My suggestion to anybody protecting something important is to build levels of security.
Lets face it, if they really want what you drive/ride they will get it.
Been a fair number of vehicles "jacked"
But first level is obvious. Highly visible. Stuff that looks like it will make lots of noise.
That will deter a lot of the opportunistic thieves.
There is probably an easier target down the road.
Then closer to the item being protected there should be less obvious protection.
Discreet system that may or may not make noise but will record stuff. Good quality hidden cameras.
The vehicle itself should have one or more forms of protection.
Club Locks. Alarms with flashing indicator lights.
Think also along the lines of fuel cut offs.
There was a brake line valve available years ago too. But not sure if it would be legal.
A colleague and I many years ago built an alarm and set it up in a HQ Pano.
Didnt do a lot until the thief would be well and truly in the van.
Then it shot bolts from doors to pillars effectively locking them.
Then we had a number of piezo alarms in the van.
Not sure what the db figure was, but it was painful to be inside I can assure you.
Only way out was to smash windows. Should try that when your head is in pain.
We also prototyped a gas release system but we didnt hook that up.
Sulphur dioxide would have been good, but we werent sure of the toxicity and whether he could get rid of the smell after.
Did another alarm system for a shed a while back.
It was silent.
Put the alarm in and a couple of floodlights.
Put some extra 6mm steel sheeting on some walls.
Owner loved his Mosberg.
Also had access to big excavators and large tracts of land.