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complete steering column rebuild

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#1 _76lxJAS_

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 04:59 PM

As i havent seen this here i thought it might help some one if they want to do a full rebuild.


firstly remove your steering column how ever you wish to do it.


next undo the 2 screws on the bottom bracket and remove and remove the clip at the bottom also.

at this point the bottom bearing etc can be removed, 


now undo the 3 screws that hold the indicator assemble in and remove that.


undo the 4 bolts to the steering column mounting bracket  and remove.


undo the 2 screw to the columns plastic cover and slide it back alittle.


undo the 2 screw that hold the ignition switch on, to remove this rotate the switch 90dg and take it away from the rod.

no photo, sorry.


take off the C clip, washers and spring from the shaft in the coffee pot.


undo the 4 screw the hold the coffee pot on and remove.


now take off the plastic cover


the steering shaft should be able to be taking out now also.


at this point you should have everything apart. i done the mods for the lower bearing as described in another thread here.


now for the ignition switch rebuild,


bend back the 3 bits that hold the switch together.


be careful opening it, there a 2 small ball bearings that u dont want to lose.


clean up all parts scotch bright the copper contacts in it and apply some die electric grease and reinstall all bits as they were.








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#2 _76lxJAS_

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 05:19 PM

now to the upper bearing.

i done a few test with different epoxies. JB weld holds a hell of alot stronger than the original set up.

i have no doubt that it is more than strong enough done right.


firstly machine of the left over of the broken lip down flat to where the bearing seats.


then with a carbide die grinder bit. grind the inside where the bearing goes and grind out a notch to similar size

to what the bearing has. this will stop the bearing from ever sliding out.


tape of the top and bottom of the bearing.

grind the outside of the bearing to make it nice and clean and ruff to help adhesion of the glue.



the new bearing have a tapered edge so you need to grind off the corner of the coffee pot to get it to seat flat.

also grind off a bit on the outside also so you get more surface area for the adhesive.


give it all a good clean down with acetone once done


apply the glue to both surface making sure you work it into the hollows of the bearing and the notch you created in the pot.


now install the bearing. turning the bearing as you install will help to stop pushing the glue out the back of the pot.


i made up a extra alloy washer that fits the bearing and glues over the bearing also,



Now for the indicator assembly.


remove the stalk.


remove the stainless clips 


where the stalk screws into can be pushed out the back.


then separate the 2 units.


now clean it all, scotch bright the contacts and lube with die electric grease.


relube where the the stainless clips go also. and reassemble.





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#3 _76lxJAS_

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 05:43 PM

i machined down the old nylon lower bearing holder to fit into the shaft and secured it with 2 screw as done in the other thread here. this stops the bearing from moving up into the outer case keeping the bearing in one place.


now install the new lower bearing and clip.


put the steering shaft in.


put the plastic cover on.


install the coffee pot.


put the washers, spring and C clip back on.


install the indicator assembly.


put the ignition switch back on.


put the steering column mounting plate back on...


reinstall your column,


i hope this covers all that is needed.


Cheers Jason





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#4 _LXT333_

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Posted 14 May 2018 - 10:31 PM

Bump this thread to help me find it next time
Thanks for the tips

#5 jonesy


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Posted 18 August 2018 - 06:52 PM

which JB weld is used here?






possibly assuming this one below?





#6 rexy


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Posted 19 August 2018 - 01:05 PM


#7 _LXT333_

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Posted 19 August 2018 - 10:27 PM

I used the 2 part stuff as per your below.

#8 jonesy


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 08:42 AM

I used the 2 part stuff as per your below.



this one mick?

if it is it would be good i think i have some kicking around the shed, prob wont find it until i dont require it anymore and have bought some more in the meantime wasted 4 hrs looking for the other

Edited by jonesy, 20 August 2018 - 08:43 AM.

#9 _LXT333_

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 06:43 PM

Yes mate that’s the stuff.

Funny you say that as I borrowed some off a mate and he wanted it back, I spent hours looking in my shed and didn’t find it until I was under the torana working.
Seen it had been kicked under a bench.

Borrowed some as only had one job to do and didn’t want to buy some, have it sitting around just to lose it for if I ever need it again.

I’m pretty sure
JB Weld
Will all do the same job.

#10 Steve TPF

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Posted 21 August 2018 - 08:10 PM

Nice how-to thread. Well done!

#11 Bazcad


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 07:16 AM

Just what I was looking for. Cheers.

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