Heading away for a long weekend a while ago the engine in my L34 suddenly stopped while doing about 100kph , it was just like someone had pulled a coil lead off a coil and killed the engine instantly . Managed to get a tow to a garage where a mechanic tested the system and couldn't find anything wrong except that the cap had bad tracking inside it . It is a genuine twin coil distributor and l did have a spare L34 cap and rotor with me , these were fitted and the engine fired and seemed to run okay so we went on our way . However after about 20 k's the engine dropped one cylinder and we decided it would be prudent to head home instead . Car was down to about 4 cylinders by the time we got nearly home and then it stalled when l slowed for a judder bar and we had to push her the last 50 meters . l have another complete L34 distributor and cap but l am LOATH to fit it in case it stuffs up too and then a large piece of the cars original equipment is lost until l find what is wrong ..................................any ideas on what is wrong anyone ? .

L34 ignition problems
Posted 09 June 2016 - 04:38 PM
Posted 09 June 2016 - 05:51 PM
These ignition systems were a problem in the cars when new. I always had problems with mine. With them being so difficult to get parts for now I'd be inclined to remove the twin coil twin point set up and fit a modern ignition system.
I know that it is not original but sometimes practicality has to take precedence.
When i changed mine which is a while ago now I fitted a single point system with a Lumenition Electronic system inside the distributor. It used a chopper wheel and an electronic light beam to activate the system. It was a simple fix and could do it myself. Solved all my problems for minimal interference. I left the second coil and wiring in place.
It is probably not really what you want to hear
Posted 09 June 2016 - 06:57 PM
Not sure if any help, condensers /points ? ...if the cap/s goes the points arc/burn and cause problems.
The tracking won't help but depending on how bad the carbon track is it can usually be removed to some point ?
A bit hard to measure cap. value but if it is known from book they should generally be replaceable with something very close.
Twin coil/points are nothing new , Packard used them on the straight 8 back in 34.
Posted 09 June 2016 - 09:42 PM
Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:39 PM
If there's no visible damage to the newly fitted cap put two new coils on, run it up to temp and go for it.
Posted 11 June 2016 - 11:23 AM
I have had two problems with my L34 twin coil dizzy over the years that stopped the engine from running , you could check .
1/ condensor faulty , I found to have no spark .
2/ broken spring inside that connects to bobweights for ignition advance , i found this problem by using timing light and cranking engine over and timing was way out .
Posted 11 June 2016 - 11:34 AM
Might try swapping a couple of coils first and see what happens ........thanks guys
Posted 26 June 2016 - 11:17 AM
Might try swapping a couple of coils first and see what happens ........thanks guys
Condenser is stuffed. When it cools down enough it will work until it overheats again.
Edited by S pack, 26 June 2016 - 11:18 AM.
Posted 17 March 2017 - 07:59 AM
Forgot to bring this to a conclusion ...............but here goes , one of the coil leads was completely stuffed so we think that the sparks were jumping down the other coil lead for a while which ended up stuffing the L34 cap and rotor :( .......................anyone have a spare set ? . Have used a standard V8 distributor to get the car going again and there apears to be no engine damage from running it without all cylinders firing , only trouble is that now the rev counter shows double the revs .
Posted 17 March 2017 - 08:30 AM
I think the switch on the tacho will be set for 4 cylinder as it would have only been picking up one coil.
What damage has been done to the rotor and cap? Cracks can be repaired with 5 minute araldite.
Posted 17 March 2017 - 01:21 PM
I think the switch on the tacho will be set for 4 cylinder as it would have only been picking up one coil.
What damage has been done to the rotor and cap? Cracks can be repaired with 5 minute araldite.
Agree twin coil pulses as 4 cylinder on tachometer
I had my dentist repair a twin coil dizzy cap with denture glue , worked a treat
Posted 19 March 2017 - 04:04 PM
Caps are not cracked , just showing bad tracking in several places on cap and the other shows one track on the new one l had as a spare with me .
Posted 20 March 2017 - 02:42 PM
I don't suppose you could put up a photo? I wasn't aware of tracking, so it would be good to see what it looks like and its consequences.
Posted 20 March 2017 - 06:21 PM
a picture of how bad the "tracking" is would help ? , a couple of things can cause "tracking" is moisture , dust or a combination of both.
sometimes there can be some sort of "flaw" over time that makes itself known where some sort of conductive path can be found for the HT to go , (time /shrinkage of the resin that allows moisture/dust causing an easy way out ) , depending on how bad it is it is usually quite fixable with "modern" techniques.
basically what happens is when the HT finds a "track" it will tend to follow that track , the result is that we end up with a carbonized track/s
that is the easy way out for the HT to go which causes all sorts of problems ...misfire and crossfire usually.
Posted 22 March 2017 - 07:38 AM
Sorry l can't take a picture :( , l gave the L34 caps and rotors to the mechanic who installed the new distributor , he has a test bed and was going to check them .
Posted 22 March 2017 - 09:19 AM
If it is a genuine L34 Tacho there is no switch on the back to change the pulse reading from 6-4-8. The tacho was already preset for 4 cylinder and couldnt be changed without a major rebuild.
Dont take the chance of stuffing the tacho just disconnect it till you get the L34 dissy and coils back working again as they should.
Posted 22 March 2017 - 09:47 AM
Really? Did they make a tacho for 4-6-8 and then another tacho for SL/R with L34 option?
Posted 22 March 2017 - 05:54 PM
The L34 dizzy only has 4 lumps on it , good chance that the tach. sig. only came from one coil and a 4 cyl. tacho would work just fine.
As said , remove that that wire just in case ?
Posted 22 March 2017 - 06:25 PM
I read somewhere that the SL/R tachometer was only switchable between 6 & 8cyl and the tachometer in the optional combined instrument panel for the 4cyl Torana was 4 cyl only.
So would make sense the L34 would use a 4cyl combined instrument panel.
Posted 24 November 2024 - 02:50 PM
That photo is in 404 land now Brad. ^
Twin coil/points are nothing new , Packard used them on the straight 8 back in 34.
Packard weren't the only ones to use them in the (H)olden days.
Screenshot 2024-11-24 124929.png 1.32MB
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