As some of you are aware, I've been trying to get my LC GTR registered for quite a while now.
They have hit me with a lot of stuff, all of which I have happily complied with and fixed as requested.
I had a new inspection this time, because my last reinspection was in Feb, so that means they are able to pick on new stuff.
One thing they have picked up is that my car does not have a handbrake warning light.
The ADR's relevant to my car are 2, 3, 4, 5A, 7, 10A, 15, 20 (4/71 LC GTR).
None of them mention anything about a hand brake warning light.
I told them that my car never had one, but they said, there is a spot on the dash for it so it must have.
We all know this is bull, they all had the spot for the light, doesn't mean it was active right?
Also I have an LJ dash in the car, so their point is irrelevant.
My question is, if its not in a relevant ADR, can they still enforce it?