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Spotting a restamped LC, LJ engine block

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#176 S pack

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 11:04 AM

Come on stop undermining Norm Darwin's research on the book and the book he has had a go ........................


Yeah but who was it that supplied Norm with dubious research. Not Norms fault. He trusted those who provided the 'so called' facts.


For the record 'Torana Tough' is a great reference for the Torana enthusiast or newcomer. Just have to read between the lines and not take all that has been supplied by third parties as 100% gospel.

Edited by S pack, 11 March 2016 - 11:08 AM.

#177 yel327


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 12:02 PM

On second thoughts Crabba, don't bother. I already pretty know which ones you will claim to have recorded, or really which ones you won't. So where did Bruce get the other five numbers from? I can guarantee you that someone is telling porkies on some of the numbers.


I'd still like to also know what the self proclaimed experts have to say about the engine in the grainy, awful photo posted last night?

#178 unclefestal34s


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 03:11 PM

Norm Darwin's book is a pretty and also riddled with errors and facts,..good effort but the opportunity was there to speak to a lot of knowledgable and reputable people ,.when researching and putting a book together it's your duty to speak to the right people in the NO to get the right facts out there...that means inspecting car's yourself and speaking to car club presidents etc and chasing up the car's of interest,to understand what make them unique....not just self professed experts and individuals with a money making agenda...having owned a few (4) LJ XU1's and a 73 bathurst XU1 over 30 years ago i always thought knew a bit,..obviously not as much as i no now,..not that it matter's that much to me these day's....as far as these engine numbers go with there fonts and pretty confident i'd have no problem picking out the duds..anyway good thread guys..

#179 xu2308


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 04:17 PM

Its a Shame GMH never kept better records or locked there Archive stuff up, stories go that people took stuff over the years etc or chucked stuff out, as Norm's Book would of been so much better if there was more material, but he did get some things in the book not seen before, So 3 Cheers for that Norm. Norm told me he wished he wrote a Diary back in the day when all the good stuff was going on, he even drove lots of Torana's at work but never took photos. He should of left the V8 LJ side of the story open, but the Lang Lang Admin Boss did say in the Book: Why would we Destroy them, when the LH Torana Program was nearly over.

Edited by xu2308, 11 March 2016 - 04:20 PM.

#180 _Agent 34_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 04:41 PM

i think that this thread should stay for the following reasons;

1) it shows a consistent image of standard gmh lettering on engine blocks 

2) it shows a consistent image of a non standard lettering on engine blocks 


also i think the 8 is not vertical in the previous Jp block - all other 8's are different and hence this one " looks different".



The value in identifying most of these matters relates to few things and I think that the following matters need to be taken into account when purchasing a torana 


1) check before the cheque 

2) check the inner guard for a cut and paste chassis no - from under neath - also other standard items which define a car 

3) check with Baz- on this forum for chassis no and Identification details etc - consistency of time line of build dates and no's

4) check the block casting date - to see if it's in the ball park of the build time 

5) CHECK THE ENGINE NUMBER FOR CONSISTENCY WITH A STANDARD GMH LETTERING REPRESENTATION ( not the letter that comes from GMH saying what the car is )  - thats why this thread should be pinned 



I'm not entering into the duel cast matter.

Edited by Agent 34, 11 March 2016 - 04:42 PM.

#181 _Skapinad_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 04:55 PM

The dual cast matter requires its own thread... That will get deleted over and over ;)

#182 EunUCh


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 05:13 PM

I think the "5" and its telltale has been carried on?

The engine is 253 of whatever era i don't know or much care!

Attached File  eng#.JPG   186.14K   2 downloads

Perhaps the interest in these numbers deserves a thread on its own (in Off Topic or other sign on type thing for obvious reasons), clear pictures would be good so that those who are interested can add/comment or whatever without the dual cast stuff getting in the way !

So if some one wants to start a thread with pictures from this/other threads it would at least keep some sort of order about what people

should look for when spotting numbers.

Will try to get a sample of other blocks apart from the genuine QLJP one we made as well as what "after market" stamps look like.


#183 _Skapinad_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 05:53 PM

Interesting ! wonder if it is plant specific ?

