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Dual Cast JP 202 Motors ......

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#1 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 08:25 AM

I'm not starting this thread for discussion's, there are a couple already running for that....


 I'm starting this thread for the purpose of showing proof of your dual cast JP 202 Motor ...


This is the GMH Torana Forum, so just about everyone with an XU-1 is probably on here.  So I would imagine, everyone with an XU-1 has by now also checked for a Dual Cast marking..


So lets see how many of these Dual Cast JP 202 Blocks are out there...  If you cant post pics, just ask, someone will help you..


I'm satisfied beyond reasonable doubt, that the 150 motor list,  that was published in 73, are the special motor's.  


If you have the Dual Cast proof, that puts doubt into the above sentence, then please show it......... 


If no JP Dual Cast 202 pics turn up...   Happy to see Dual Cast Blocks of any type, 173, 202 ....   some of these we have already seen ..


Cheers Ian ..


#2 jd lj

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 03:49 PM

This thread will self destruct in no time.

My dual cast has been mentioned previously, engine number JL363_ _ _ cast date 27f3. Yes it's a special engine, because it's mine.

#3 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 04:49 PM

Pictures are what is required here James ...........    I have the Holy Grail in my garden shed, but you'll have to take my word for it ......

#4 jd lj

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 07:34 PM

My pictures were in the original thread on this matter.

#5 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 06:40 AM

Well don't be shy..... put them up again here....  and you can start the avelanch of Dual Cast pic's ....  lol  


You can see how many there are out there by the lack of photo's .....  If I had one of these motors I'd be happy to show the pics ..   why the reluctance ???

#6 S pack

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:55 AM

Well don't be shy..... put them up again here....  and you can start the avelanch of Dual Cast pic's ....  lol  


why the reluctance ???

Ian, I've been hearing on the grapevine that many owners are growing tired of the BS the Three Stooges keep spewing about XU1's. So I'm not in the slightest surprised this thread has not taken off.

#7 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:21 AM

And rightly so Dave.........   But we have plenty of photo's of JP Single Cast Date blocks, with real and re-stamped numbers...


I am asking for Pics of Dual Cast Blocks only......    I didn't think we would see any,  and so far we haven't ...


PS..    I would imagine the grapevine consists of Single Cast owners, and I understand their frustrations ...  But I would think that anyone who had a Dual Cast block,  would be happy to assist with the outcome to this story.......


The Jeannie has been let out of the bottle, so to speak ......  I for one, am very interested to see if it's all smoke, and F-all Jeannie ..........  :)      

#8 LC-GTR-1969


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:45 PM

this confuses the hell out of me...


I understand the whole dual cast markings concept, but it all still baffles me. Why would there be dual stampings, if they do in fact exist? What does it signifiy (if they do in fact exist?)


Not questioning anything, its just that in all honesty, i am confused by this subject. My investigator mind tells me that anything dual cast is simply a re-stamp, and the urban legends crew have spouted this to be a motoring legend of some special XU1 engine that would be considered the holy grail of 202s (when it may be a re-stamp only)... 


Am I vaguely on track here? I honestly don't know. I have more knowledge of warewolves and unicorns than this mythical creature that is the dual cast block.

#9 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:21 PM

Nope, I think you have the gist off it ..........   :) 


I guess you noticed the lack of people posting pics of their GMH molecular marvel's........  as you have noticed, there are only a few that have even heard of these motor's, let alone be able to take a photo of one....  something about turning to stone if you take a photo of one and post it on here......  lol

#10 S pack

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:28 PM

Dual cast date code 202 and 173 blocks do exist. Dual cast date genuine JP prefix 150 list engine number 202 blocks do exist as do single cast date genuine JP prefix 150 list engine number 202 blocks.


Dual cast date 202 blocks were not intended for use in the XU1 but somehow someone at Dandenong forked up and these blocks that were intended for a purpose unrelated to the XU1 ended up in some LJ XU1 engine bays.

#11 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:33 PM

Dave, have you ever seen a Dual Cast JP 202 Block in pictures or in the flesh ???   

#12 S pack

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:37 PM

Dave, have you ever seen a Dual Cast JP 202 Block in pictures or in the flesh ???   

I have not seen a Dual Cast JP 202 Block in the flesh but I am satisfied that the engines in some of the pics I have seen are the real deal.

