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Dual Cast JP 202 Motors ......

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#126 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 09:46 AM

Firstly : Under the global banner of GM, GMH were not permitted to go motor racing, rally yes, motor racing no.


GMH did not go motor racing

GMH did not build race cars

GMH did not build race engines


Good luck finding proof that GMH did any of these things that they were not permitted to be doing under the global banner of GM.


Missed this too. You obviously haven't looked very hard. GMH's method in the Harry Firth era at HDT of documenting special parts was to create amendments to parts catalogues, or in Nasco or GMP&A letters . All special parts for HDT GTS350 are there, clear as day in parts catalogue amendments. For 1973 XU1 there is two relevant amendments. One of them has 150 engine numbers listed. Funny that....there is 151 cars produced with those engines in them. Funny that. Your mate Crabba has posted up a picture of a homologation page produced by GMH of special parts for recognition by THE CONFEDERATION OF AUSTRALIAN MOTOR SPORT. Hmm, that was easy to find. Where is the one showing CAMS how to easily identify said special blocks? That is easy too - GMP&A flash bulletins 136 and 144. All special engines are listed. Sure there may be special, special blocks cast and hidden among production engines and if those special blocks did happen to be signified by a second date code NOT ALL 150 LIST ENGINES GOT THEM. I do not believe that this is what the second date code means or it would not be on 173 engines (save yourself the trouble, they are not the same block as a 202 I bet there is some 138's in export LJ's around the same time period that have them too but we'd have to ask guys overseas that question), however I'm happy to accept it if it proven to be the case. It still doesn't mean that all 150 list engines got the second date code.  



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 10:12 AM

You really do need to have a good chat with CAMS..............




I'm with Ian. I don't really care what the truth is




The smartest thing you have dribbled all day.............



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 10:20 AM

You see I do care about the truth and I do care people are getting ripped off large sums of money buying fake shit.........




#129 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 11:28 AM

You really do need to have a good chat with CAMS..............




I'm with Ian. I don't really care what the truth is




The smartest thing you have dribbled all day.............


Bruce, be glad you are behind a keyboard, as you would not be speaking to anyone face to face in such a manner, taking them totally out of context and expecting to get away with it. All anyone has to do is look up a few posts and see what you have done with the above. Grow a brain and lose some ego. You are a fool, and to be clear I don't think you've ever actually dribbled anything smart. You are not going to discredit me, no matter how hard you try, all you do is make yourself look even more foolish. I'm pretty sure I know what you are trying to cover up, but remember I'm far more stubborn that you are - the difference is I like others here are happy for the REAL story to be told (whatever that is). The only fact in all this is NOT ALL 150 LIST ENGINES HAVE TWO DATE CODES, this cannot and never will be changed by three or four circus clowns trying to change history

#130 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 11:33 AM

You see I do care about the truth and I do care people are getting ripped off large sums of money buying fake shit.........





As do all of us, hence why we won't let you clowns get away with it.


And to be clear, the people who have the engines I know you are trying to discredit never paid large sums of money for any engine, they bought the whole in the 70's and 80's cars when they were worth stuff all and still had their original engines in the cars.


Give it up. You are only making yourself look more and more guilty.

#131 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:28 PM

The only GTR XU-1,s to have the homologated Duel Cast blocks were the final 250 7/73, 8/73 & 9/73 Bathurst Homologation Specials. The minimum number being 250 under the 1973 Group C rules............

If there were 250 dual cast date blocks produced for the 100 XU1's produced in July 1973 and the 150 listed engines for August & September then why is it that not many 7/73 XU1's received a dual cast date block and yet we have an LJ like James Dunn's Torana S that came exfactory with a dual cast JL 202. Why would GMH waste these blocks so early in the production run on a JL engine if they are soooooooooooo special?

Edited by S pack, 09 March 2016 - 12:29 PM.

#132 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 01:42 PM

I'd also like to know where the second date code is on F5000 and L34 engines. If this is how we are to identify special engines why do F5000/Ramsay engines have an X and L34 don't really have much to pick them apart other than their engine number? These were cast about 5-6 months either side of the 150 list engines.



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 01:55 PM

Dave, Your question should read something like this :


If there were 250 dual cast date blocks produced for the 100 XU1's produced in July and early August 1973, why has James got a dual cast block ?


I know of 6 castings in the F3 & G3 June and July range, each producing around 50 blocks per 2 tonne pour.


This would give you roughly around 300 blocks to be fitted into roughly a 100 XU-1's.


The best 100-120 went into XU-1 production, the other 200-180 that never made the cut went into LJ's and HQ's as standard production engines.........


Then there is the H3 August castings as well


I can see old mate Byron rubbing his hands together all ready



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:09 PM

Before old mate Byron gets on here and calls this all a load of bull shit, Dave start from JP363 the same as Jame's JL363........


The first cast being 20F3

#135 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:10 PM

I have never in my life read a post where someone is clutching at straws as much as the above.

Edited by Bomber Watson, 09 March 2016 - 02:11 PM.



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:11 PM

Then allow 2 weeks or 14 days......

#137 jd lj

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:43 PM

Before old mate Byron gets on here and calls this all a load of bull shit, Dave start from JP363 the same as Jame's JL363........
The first cast being 20F3

If my memory serves me correctly in the last thread on this matter there was a dual cast date block with the cast date 20f3 that had the engine number quite a bit higher than my JL 363_ _ _.

