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AMEP. Ricky Muir

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#26 Rockoz


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:06 PM

Jason if it wasnt for your party, the country would have the money to build a new hospital every week, or equivalent of.

Your party embarked on a construction program. Building on that program, cost 5 x what they should have.

Your party contributed to the death of how many workers through a batt scheme that was never thought out properly. And allowed to rip us off.

Short memory your lot.

#27 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:26 PM

If you voted...

Liberal, you're selfish.

Labor, you want to waste money.

Liberal, you have no hope for society.

Labor, you have hope, and can cope with disappointment.

Liberal,  you think stuff everyone else, my money is for me.

Labor, you believe in sharing for the good of society, but don't mind that a lot of it will be going to the public service. The most overpaid, overqualified and least effective workforce in all of human history.

Not much of a choice, is it?

If you think the two major parties are basically the same, you're wrong.

Some of their policies might be similar, but what they stand for is completely different.

The Liberal Party believes in a small government with lower taxes, less money for health and other services, and making things as easy as possible for big and small business.

They believe that if you want something, go and get if for yourself - we're not going to help you. However, once you've got it, we're not going to take it off you.

The Labor Party believe in higher taxes to fund a larger public sector. The idea being to provide basic levels of health, education and other core services for everyone, regardless of how much money they earn.

It's the poor execution of this philosophy that brought the Labor Party undone.

Now there's no man on this planet who I respect more than my Dad. We often disagree when it comes to anything but football.

This election, he voted Liberal and I voted Labor.

To my surprise, he agreed when I said that Liberal voters were selfish.

"So you don't care about helping other less fortunate than you?" I asked.

He said, "Of course I do. What I don't believe in is throwing my money away on their problems. Especially when it's just wasted."

When you put it like that Dad, it's difficult to argue.

But I'm going to have a go...

I don't think the Labor Party lost votes because they did a bad job. They lost votes because everyone's doing so well.

On average, Australians have more money today than they ever have, and they don't want to share it. Which is exactly why the Liberal Party won.

People used to vote for Labor because they had less money and were keen for sharing, as they would end up with more.

And that's the core of the problem right there.

We're selfish, and that's something that hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is that in 2013, we're selfish with more money.

This selfish attitude is everywhere.

We build roads instead of improving the public transport system, because we don't want to share a seat.

Stuff the environment, it's a lot cheaper to pretend that climate change doesn't exist.

Also, who needs the internet? I live in a city and its fast enough. Stuff anyone stupid enough not to live in a city.

Oh and rich people shouldn't pay more tax. Poor people should just work harder, and not get sick if they can't afford to.

Stuff foreign aid. If they want money, they can come to Australia and work for it - actually, no they can't.

Screw the asylum seekers. Giving more refugees a chance at a far better life in Australia is going to cost money.

We're not worried about refugees being terrorists, creating inner-city slums or the crime rates skyrocketing. All we're worried about how much it's going to cost.

The public servants are the most selfish of all. Labor governments give them the chance to improve things, but they just squeeze out the biggest wages they can, in exchange for the smallest possible effort.

We're all for one, but we're certainly not one for all.

With so many people in this country thinking only about themselves, maybe we've got the system that we deserve.

Where the most talented and intelligent people in this country don't go into politics where we need them, but stick to the private sector because it pays far better.

So despite what you might tell other people that you care about this election, and even what you tell yourself, remember the truth.

You voted for the Liberal Party because you believe that if you have money, you deserve a better life. That some humans are worth more than others.

Or your voted Labor because you have hope for a better world. And are prepared to be disappointed. Yet again.

Until we all stop being so selfish, none of this is going to change.

Actually, I voted Greens. Labor were my second-last preference, just above the Liberals.

Sorry Dad, but please don't worry. I haven't changed my mind about anything important. Whatever happens, I will NEVER stop barracking for North Melbourne.

Xavier Toby is a writer and comedian. 

You can tweet him here, Facebook him here, check out his website here or see him at the Sydney Fringe from Sep 6 to 15 and the Melbourne Fringe from Sep 20 to Oct 5.

Read more: http://www.watoday.c...l#ixzz3TgMgCuak

#28 S pack

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:29 PM

I remember a particular arrogant ex treasurer come prime minister who spent $250k of taxpayers money on a five car carport at 'The Lodge' (if memory serves correctly). FFS, $250k in those days would build a luxurious double storey brick house.


But to be fair, taxpayers, at the hands of governments of either political persuasion, have been ripped off for decades by contractors that routinely double or triple their prices because it is a government contract or the government is handing out what is essentially free money.

#29 EunUCh


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 05:42 PM



At least he giving it a go,the 2 party preference system will still prevail..but at least they need someone sticking it to them.

#30 Rockoz


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:07 PM

They are all in it for themselves to get the most out of it they can.