No I am not turning to the dark side I just wish to be honest and fair.

#13 Rockoz


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 09:00 PM

They havent had much time to do the pics so maybe need to give a bit of time.


But I do like your conspiracy theory on this one.


Clever ploy?


Or just another piss take?

#14 _Skapinad_

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 09:18 PM

Bit of both I reckon...

#15 S pack

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 09:23 PM

They havent had much time to do the pics so maybe need to give a bit of time.


But I do like your conspiracy theory on this one.


Clever ploy?


Or just another piss take?

No ploy, no piss take, conspiracy theory not exactly but the other camp will say it is at the very least and probably a whole lot more.

#16 UCgazman


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 09:56 PM

Why did they make blocks with two cast dates anyway?

Edited by UCgazman, 04 March 2016 - 09:57 PM.

#17 LC-GTR-1969


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 06:51 AM

Why did they make blocks with two cast dates anyway?

exactly why I am confused. 

#18 jd lj

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 07:32 AM

exactly why I am confused. 

It was just to start arguments in 40 years time and they deliberately covered up any documentation of the significance so no one can prove anything either way.

How can all "DCDB" (dual cast date blocks, we need an abbreviation) be restamps? Does stamping new engine numbers somehow make a raised lump in the form of a date code on the opposite side of the block?

Mine is the original block for my LJ S model, not in an xu1 or gtr so there's no point for someone to have restamped it to make it something it's not. It's just another 202 in a LJ 2door.

#19 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 07:54 AM

So is it a JP Dual Cast James ....   How's about a photo James ...  Takes 5 minutes to do...   cheers mate..  

#20 S pack

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:01 AM

So is it a JP Dual Cast James ....   How's about a photo James ...  Takes 5 minutes to do...   cheers mate..  

It's a JL block Ian.

#21 S pack

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:05 AM

Why did they make blocks with two cast dates anyway?

It would have to be for easy identification when the vehicle came in for service. GM-H always made sure when revised or trial parts were fitted at the factory that the Servicing Dealers would have a way of easily identifying which vehicles had them.

#22 LC-GTR-1969


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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:14 AM

It was just to start arguments in 40 years time and they deliberately covered up any documentation of the significance so no one can prove anything either way.

How can all "DCDB" (dual cast date blocks, we need an abbreviation) be restamps? Does stamping new engine numbers somehow make a raised lump in the form of a date code on the opposite side of the block?

Mine is the original block for my LJ S model, not in an xu1 or gtr so there's no point for someone to have restamped it to make it something it's not. It's just another 202 in a LJ 2door.

I see... And makes sense, why restamp a jl block...

But I guess this is why I am confused, I just can't find much Rhime or reason that gmh did it...

#23 S pack

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:29 AM

I see... And makes sense, why restamp a jl block...

But I guess this is why I am confused, I just can't find much Rhime or reason that gmh did it...

A dual cast date JL block would be perfect to restamp into a JP though. Just file or sand away the L and replace it with a P. No one will ever know it's not the real deal if you are a magician with a file and sand paper. 



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Posted 05 March 2016 - 09:14 AM

ODDLY ENOUGH : Dual cast blocks are only found in 7/73, 8/73 and 9/73 cars.

ODDLY ENOUGH : This was the same time frame the 1973 Bathurst homologation specials were being produced.


ODDLY ENOUGH : The 2 first known cast dates of a dual cast 202 are 20F3 and 27F3.

ODDLY ENOUGH : This is the 2 cast dates used on the 2 1973 Bathurst homologation specials heads, the 2815843 20F3 and the 27F3.


ODDLY ENOUGH : There were many internal changes taking place in this time frame, Pistons, Conrods, Bearings etc etc etc........





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Posted 05 March 2016 - 11:01 AM

ODDLY ENOUGH : GMH homologated a new block under homologation 9/2E


ODDLY ENOUGH : GMH homologated a larger inlet valve under homologation 9/2E


ODDLY ENOUGH : GMH homologated fly cuts at the top of the bore tops under homologation 9/2E


ODDLY ENOUGH : GMH added extra iron at the top of the bore to allow the fly cuts as fly cuts would weaken a normal block some what


ODDLY ENOUGH : I have no idea what so ever how these new 1973 Bathurst homologation special blocks were identified..........


Do you ?

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