And the numbers is the whole point of the thread mate, dual cast needs its own... Start one for that ! Lol

#184 S pack

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:06 PM

I think the "5" and its telltale has been carried on?

The engine is 253 of whatever era i don't know or much care!


Yes the 5 on this QR 253 is the same font as the 5's I posted pics of from genuine original JP, 3100x and CD prefix blocks.

At a guess I'd say 850811 would be 1977 vintage.

Edited by S pack, 11 March 2016 - 06:06 PM.

#185 yel327


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:06 PM

Engine numbers are only assembly plant specific for Chevrolet V8 engines in HK- HQ. The rest were all stamped in the one place but wear on numbers will probably vary as will alignment as the tools used are different for 6 and V8 and will probably differ for Starfire and V6 too, but same numbers. There are some key indicators across engines too but I won't go into that for obvious reasons, not publically anyway.

#186 xu2308


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:33 PM

The dual cast matter requires its own thread... That will get deleted over and over ;)


Your a Funny Man Skap lol

#187 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:36 PM

Please indulge me one and all .........  We have some very wise people on this forum, and for some reason,  only known to them,??? they have remained silent on this Dual Date stuff....  


Now I know Bazza has commented, but this guy knows number's, and surly knows more than is being said ??


Same for Dr. Terry..  I would love to hear his view's.......


Now,  I don't profess to the technical or first hand knowledge of Dave & Byron.....   but I can research shit.  And I'm #@$^%& if I can find anything on the Dual Date Cast..


It's as if it;s irrelevant to anything...  whether it's a 173, 202, or even JP 202...  The Dual Date Cast just simply does not rate a mention....


So the challenge is to everyone reading this.. (And this includes Anthony, Bruce and damn forgot his name, the rat..)  Google is your friend... 


Collectively all of us,  post every thing you can find on the Dual Date Cast......   and I bet you find nothing, anywhere.. except links to here ... 


Goodluck, and the challenge is on... 


I also know it's not fair as Anthony, Bruce and the other fellow, already have the answers, so It shouldn't take them too long to post something..  But for the rest of us, I understand it may take some time to find something..........  


So lead away, Anthony or Bruce ...   cheers .

#188 xu2308


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:45 PM

My thinking again, and not saying I am right, if they did a Batch of Dual Cast JP Donks and they only wanted a few in the Graphite Iron, then to fire up the Molten Machine thingy, it will have a full belly of hot molten metal, the key is, how many donks get made from a full belly molten maker ?????????,  say 100 Donks or is it 300 donks, then after that secret squirrel batch is done.


They are not going to throw away the sand boxes they used for the dual cast, as GMH was SAVE A BUCK Company, so they would of used them sand boxes to they were worn out, my thinking the Dual Cast Box was used for a special reason, to ID the Engines, then after that the Boxes can be used to death, just what I think, and I could be way wrong.

#189 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:53 PM

Well Al follow up on that thought, and post up here what you find.....  cheers mate ...

#190 xu2308


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 06:59 PM

You need some one that knew the workings on the Furnace Plant at GMH for when they brewed up engine moulds in how many were made from a full belly of Molten Metal.

#191 N/A-PWR



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Posted 11 March 2016 - 07:08 PM

We need a photo of the Pot, so we can work out how heavy the molten iron is.


You need some one that knew the workings on the Furnace Plant at GMH for when they brewed up engine moulds in how many were made from a full belly of Molten Metal.

#192 _Skapinad_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 07:15 PM

Please indulge me one and all ......... We have some very wise people on this forum, and for some reason, only known to them,??? they have remained silent on this Dual Date stuff....

Now I know Bazza has commented, but this guy knows number's, and surly knows more than is being said ??

Same for Dr. Terry.. I would love to hear his view's.......

Now, I don't profess to the technical or first hand knowledge of Dave & Byron..... but I can research shit. And I'm #@$^%& if I can find anything on the Dual Date Cast..

It's as if it;s irrelevant to anything... whether it's a 173, 202, or even JP 202... The Dual Date Cast just simply does not rate a mention....