Mate of mine did a lot of work on refurbishing an office in Sydney for an ex PM.

The end cost was $1.2million.

One thing that has irked me is Labor and with their main support the Unions, make it harder for small business in many cases.

They make it extremely hard for big business as well.

An organisation that has only around 10% representation in the workforce dictates what more than 90% of workers can do.

In a democracy that we are supposed to be under, how can this be allowed to happen?

Back to AMEP.

Anything Ricky does is likely to be no more useful than peeing in a creek to change the tide.

#31 RallyRed


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:11 PM

not so sure Rockoz....who'd have though J. Lambie could have swung a better pay deal for the ADF.?


Maybe Ricky can swing some things for guys like us.

#32 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:35 PM

Food for thought...............  who am I kidding..    being single minded runs both ways...       anyway for those with an open mind..    


#33 Statler


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 06:39 PM

Having a small voice in Government is still better than pissing & moaning about how things can't change on social media or web sites!

How far has whinging about things got us so far? Yep ......... fkn nowhere!


How about instead of bagging the shit out of the guy, you actually throw some support behind him. Just maybe he will be re-elected ( or even better another rep from another state) & things just might begin to change for the betterment of ALL motoring enthusiests!


It's up to US! The same way the other 2 major parties were formed.

#34 Rockoz


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 07:10 PM

Is anyone running at NSW state?

More things can be realistically done at state level rather than federal for motoring enthusiasts

#35 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 09:13 PM

hey rob if the liberals were in charge when the global finacial crisis was on we would have been frOck and been like greece.have you ever been in debt before?.do you have a credit card?.why going into debt is to invest in the future.if business do the right thing by there workers there will be no problems.

#36 Rockoz


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 09:44 PM

Jason unfortunately you only have a passing grasp of finance.

You can only borrow so much.

Then you cant afford the repayments.

That is where Greece is.

That is where Rudd Gillard and then Rudd again were sending us.

So much so that at the moment we are paying $40 million a day in interest.

And another $60 million a day for crazy schemes that they tried to use to buy votes.


When you or I borrow, we borrow an amount we can repay.

As for the GFC.

By the nature of what was happening in Australia we were not going to be affected by the GFC.

China was still going strong and so were our exports.

Mines were about to expand even during the early stages.

But then Gillard decided to recoup some money from the greedy overlords of business.

Carbon Tax then the Mining Tax stopped the expansion.

BHP alone dropped a $6 billion expansion.

Mines everywhere decided to halt or delay their expansion projects.

People started getting put off work, in particular contract workers in the mines.

They make up around 75% of workers in some mines.

Some of these mines are now planning for expansion again but it will take a while for it to run up to commencement.

The point you make however is so far fetched it really makes me wonder.

Greece is in trouble for borrowing too much money.

Something the Libs would not have done.

On the other hand Labor kept borrowing and borrowing.

That has more chance of causing a Greek like problem.

And that should be simple to understand.

Your statement actually contradicts itself.

#37 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 09:55 PM

i struck a nerve.

#38 Dr Terry

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 10:11 PM

If you voted...

Liberal, you're selfish.

Labor, you want to waste money.

Liberal, you have no hope for society.

Labor, you have hope, and can cope with disappointment.

Liberal,  you think stuff everyone else, my money is for me.

Labor, you believe in sharing for the good of society, but don't mind that a lot of it will be going to the public service. The most overpaid, overqualified and least effective workforce in all of human history.

Not much of a choice, is it?

If you think the two major parties are basically the same, you're wrong.

Some of their policies might be similar, but what they stand for is completely different.

The Liberal Party believes in a small government with lower taxes, less money for health and other services, and making things as easy as possible for big and small business.

They believe that if you want something, go and get if for yourself - we're not going to help you. However, once you've got it, we're not going to take it off you.

The Labor Party believe in higher taxes to fund a larger public sector. The idea being to provide basic levels of health, education and other core services for everyone, regardless of how much money they earn.

It's the poor execution of this philosophy that brought the Labor Party undone.

Now there's no man on this planet who I respect more than my Dad. We often disagree when it comes to anything but football.

This election, he voted Liberal and I voted Labor.

To my surprise, he agreed when I said that Liberal voters were selfish.

"So you don't care about helping other less fortunate than you?" I asked.

He said, "Of course I do. What I don't believe in is throwing my money away on their problems. Especially when it's just wasted."

When you put it like that Dad, it's difficult to argue.

But I'm going to have a go...

I don't think the Labor Party lost votes because they did a bad job. They lost votes because everyone's doing so well.

On average, Australians have more money today than they ever have, and they don't want to share it. Which is exactly why the Liberal Party won.

People used to vote for Labor because they had less money and were keen for sharing, as they would end up with more.

And that's the core of the problem right there.

