Dual cast , or non dual cast JP blocks .
Posted 11 June 2016 - 08:46 PM
He is not wise !
Posted 11 June 2016 - 08:55 PM
Am to buddyYou better not be referring to Gene from the west ... Lol.
He is not wise !
Posted 17 June 2016 - 08:24 PM
" There has been so much proof put up here "
The only proof you turkeys have provided so far is some photos of restamped blocks and claim them to be genuine JP blocks
Most of these turkeys have never seen a dual cast block let alone understand it............
The three Amigos have never owned a 150 list 1973 Bathurst XU1 so wtf would they know.
You turkeys want proof? Here is proof!
A NSW and VIC Police tested and confirmed genuine original single cast date 150 list 9/2e JP block.
So shove that in your pipe and smoke it.
Posted 17 June 2016 - 08:29 PM
Posted 17 June 2016 - 08:34 PM
Posted 17 June 2016 - 09:06 PM
The three Amigos have never owned a 150 list 1973 Bathurst XU1 so wtf would they know.
You turkeys want proof? Here is proof!
A NSW and VIC Police tested and confirmed genuine original single cast date 150 list 9/2e JP block.
So shove that in your pipe and smoke it.
Well put, it would do others well to listen.
Posted 17 June 2016 - 09:49 PM
And whats the 613 number mean
I'm told the engine reconditioner put that number there. Owner not happy about it either.
Out of curiosity Dave, what exact testing do the police perform ? Is it different from state to state ?
If I tell ya I'll have to kill ya.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 12:08 AM

_Agent 34_
Posted 18 June 2016 - 07:06 AM
The three Amigos have never owned a 150 list 1973 Bathurst XU1 so wtf would they know.
You turkeys want proof? Here is proof!
A NSW and VIC Police tested and confirmed genuine original single cast date 150 list 9/2e JP block.
So shove that in your pipe and smoke it.
mmm the fox is in chicken coup again
I gotta ask this
who's car is the other engine in that does not have the 613 stamped into the pad as above then ?
Posted 18 June 2016 - 08:19 AM
mmm the fox is in chicken coup again
I gotta ask this
who's car is the other engine in that does not have the 613 stamped into the pad as above then ?
Which engine? The only pics posted to date on this forum that display that engine number are all of the exact same engine.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 08:47 AM
Which engine? The only pics posted to date on this forum that display that engine number are all of the exact same engine.
Now im confused, which isnt hard. Wasn't there a debate going on which stamping was correct out of those other 2 photos in another thread, some people were saying the number filled in with white paint was, other were saying the other stamping was? I thought they both looked identical stamping just different paint jobs.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 09:02 AM
Now im confused, which isnt hard. Wasn't there a debate going on which stamping was correct out of those other 2 photos in another thread, some people were saying the number filled in with white paint was, other were saying the other stamping was? I thought they both looked identical stamping just different paint jobs.
Come on Amigo. The photo your buddy Crabba put up is of the same engine as the one with white in it... The stupid Cunning Stunt just didn't realise it.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 03:04 PM
wtf are you on dickhead?
_Bomber Watson_
Posted 18 June 2016 - 03:26 PM
Think its spelt out pretty clearly Rich?
Same engine, same engine number, two differnt photo's, you can add the one above to the list as well to make it three.
If there is another one on a dual cast block, then its a restamp, and i can easilly speculate with about 99% accuracy the rest of that story
Posted 18 June 2016 - 03:42 PM
wtf are you on dickhead?
Sitting on a chair at the moment.. Tell The other amigos to come say hello

Posted 18 June 2016 - 04:43 PM
Out of curiosity Dave, what exact testing do the police perform ? Is it different from state to state ?
Don't they put some of type of liquid on the number area and then the liquid reacts with the metal and they use whatever the special X Ray thingy they have and they can tell from that if there are any other numbers there etc.
Posted 18 June 2016 - 07:38 PM
Out of curiosity Dave, what exact testing do the police perform ? Is it different from state to state ?
While not 100% sure... I rekon Magnetic Particle Inspection may show some old numbers ... we used it for crack detecting in the mining industry ... and if it didn't work this company would have something that would... unless you took 3-4mm off the engine number block... but that would stand out ... anyway this mob would be worth talking too ... http://www.hvtinspec...u/services.html
"Crack detection of race car body, steering and engine components to ensure construction is up to standard and to detect premature failure. Also we have previously worked closely with many automobile clubs etc, in radiographic testing of classic cars for the detection of chassis number tampering etc, helping to ensure the cars originality."
Edited by ChaosWeaver, 18 June 2016 - 07:41 PM.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 08:10 AM
Think its spelt out pretty clearly Rich?
Same engine, same engine number, two differnt photo's, you can add the one above to the list as well to make it three.
If there is another one on a dual cast block, then its a restamp, and i can easilly speculate with about 99% accuracy the rest of that story
Righto bomber, same engine 3 different pics - same engine is apparently not in the car at present. Gee this engine needs its own fb page.... the rivet counters are all over it.
Posted 19 June 2016 - 09:37 AM
Righto bomber, same engine 3 different pics - same engine is apparently not in the car at present. Gee this engine needs its own fb page.... the rivet counters are all over it.
The pic with the white chalk in the numbers the short motor was still wired to the pallet it arrived on from the NT.
The other two pics the engine is in a car. The car was driven to Melbourne for testing.
Posted 20 June 2016 - 06:43 PM

Three amigos must have been arrested ?
Posted 06 June 2017 - 03:20 PM
Interesting thread and a great read for and against, i've been living overseas for the past five years in beautiful Greece. Back in the late 70's early 80's i owned a late 73 orchid xu1 it also had a so called dual dated block engine number started with JP388 sold it to aussie guy his name was Kevin from Dee Why. Spiro
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