


Sorry was thinking baby Toranas where this is easilly misproven. 

#141 S pack

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 08:25 AM

Sometimes threads get closed down to protect people too, usually from themselves. I remember someone making some unfounded comments about a car they hadn't even seen in person and had no knowledge off. That thread was closed so they didn't shove their foot any further down their throat.

Sometimes it isn't practical to travel thousands of K's to inspect a car that one is not in the market to purchase. Sellers put up photos of various parts of their cars and often those photos speak a thousand words, if you know what to look for.


If upon receipt of negative news they are going to go into a state of denial then they probably shouldn't ask all and sundry if the item in question is legit or a fake in the first instance.


Not our fault if people can't handle the truth about their claimed factory original this and that.

#142 DanWA


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 08:42 AM

Questioned ? Unlikely, unless that half wit Dan chimes in.

The vic rubbish aside, why are threads shut down so quickly at the owners request... ONCE THEY realise they have posted something incriminating....

Im done, hopefully the police sort it out and we actually get to hear the end result, names included.



#143 DanWA


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 08:45 AM

Interesting stance now days, i copped a few bans in the past for being against re-shells


Now all of a sudden its taboo?


No need to name and shame Skap, i'm sure anyone with half a brain can work out who it is from the pics

#144 Tyre biter

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 08:55 AM

Stupid question I guess, but referencing Adam's commentary, have charges been laid in Court as yet?


If not, then the approach taken is very appropriate IMO - not to identify those involved - this is what the principles of natural and procedure justice are there for.  In addition, this stance protects both this forum and its members from civil litigation whilst also not jeopardising a prosecution re: the prospects of findings against any defendant in Court.


If so, then I see no issue (at law) with naming defendants so long as it is clear commentary regarding their involvement is clear the matters are allegations until such time the matters are deemed to have been proven by the Courts.  Having said that, if I were an the owner or an administrator of this forum I too would be reluctant to allow naming regardless - who really wants to be named as a respondent in a civil tort/writ regardless of the strength or not of the petitioner's case?


Cheers, TB

#145 REDA9X



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:12 AM

I agree with you, and if that was the case thats understandable, but this case was different to what you described.


Sometimes people have their own agendas to put down other peoples vehicles....


Sometimes it isn't practical to travel thousands of K's to inspect a car that one is not in the market to purchase. Sellers put up photos of various parts of their cars and often those photos speak a thousand words, if you know what to look for.


If upon receipt of negative news they are going to go into a state of denial then they probably shouldn't ask all and sundry if the item in question is legit or a fake in the first instance.


Not our fault if people can't handle the truth about their claimed factory original this and that.

Dan, I'm not aware of that, what was the post exactly

Interesting stance now days, i copped a few bans in the past for being against re-shells


Now all of a sudden its taboo?


No need to name and shame Skap, i'm sure anyone with half a brain can work out who it is from the pics

#146 REDA9X



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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:17 AM

Usually once it's gone to court or charges laid it's common knowlege and reported in the media. We may all remember a certain XU1 person being caught a few years ago and his name plastered all over the place. If someone sees it in the paper where people are named, then it's out in the open and not our problem. When it becomes a problem is the "pub talk" where someone knows or has half an idea who is involved and starts plastering that name around the place. I know exactly who it is, but 'm not going to be the one to release the name.

Stupid question I guess, but referencing Adam's commentary, have charges been laid in Court as yet?


If not, then the approach taken is very appropriate IMO - not to identify those involved - this is what the principles of natural and procedure justice are there for.  In addition, this stance protects both this forum and its members from civil litigation whilst also not jeopardising a prosecution re: the prospects of findings against any defendant in Court.


If so, then I see no issue (at law) with naming defendants so long as it is clear commentary regarding their involvement is clear the matters are allegations until such time the matters are deemed to have been proven by the Courts.  Having said that, if I were an the owner or an administrator of this forum I too would be reluctant to allow naming regardless - who really wants to be named as a respondent in a civil tort/writ regardless of the strength or not of the petitioner's case?


Cheers, TB

#147 wot179


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:25 AM

I suspect the (latest) thread in question was regards a JP block that had a questionable font in the engine number.

#148 lx308


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:31 AM

What thread was that Craig? That never happened, just search the forum, you'll find nothing

#149 wot179


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:33 AM

Yeah...I know.

Best for Red to ask Datto. I think it was Datto that ditched it, but will happily stand corrected on that.

Wish I could remember the thread title, Google would still find it.

#150 lx308


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 09:58 AM

Finds it, but you can't read it...

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