The car was blasted yesterday and as I expected there were some hidden gems.
Rust in the usual spots and some old repairs (most are pretty rough), and it looks like it has had the drivers side rear section replaced at some point looking at the weld joins and a decent hit on the front passenger side.
Even though I was expecting it I'm still a bit bummed out as I wouldn't even describe myself as a novice welder or fabricator.... (but I can learn) and there's a lot to do.
I'm currently thinking I'll cut out the main areas and possibly use filler on some of the smaller areas and get it on the road then in 5 or so years, when I have the money, take it off the road again and get the body sorted properly. (two kids in private schools limits my Torana fund for a few more years)
At least if I do it that way it will be a complete car and I'd still have some fun in it before it gets done again.
Of course it just started to rain before I got it back in the garage which is why it has the rust coloured spots on it, they sprayed with something to protect it just before the rain started.
I'll hit it with a coat of 2k Primer on the weekend.
Anyway here's some pics......