LOL ....... maybe 11 ... Crabba has to be real ..... well at least he is facebook real ...
I will give my view on this topic once more... because i can ..
But the thing that has always made this whole topic a load of shit in my mind is the lack of Co-Operation of those with the information .. Yel, and Dave have a wealth of knowledge and information on all things Holden, but in particular Toranas.. If the likes of Anthony Crabtree (Crabba) had any information, Why would they not join forces with Dave and Byron, to research what they have found ?? .... The truth is they took Dave and Byron head on in an atempt to proove their own point of view, and they have tried to discredit both Dave and Bryron on every thread ....
Now we have a new bunch that are targeting Skap in a way that suggests they have had run in's in the past ???...
Skap you annoy me too.... But you do not get ragged on by Jonny come lately's while i'm here ... as the wise man from the west says.. a pinch of salt will help with these tools