So the challenge is to everyone reading this.. (And this includes Anthony, Bruce and damn forgot his name, the rat..) Google is your friend...

Collectively all of us, post every thing you can find on the Dual Date Cast...... and I bet you find nothing, anywhere.. except links to here ...

Goodluck, and the challenge is on...

I also know it's not fair as Anthony, Bruce and the other fellow, already have the answers, so It shouldn't take them too long to post something.. But for the rest of us, I understand it may take some time to find something..........

So lead away, Anthony or Bruce ... cheers .

Piss off with the dual cast shit!!!

#193 _Agent 34_

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 07:23 PM

does anyone have a picture of the engine stamps of the mighty red motor. What i mean is that the engine stamp as described ( chev ) above has a deninite " end to the stamp holding punch " 


by this i mean that the punch has a stop at the end and this when you look at the 253 which is pictured would go against the flat end. the locate the punch in relation to the pad. 



I'm wondering what shape the punch was that held the numbers for the holden 6 and where was the locating mechanism affixed to - was it the bolt position of the engine mounts ?


It pretty clear that these engine punches could take a beating literally, day in day out and not distort.beyond normal engineering practices and would have a life time of X amount of hits before it needed replacing due to distortion of the frame which holds the ( interchangeable ) numbers 



can anyone explain if these punches were hydraulically activated-



#194 yel327


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 08:22 PM

Afaik it was air actuated. I haven't held one but have conversed with someone who has. You'd expect there to be a number of them for the different engine number series and also for the different engine styles. Notice the Flint one in this thread is specific to the engine application. It would locate off a certain spot for certain, like the Flint device.

#195 kiwi-lilj


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 06:46 AM

Does anyone have a set of stamps that I can borrow?

#196 Kockum


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 07:04 AM

They keep those stamps in the jail workshop.

#197 yel327


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 07:40 AM

Owner of this engine sent me this photo and asked it to be put up. As can clearly be seen this is an original 150 list engine, was in the car when it was bought in the mid 80's when the car was only just over 10 years old, and when the car was restored the engine had never been apart. Owner even has photos of the engine coming apart where it is clear the thing still has all engine plant paint on it. Standard GMH gaskets, standard bore, original bearings. Not sure what the creationists did to that photo of this same engine they posted up before, but either it is a big co-incidence or they've done their best to try to make it look all wierd, but as all can see in this photo you cannot hide the truth. I know the clowns will create up some fiction that they can see a Q or something as they've done with other numbers that don't fit into their little world of lies and obsession, but this isn't put up for their benefit, it is for all the others here to see with their own eyes and understand.


BTW, this engine does not have a second date code. This is not the only one, I know of others, some of which have been with their original owner since the mid 70's. No-one bothered with going to the trouble of of finding correct date engine blocks and restamping them in the 80's and especially the 70's - the cars were worth FA, and replacement engines could be had for a song and it didn't matter if the original wasn't in the car. Most just put QL blocks in. That is a new millenium thing, not 30+years ago.


Moral of the story - NOT ALL 150 LIST ENGINES HAVE SECOND DATE CODE. That is it, simple. How many have a second date code I have no idea as i've never seen one, or seen an original 150 list car with one and no-one ever will see them all so we'll never know. But we know for certain some didn't have it.

Attached Files

#198 N/A-PWR



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Posted 12 March 2016 - 07:41 AM

Hello Blair,


some probably got out the front gate,


but I imagine GMH made their own stamps, and put the old ones back into the pot.


Does anyone have a set of stamps that I can borrow?

#199 S pack

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 08:00 AM

Hello Blair,


some probably got out the front gate,


but I imagine GMH made their own stamps, and put the old ones back into the pot.



Holden Dealers could purchase all sorts of tools through NASCO or their distributors. I'm sure (but I could be wrong) I have a NASCO News here from the 1960's advertising quite a few different tools including a 0-9 number stamp set.

A person who worked for a GMH Dealer, esp in the service dept, could easily pilfer or order their own set of stamps.




#200 Kockum


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Posted 12 March 2016 - 08:06 AM

Yes Byron ,

 A pathetic miserable attempt to put doubt in peoples minds about the legitimacy of that JP stamping.

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