I have been getting a lot of good info off this site for a while, so I thought I’d post up some info on the 186s engine build in my HK, and get your guys thoughts and opinions on it.
Right from the start I wanted it to look close to stock from the outside so that meant using the standard exhaust and inlet manifolding and the WW Stromberg 2 barrel.
The motor was bought off Trademe (NZs version of ebay) and the bottom end was half arse rebuilt, we zeroed the deck height, put new bearings throughout, but used the cast pistons and rings that it came with as they hadn’t done much work. With the chambers at 49cc the compression is around 10.2:1
I put a Tighe cams 310 grind hydraulic flat tappet cam in it (268 advertised duration, 212 @ .050, .445 lift with a 1.5 ratio rocker), it’s supposed to peak at about 5200rpm.
I spent a lot of time on the head trying to gear it towards low lift flow and good airspeed (as good as it can be with a siamesed port anyway). I ended up cutting a 30 degree seat on the inlet (1.68 valve), with 45 and 60 degree blends down into the bowl, as I found this flowed better at lifts up to .450 than the traditional 45 seat and blend geometry. (I built a basic flow bench to try and verify my work).
I did a lot of chamber de-shrouding (more than what was necessary I think), cut the bolt boss out and machined for a cap screw, blended the bowls and shaped the guides.
At this point the inlet flowed 185cfm@ .550 lift (at 28”water). As I was shooting for a 5200 rpm peak, I thought this would be more than what I needed ( a few different online calcs suggested about 160cfm would be right) so I started filling the port with a two part epoxy called Belzona. At half the fill I ended up with (about 4mm in the bottom of the port at the face, tapering to nothing at the short side radius) it had no negative effect on flow, so I kept filling to about 8mm at the face, this reduced the port volume considerably and made it peak at 165cfm@ .450 lift.
Unlike the port lumps they put in the chevy 6 heads I did not find any gains in using the fill to increase the size of the short side radius, this could be a function of my weird seat geometry so I wouldn’t really take it as conclusive.
The finished port volume (when the manifold fill is taken into account as well) is actually less than a standard head, and the average airspeed across the port face at 160cfm is 170fps, without the fill it calculated out at 117fps.
The exhaust is a lot more conventional, with pretty standard seat geometry and really only cleaned up in the bowl and guide area.
For the inlet manifold I radiused the inlet manifold plenum to port entry and made a spacer to smooth the carb to manifold transition.
I slimmed down the throttle blade shaft in the carb and smoothed out a few of the sharp edges.
Before I did the manifold and carb mods, with the manifold and carb attached to the head it was flowing 145cfm (as opposed to the port by itself at 165) and after the mods it ended up at 155.
The exhaust is the standard two piece manifolds with 1 ¾ secondary’s that are 21 inches long. The rest of the system is a single 2 ¼ pipe to a chambered muffler in the standard position lying sideways under the boot.
It runs a standard points dizzy and 9v coil, the std advance curve seems about right.
The car runs an m20 Aussie four speed, 3.55 lsd banjo and I haven’t weighed it, but im guessing it would weigh about 3100-3150lbs with me in it.
I haven’t had it on a dyno, but finally got it to the strip in the weekend and it ran a best of 16.83 @ 81.37. Over the course of the day I adjusted timing up and down and fiddled with the jetting as well, so I think it must be around right.
What are everyone’s thoughts on the combo? I think its making around 140hp at the crank, I guess I was hoping for it to go a little better, but really I don’t have much gauge for comparison as most of the power figures and strip times are for more aggressive motors with bigger cams.
Does anyone have any figures for any similar builds with similar cams to mine?
Just in finishing I’d like to say thanks to Old Johnno for his website, it was a real good source of info, and also anyone else who takes the time to post stuff up about the holden 6,
Edited by 186sHK, 27 February 2017 - 07:12 PM.