We're selfish, and that's something that hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is that in 2013, we're selfish with more money.

This selfish attitude is everywhere.

We build roads instead of improving the public transport system, because we don't want to share a seat.

Stuff the environment, it's a lot cheaper to pretend that climate change doesn't exist.

Also, who needs the internet? I live in a city and its fast enough. Stuff anyone stupid enough not to live in a city.

Oh and rich people shouldn't pay more tax. Poor people should just work harder, and not get sick if they can't afford to.

Stuff foreign aid. If they want money, they can come to Australia and work for it - actually, no they can't.

Screw the asylum seekers. Giving more refugees a chance at a far better life in Australia is going to cost money.

We're not worried about refugees being terrorists, creating inner-city slums or the crime rates skyrocketing. All we're worried about how much it's going to cost.

The public servants are the most selfish of all. Labor governments give them the chance to improve things, but they just squeeze out the biggest wages they can, in exchange for the smallest possible effort.

We're all for one, but we're certainly not one for all.

With so many people in this country thinking only about themselves, maybe we've got the system that we deserve.

Where the most talented and intelligent people in this country don't go into politics where we need them, but stick to the private sector because it pays far better.

So despite what you might tell other people that you care about this election, and even what you tell yourself, remember the truth.

You voted for the Liberal Party because you believe that if you have money, you deserve a better life. That some humans are worth more than others.

Or your voted Labor because you have hope for a better world. And are prepared to be disappointed. Yet again.

Until we all stop being so selfish, none of this is going to change.

Actually, I voted Greens. Labor were my second-last preference, just above the Liberals.

Sorry Dad, but please don't worry. I haven't changed my mind about anything important. Whatever happens, I will NEVER stop barracking for North Melbourne.

Xavier Toby is a writer and comedian. 

You can tweet him here, Facebook him here, check out his website here or see him at the Sydney Fringe from Sep 6 to 15 and the Melbourne Fringe from Sep 20 to Oct 5.

Read more: http://www.watoday.c...l#ixzz3TgMgCuak

You left out one important item.


I've voted Labor more times times than Liberal in my life & now that I am older & more mature I can see what happens when Government gets into bed with with the more criminal elements of our society (they call them unions).


If Rudd & Gillard had their way way we would be worse off than Greece as we speak. What happened to Labor after the Bob Hawkes of the world left the party??


Dr Terry

#39 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 10:18 PM

Jason unfortunately you only have a passing grasp of finance.

You can only borrow so much.

Then you cant afford the repayments.

That is where Greece is.

That is where Rudd Gillard and then Rudd again were sending us.

So much so that at the moment we are paying $40 million a day in interest.

And another $60 million a day for crazy schemes that they tried to use to buy votes.


When you or I borrow, we borrow an amount we can repay.

As for the GFC.

By the nature of what was happening in Australia we were not going to be affected by the GFC.

China was still going strong and so were our exports.

Mines were about to expand even during the early stages.

But then Gillard decided to recoup some money from the greedy overlords of business.

Carbon Tax then the Mining Tax stopped the expansion.

BHP alone dropped a $6 billion expansion.

Mines everywhere decided to halt or delay their expansion projects.

People started getting put off work, in particular contract workers in the mines.

They make up around 75% of workers in some mines.

Some of these mines are now planning for expansion again but it will take a while for it to run up to commencement.

The point you make however is so far fetched it really makes me wonder.

Greece is in trouble for borrowing too much money.

Something the Libs would not have done.

On the other hand Labor kept borrowing and borrowing.

That has more chance of causing a Greek like problem.

And that should be simple to understand.

Your statement actually contradicts itself.

one of your statements is the biggest load of frOckin rubbish i have ever heard.australia were not going to be affected by the global financial crisis.typical liberal voter pull your head in mate.

#40 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 07 March 2015 - 10:22 PM

Jason unfortunately you only have a passing grasp of finance.


Your statement actually contradicts itself.


Sadly jason only has a passing grasp on basically every aspect of life. 


All of his statements contradict themselves. 

#41 RallyRed


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 04:37 AM

don't really want to buy into this.....but...

If the Carbon Tax and the Mining Tax stopped the mines ( in Astralia) ,,,,then what stopped them in the rest of the world?...surely not a couple of people in Canberra??


The mined died in the arse for 2 reasons in my humble opinion -


1. A lot of the work in the mines was purely construction. Once finalised , the jobs were always going to disappear. Wouldn't have mattered if Humphrey B Bear was in Goverment. A simple example is if you were to get a bricky to construct you a new brick fence, once its don't, you don't keep him on the payroll, then blame Canberra for having to let him go.


2. The GFC stuffed up global demand.

Edited by RallyRed, 08 March 2015 - 04:38 AM.

