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Interpreting Holden documentation ?

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Posted 11 January 2017 - 08:15 PM

Can any one help with this.
I seen a discussion on here but can't find it and also seen the topic discussed on a FB page

To me EXC means excluding. Like when you see exc.gst verse incl.gst

Just trying to get my head around it


#2 S pack

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Posted 11 January 2017 - 10:30 PM

Confusion? It's pretty fkn simple to understand lol.

#3 rodomo


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 10:36 PM

Except would make more sense?

#4 madtoranajzedded


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 11:50 PM

You know the funny thing about this is skap
put this upon fakebook 😃

Edited by madtoranajzedded, 11 January 2017 - 11:52 PM.

#5 Rockoz


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 06:22 AM

I would go for except, but exclude could also be used.


But in this instance the annotation makes no sense unless there was a part number change.


One bit says except M40 which is auto?

But the next says except 2829791 except XW7


My interpretation of the first line is M40 has a different part and you need to go to the M40 page for dedtermination.

The second line says that the same part is the same for all variants except XW7.


Now that doesnt make a whole lot of sense.


But there was so much in that topic that didnt make much sense either.

#6 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 06:51 AM

Most ingineering drawings have abbreviations specific to the Industry..     EXC on a home building drawing would mean Excavate...   EXC on medical notes would mean Excision ...  


And in my opinion EXC on a Detailed Automotive Engineering Drawing would mean Except/Exclude ......   Just like legal talk, engineering drawing talk must only be able to be interpreted one way, same goes for any numbering used.  every number must be written in the same way.. 

#7 RallyRed


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 07:18 AM

Hi Paul,


I think EXC means ""Excluding"" in this sort of context.

Take a look at the GM P&A info/drawing  below.
There are 2 sets of Holden drawings, one for cars exc. air conditioning, and another for cars with a/c.
My layman''s understanding of the 2 drawings is that the car exc. ( excluding) air conditioning and the car with a/c  are different,( see drawings) thus there are 2 drawings.
Otherwse, why show 2 drawings for the same thing, i.e. they are different.

I dont know about clutches and autos, I havent researched that at all. But I do think that generally, across GMH parts/drawings/lists etc the same meaning for exc. applies. It must have,otherwise various people in various departments and plants could not have carried out their work effectively.

Attached Files

#8 RallyRed


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 07:29 AM

Also on this same topic.....

I was wondering if the following could have occured within Holden.


They were developing a XW7 optioned 82911 car.

They were under time pressures, one assumes.

They got  a few GTRs and turned them into test and development hacks.

There are only a few ways to go about developing a low run option car ( IMHO)....spend the time and engineer it and release drawings for production, or have some kind of skunk works crew who develops it  on the knee (after all they are only modifying an existing car, not starting from scratch).

This experimental team then feeds their info back into the engineering/drawing teams and the drawings showing the new parts required, use of existing parts from other models, or mods to existing bits are produced.


As they tested/trialled/dummied up the parts to use, some further mods / failures may have been required. thus a drawing with an exc. notation on a part, may have meant they planned to use it,but it was now on hold awaiting more tests or whatever.

Just an idea.


p.s.does anyone know what part number 2813737 is?

#9 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 07:46 AM

Here is a link to understanding Engineering Drawings..   As you can see, any change to an item or part on a drawing must be identified by a description in the  Revision History Block.    http://dtic.mil/ndia...wingsY14_35.pdf

#10 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 08:10 AM

Can any one help with this.
I seen a discussion on here but can't find it and also seen the topic discussed on a FB page

To me EXC means excluding. Like when you see exc.gst verse incl.gst

Just trying to get my head around it


Without seeing what is written in the Revision History Block of this drawing, or by who's authority the changes (someone added 2829791 EXC) were made (And those people would have to be identified in the revision.  IE. The Tradesman that made the change, and the Engineer that Authorised the change to the drawing.)  Those numbers and letters mean very little....   They could have been put there by anyone, at any time,  and could just have easily never made it the Revised and Authorised final drawing.      I could get a copy of a drawing, add an item to it, photocopy it, and pass it off as the original, as long as no one gets to see the whole drawing.


And who knows, at this point GMH were making LJ V8 Torana's....   Who's to say that they never had a Automatic XW7 in the works..   Plenty of Phaze 3 HO's were Auto's..   I believe It allowed them to run a bigger radiator, and oil cooler .   :)

#11 kiwi-lilj


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 08:41 AM

I owned a KTm300 EXC, I am quite confident that EXC stands for Exciting.

#12 Kockum


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 09:06 AM

P/N 2813737 - 


HQ  253 , 308 , 350  front engine mount support bracket .

#13 arrimar


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 09:21 AM

I owned a KTm300 EXC, I am quite confident that EXC stands for Exciting.

Ha ha nice one. I have the 520 EXC
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#14 S pack

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 02:21 PM

Without seeing what is written in the Revision History Block of this drawing, or by who's authority the changes (someone added 2829791 EXC) were made (And those people would have to be identified in the revision.  IE. The Tradesman that made the change, and the Engineer that Authorised the change to the drawing.)  Those numbers and letters mean very little....   They could have been put there by anyone, at any time,  and could just have easily never made it the Revised and Authorised final drawing.      I could get a copy of a drawing, add an item to it, photocopy it, and pass it off as the original, as long as no one gets to see the whole drawing.


And who knows, at this point GMH were making LJ V8 Torana's....   Who's to say that they never had a Automatic XW7 in the works..   Plenty of Phaze 3 HO's were Auto's..   I believe It allowed them to run a bigger radiator, and oil cooler .   :)

Exactly Ian.