#138 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:04 PM

Dave, Your question should read something like this :


If there were 250 dual cast date blocks produced for the 100 XU1's produced in July and early August 1973, why has James got a dual cast block

The question I posted is the question I wish to get an answer for, I don't need you to tell me how my Question should read. :thebird:


#139 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:05 PM

Dave, Your question should read something like this :


If there were 250 dual cast date blocks produced for the 100 XU1's produced in July and early August 1973, why has James got a dual cast block ?


I know of 6 castings in the F3 & G3 June and July range, each producing around 50 blocks per 2 tonne pour.


This would give you roughly around 300 blocks to be fitted into roughly a 100 XU-1's.


The best 100-120 went into XU-1 production, the other 200-180 that never made the cut went into LJ's and HQ's as standard production engines.........


Then there is the H3 August castings as well


I can see old mate Byron rubbing his hands together all ready

Bruce, I'm more than happy for this to be true ...........  But Mate, where is the frOcking proof ....  do you not understand that you are showing no proof...  You talk about CAMS all the time, how about putting up the CAMS part your talking about....  show some proof mate to back up your claim...  is it really that hard for you to do??


You talk like this stuff is right in everyone's face... but yet you show nothing...


So again I ask... show your reference's to your claim's.   or at least tell us in some detail, how the fuk you came to your conclusions ..... Please FFS ...   This is really becoming pathetic without some proof .... Ian

#140 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:10 PM

It won't and can't happen Ian. There is irrefutable proof that not all 150 list engines have two date codes yet that gets ignored like it doesn't exist.

#141 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:13 PM

Another question I've been pondering.

If these dual cast blocks were so special why were Alan Grice and Dave Mclean not told about them?


The evidence shows that Dave rebuilt Alan's 1972 JP engine to 9/2e spec for the 1973 Hardie Ferodo 1000.


Wouldn't surprise me if none of the XU1's in the 1973 race were running a dual cast date block.

Edited by S pack, 09 March 2016 - 05:15 PM.

#142 xu2308


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:25 PM

Another question I've been pondering.

If these dual cast blocks were so special why were Alan Grice and Dave Mclean not told about them?


The evidence shows that Dave rebuilt Alan's 1972 JP engine to 9/2e spec for the 1973 Hardie Ferodo 1000.


Wouldn't surprise me if none of the XU1's in the 1973 race were running a dual cast date block.


How many Race Teams have Brand New 1973 XU1's for the 1973 Season, my guess only HDT ?

#143 yel327


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:27 PM

Dave has never seen or heard of a second date code and has built and seen more of these engines that all of the clowns put together. I plan to see him in the next few weeks and document what he knows (if he'll let me - he has in the past). He knows Ian Tate really well too, so if he talks to Ian, Ian might open up a bit too. I'll be more than happy to report whatever they say. Whatever is the outcome it doesn't change the fact that not all 150 list engines have a second date code though.

#144 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:28 PM

How many Race Teams have Brand New 1973 XU1's for the 1973 Season, my guess only HDT ?

Not even the HDT. If the Three Stooges are correct the HDT were using 8/72 XU1's up to and including Bathurst 1973

#145 jd lj

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:29 PM

I think Alan Grice's 73 car was a new 73 shell fitted with all the parts from the 72 car they had that crashed. So presumably it could be a 72 engine.

#146 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:32 PM

I think Alan Grice's 73 car was a new 73 shell fitted with all the parts from the 72 car they had that crashed. So presumably it could be a 72 engine.

Yes it was reshelled with a 1973 Adelaide shell. The engine number Dave had engraved on the build plate is an August 72 JP number.

#147 xu2308


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:36 PM

Most teams would of been running there 1972 running gear in the 1973 season due to costs. You would assume HDT having GM-H in there pocket would have the latest stuff that Harry came up with and Eddie Matthews brewed up in casting etc etc, As HDT had the edge over the other teams.

#148 S pack

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:37 PM

Dave has never seen or heard of a second date code and has built and seen more of these engines that all of the clowns put together. I plan to see him in the next few weeks and document what he knows (if he'll let me - he has in the past). He knows Ian Tate really well too, so if he talks to Ian, Ian might open up a bit too. I'll be more than happy to report whatever they say. Whatever is the outcome it doesn't change the fact that not all 150 list engines have a second date code though.

Byron, I asked my friend a couple of weeks ago about getting all the info The CAMS have about the XU1's. He has a meeting with the GM of CAMS this week so is going to put forward my request then. Just have to wait and see what they provide I suppose.

Edited by S pack, 09 March 2016 - 05:38 PM.

#149 jd lj

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:48 PM

If we could get our hands on some of these blocks and people are prepared to put their money where their mouth is then it should be possible to take measurements and make the necessary inspections to prove if they are in fact special or not, correct? Look for the changes as listed in the email earlier in this thread.

#150 xu2308


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:55 PM

Maybe someone that has a Dual Cast dated JP Engine, takes it and gets it tested to see if its made of the thicker SG iron

(Sperodial Graphite Iron) but that gets down to costs etc and someone having a Donk.

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