Hi All,
Let me start by saying if this is in the wrong spot, can admin please move it. Thanks.
Now, Starting this friday will be the Streetmachine Drag Challenge. Basically the same as the American Drag Week, but with only about 50 cars. So, five tracks, five days, 1500km, and no car trailers. You can tow a trailer to pull your gear, but you can't tow the car, it must be driven to all tracks.
It starts and finishes at Calder in Melbourne.
I have entered and am looking forward to having some fun with the big guys. I will be one of the slower cars, but hopefully will have just as much fun.At some stage I am really hoping to get a ride in one of the quicker ones!
He is a photo of my car with the trailer hooked up. Not a sight you see evryday.
I will keep you guys updated if there is interest with photos. I don't do youtube so videos won't work.
Any questions fire away and I will have a go at answering.
Well until Friday!!
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Yes, I put carpet in there. Hoping to help keep things in place?!? Hope it works