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Sad day,
but happy to be going to a good owner.
Sold way too cheap as I always do,
but will put a smile on someone's dial I'm sure.
Had original post removed as was causing confusion between buyers, so will give you the story of this SS Hatch again!
(at the risk of being slapped and ostracized by the many people who wanted to buy it the last 20 years.)
LX8VD77, L20, M20, GU4, Papaya with Black/Slate interior.
Fitted many years ago with 308, M21, 10 Bolt Disc Brake, LSD Salisbury.
Sat under a tree on a farm for years, one of those "urban myth" cars.
Belonged to farmers son who went away to work and left car behind to return one day and restore.
For 10 years farmer was harassed by people calling in wanting to buy it.
Got sick of the attention, covered it in a tarp and hid it away
....and out came the shotgun if you tried calling in looking for it!
Years later I was working with a bloke that was good mates with farmer,
so after a few discussions agreed for me to come and have a look at it......without the shotgun being pulled out.
He had folded seats down and filled the back with boxes and timber.
It was so dusty, could not even see colour of the interior or dash.
Was always told it was an original 6 cyl SS, so was a shock to lift the bonnet to get the numbers off the tags and see the 308 in it.
Once I got all the numbers, went home (pre-mobile phone days) and rang HOLDEN.
All the numbers checked out, so flew back as fast as I could to try and buy it.
The biggest shock was when he said to take it for a test drive......yes, had kept it registered all those years!
Piled out the shit out of the back, ran a rag over a patch in the windscreen and went for a flying hot lap around the gravel roads on the farm. Came to an amount he was happy with and drove it home....dust and all!
Was not till got home and started cleaning the thing realized it was in it's original factory paint, had never been painted, had all original interior right down to the factory carpets.....and there was a beautiful silver dash under all that dirt!
Rear seats immaculate having spent most of their life folded flat, standard cracks in the fronts.
But best of all was those 4 wheel disc brakes courtesy of the large Salisbury LSD diff that had been fitted when the 308, M21 combo was done years before. Was a great driving car, especially when the needle disappeared past the 200 mark on the speedo a few times on some lonely country backroads at 3 o'clock in the morning on the way to work on farm.
I used as daily driver for about 5 years, ran it at the drag strip a few times and driving events....just had fun with it.
Then I built another car and the Hatch just sat there collecting Rego stickers for a couple of years until I decided to drive it into the shed, push it into the corner and let the rego run out.
There it sat for the last 12 years, until the other week decided to move it on.
Did not advertise, just contacted the first two listings on Gumtree of "Torana Hatch Wanted" and went from there.
After first buyer looked at it, realized it was not the same vehicle that was parked there 12 years earlier
Rust was starting to bubble in places it never had and things were starting to deteriorate, even though this was a completely dry dusty shed......not out in the weather somewhere. Had to think how much longer could I keep it sitting here while I have so many other vehicles and projects on the go.....would I ever get around to restoring it? And what would be left of it after another 12 years?
So decision was made, the missus took the best offer by end of week and the deal was done.....and now, someone else can enjoy doing it up and getting many years of fun with it!
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