Finally got the engine block and heads back. The machine shop I had been using for the past 28 years has been sold and taken over by new owners, I was going to use them but got recommended another machine shop by a mate that who did good work and reasonably priced. Well I didn't expect to have to wait for almost four months but didn't hassle them. I gave the machine shop strict instruction of what I wanted done. Chemically cleaned, new cam bearing, bored & honed, rods checked and pin fit, main tunnels checked, and heads serviced including all new guides. I know I am a bit fussy but this is how the engine turned up.
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Its a bit hard to see but look at all the crap and silicon in the rear seal recesses. He didn't put the block through to hot tank, didn't remove the welsh plugs. When I questioned him about not even removing the welsh plugs he told me they were brass. I said only two plugs were brass what about the rest and the cam welsh plus were supposed to have been removed and acid hot dip the block and heads. He shrug his shoulders. The old story once they have your money there isn't any use complaining. So removed all the welsh plugs, degreased and steam cleaned the block myself and started from scratch. Also a bit hard to see in the photo but number 8 cylinder bore was damaged at the bottom 10mm where his tool must have come loose and has scored the bore no possibility of trying to hone them out .010" deep. Lucky it won't effect performance or longevity of the engine but not happy Jan. He didn't say anything, I think he thought I would take the Stevie Wonder approach to the engine assembly. I didn't go to his shop with a guide dog either.
Anyway with my bitching out of the way I fitted the new cam bearings, borrowed more measuring gear and double checked every thing twice. Every thing measured up ok. With every part properly clean and ready to go back together I did the assembly. Don't like fitting rope rear main seals but after 3 hours I got it just right. Luck all the bores were machined to the correct sizes and the ring gaps were all spot on.
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And as they say in the cooking shows, "here is one I prepared previously"
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And its back in. Next free day I will do the wiring hook up and fire it up. Just as I took the photo I realised this was the first V8 I have build that is basically stock. Its got a bit more compression, a bit more lift and duration in the cam but that's it. hmm must be getting old.
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