Ben showed me the whole drawing (which he had never really looked at before) and within 60 seconds we both came to the same conclusion. The revision is a dud as it has not been noted, dated and signed off on the original drawing.

Edited by S pack, 12 January 2017 - 02:22 PM.

#15 RallyRed


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 10:50 PM

P/N 2813737 - 


HQ  253 , 308 , 350  front engine mount support bracket .

ta mate....

just that I see there is a modifiedversion of that art, called up on the XW7 drawings.

It also says to ""identify it as XW7 part ,using purple paint"".

Just reminds me of the pink texta/chalk story that was around...maybe there is the truth out there somewhere.

#16 xu2308


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 12:23 AM

They could have been put there by anyone, at any time,  and could just have easily never made it the Revised and Authorised final drawing.      I could get a copy of a drawing, add an item to it, photocopy it, and pass it off as the original, as long as no one gets to see the whole drawing.


Not the Case with this Drawing

The XW7 Engineer that gave me the Full Set of Drawings, the Engineering Drawings came from HIM, he had a Full set since 1972 Due to he worked in the Experimental Engineering Chassis/Suspension Area.

Edited by xu2308, 13 January 2017 - 12:30 AM.

#17 xu2308


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 12:30 AM

Exactly Ian.


Ben showed me the whole drawing (which he had never really looked at before) and within 60 seconds we both came to the same conclusion. The revision is a dud as it has not been noted, dated and signed off on the original drawing.


Ben never had the XW7 Drawings at all FULL STOP untill i Sent him a Copy of them, Now the Full Set came from a XW7 Experimental Engineer that has had them since he worked on the Program in 1972, So the XW7 has been Added to the Clutch & Brake Instruction Drawing by a Engineer or a Draftsman from back then in 1972, So who ever added it on the Drawing back then has just not put the Add on in the Small Box, as simple as that.

Edited by xu2308, 13 January 2017 - 12:31 AM.

#18 xu2308


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 12:43 AM

Except would make more sense?


EXCept sounds right to me, if your Changing Clutch Pedals around.



The 1972 LJ Torana Parts Catalogue

Lists 2807102 in the Parts Catalogue as the Standard LJ 6 Cyl Clutch Pedal Attached File  LJ 6 Cyl Clutch Pedal part number 2807102.jpg   56.59K   1 downloads

Attached File  XW7 Clutch Pedal.jpg   50.71K   2 downloadsAttached File  XW7 Clutch and Brake Pedal Drawing.jpg   71.29K   2 downloads

Edited by xu2308, 13 January 2017 - 12:51 AM.

#19 Uncle Chop Chop

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 01:45 AM

I think it's already been mentioned, but as a clutch pedal isn't needed for an auto, it's fairly obvious what EXC would mean.

#20 _RS250_

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 06:15 AM

Could it be that 2807102 was obsolete by 2829791 and the XW7 pedal part number was yet to be either written or determined in the attached drawing. Can anyone confirm if 2829791 was used in later LJ 72 or 73 cars by supplement updates to the original LJ parts list?

#21 Rockoz


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 06:23 AM

If 2807102 was made obsolete by either design or even a change in part number, the old number would have been lined out, or another annotation put beside it. Have seen changess in parts books at Holden dealerships many times.

There are generally 2 places the part number will come up.

On the drawing itself. And then in any of the indexes. The indexes can be group items or a full numerical index.

#22 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 06:28 AM

So the XW7 has been Added to the Clutch & Brake Instruction Drawing by a Engineer or a Draftsman from back then in 1972, So who ever added it on the Drawing back then has just not put the Add on in the Small Box, as simple as that.

Al, Engineers and their Drawings have a Standard that has to be worked with and within.  All Engineering Drawings,  are drawn in a the same manner.  And if an amendment or revision or change is made, it has to be noted, dated, signed, and authorised.   No EXCeptions ...


  Drawing Practices
4. Identifying Revisions on Drawings
• Revision Locations. When incorporating a change or replacing the drawing with change, a revision location shall be identified by one or more of the following methods;
Revision symbol in the field of the drawing;
Description in the Revision History Block;
Zone locations in the ZONE Column of the Revision History Block;
Revision authorization document identified in the DESCRIPTION or other dedicated column of the Revision History Block.

Edited by ChaosWeaver, 13 January 2017 - 06:35 AM.

#23 _GlensXU1_

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:06 AM

EXCept sounds right to me, if your Changing Clutch Pedals around.



The 1972 LJ Torana Parts Catalogue

Lists 2807102 in the Parts Catalogue as the Standard LJ 6 Cyl Clutch Pedal attachicon.gifLJ 6 Cyl Clutch Pedal part number 2807102.jpg

attachicon.gifXW7 Clutch Pedal.jpgattachicon.gifXW7 Clutch and Brake Pedal Drawing.jpg


So this is your interpretation:


2807102 EXC M40 = part number 2807102 EXCEPT M40.

2829791 EXC XW7 = part number 2829791 EXCHANGE XW7.


come on. 


And you do not have the full set of XW7 Engineering drawings Al, FULL STOP.

#24 arrimar


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:26 AM

How do we interpret the notation 7202191ND shown on 7202190 exc M40?

#25 S pack

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:27 AM

EXCept sounds right to me, if your Changing Clutch Pedals around.

ROFLMFAO. Except/Excluding have similar meanings..


preposition: except
1. not including; other than.
preposition: excluding
1. not taking someone or something into account; except.



If there was a new clutch pedal for RPO XW7 it would have been recorded as

2807102 exc M40, XW7

2829791  XW7

Edited by S pack, 13 January 2017 - 07:33 AM.

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