#42 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 04:40 AM

Everyone is entitled to there opinions.....  some of you just need to hate the game, not the player...... you all carry on like experts..   I voted Liberal last election, because I didn't like the lies and the broken promises by Labor......  but I can assure you, I wont be voting Liberal again........ anyone who thinks that the liberal party is doing a good job is nothing more than a died in the wool Liberal Voter, and there just as bad as a died in the wool Labor voter....  none of you make any sense....all I ever hear is the same crap the parties preach...  Liberal party may be able to balance the books, but that is because they don't spend money looking after the needs of the Australian people.....  you talk about finance, Labor spent money on infrastructure, and Business Owners ripped the system off, not Unions....


This Country was strong while we had the unions keeping the bastards honest....   Business Owners are just as corrupt as union officials, but is was the business owners that blew out the Labor Parties attempt to stimulate our economy while most other countries ground to a halt....


So sick of people who were probably never in a Union, telling others how bad they were, and yes,  there were bad elements in unions, just the same as Small & Big Business.  and anyone that says they have done nothing to help Australian workers, sorry but your an Idiot........   The Liberal Party at the moment is nothing more than a circus, and the clown is running the show.........  


Talking about short memories................  


Dr Chaosweaver ....   

#43 yel327


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:07 AM

It is as many have said a no-win situation. I just know that this country (and NSW) cannot afford another Labor rut with Union puppets in charge. Problem is the Federal alternative is only slightly better, worse in some ways....


I can't vote Labor, if I don't vote Coalition I end up with a sorry situation where loonies are controlling the balance of power in both houses. Best off is I don't vote and cop the fine! I wonder what would happen if EVERY voter didn't vote?

#44 _LS1 Taxi_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:19 AM


I haven't voted since Kevin 07...and in hindsight, that was a mistake.
I usually don't get fined either, just takes a letter to get out of the $20.
I'm totally not interested. If I thought anything could possibly be improved I'd probably care. Reality is, the loons run the asylum.
I'll worry about what I can control....and save my sanity.

#45 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 06:22 PM

Daz, I hope you trust me, and take the time to watch this.... in fact I hope you all would take the time to watch this..... this will not make you change who you vote for, and it may not even want to make you vote...;;  but to anyone who takes the time to watch it, I promise you will learn somethings that you didn't know, and had never even  thought off... ..   Please I beg you all take the time to watch this, and if you just flic through it, you will miss the whole point... it goes for 1 1/2 hours, but please take the time to watch,,,   


I know this is hi-jacking the thread a bit, and I am sorry for this....   and I will also, post it in the Conspiracy theory thread just in case I am wrong that some of you may have an interest.., even though it is not a conspiracy,,,  it is the way of the World, told to you like you've possibly never heard before.....  anyway I hope you's enjoy, and maybe learn something ...  cheers Ian


#46 Dr Terry

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:01 PM

abbott is the worst leader this country has ever had,cant even speak fluently.look at his idols ronald reagan and magaret thacther.

I missed this up until now.


Along with Bob Hawke, Tony is one of the most learned PMs we've ever had. Most of the negatives about him are invented in the minds of biased left-wing media types. ABC anyone ??


BTW, his 'speech' issue is a result of being a bad stutterer as a child. This has no affect on his ability in his job.


Also, no matter what your opinion of Reagan or Thatcher is (or was) the inescapable facts are that in both cases they got their respective countries out of huge 'black holes' caused by successions of bad governments of both right-wing & left-wing persuasions.


Dr Terry

#47 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:24 PM

Liked ^

#48 orangeLJ


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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:26 PM

Dr Terry speaking the truth as per the usual.

I have great admiration for Tony's ability to speak. Considering the hurdles he has overcome to do so (from a stutter) you can still hear it in his voice and its often why he will repeat words and take pauses in some strange places. Speech pathology teaches stutterers a series of exercises in breathing and thinking to help move past the block.

And I will take his post-stutter speech over gillards twang (most embarrassing speaker on a world stage we have ever had) any day of the week.

I always challenge people who tell me they 'don't like Abbott' to give me some credible reason why. Not just the whole 'he is religious and wears budgie smugglers' bullshit that most spout. Genuine reasons.

#49 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:40 PM

I missed this up until now.


Along with Bob Hawke, Tony is one of the most learned PMs we've ever had. Most of the negatives about him are invented in the minds of biased left-wing media types. ABC anyone ??


BTW, his 'speech' issue is a result of being a bad stutterer as a child. This has no affect on his ability in his job.


Also, no matter what your opinion of Reagan or Thatcher is (or was) the inescapable facts are that in both cases they got their respective countries out of huge 'black holes' caused by successions of bad governments of both right-wing & left-wing persuasions.


Dr Terry

i have a lot of pommy friends and all of them hated thacther

#50 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:44 PM

you could not trust the liberals with a jam jar full of 5 cent coins its a fact

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