Buying a Torana with no tags
Posted 18 May 2018 - 02:56 PM
I've been on the hunt for a Torana for sometime now and may have finally found one.
It's in another state (I'm in Adelaide) and is registered with a V8 (253) but the car has no ID tags. All 3 went missing during the resto, as I've been told by owner. The car has the chassis number and this is what they've used to register it. Supposedly from the chassis number it came up as a 1976 SL 6cyl, so it's nothing special and I'm not after an original SLR or anything... Just want a rep so I can do as I please with it with out ruining the originality of a special car.
Does anyone have any advice on buying a car with no tags? Anything I should do or lookout for?
I've got family/friends in the state that the car is registered in so I can probably register it in my name and just say I'm living there (have done so with other cars before) as it save the headache of doing ID checks/taking it over the pits when bringing it over to SA.
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
Posted 18 May 2018 - 04:06 PM
if registered interstate you only need rego details and engine number check in SA to transfer it , should not need a full safety inspection
I am in Country SA and take my cars to Murray Bridge Police Station
Not a problem not having tags
in saying the above if it looks a wreck they may check further
Posted 18 May 2018 - 04:08 PM
Posted 18 May 2018 - 08:20 PM
Definitely shouldn't get a second look if I bring it over as it's recently been restored.
I guess the next question is what do you guys think a fair price would be for it?
Some details of the car:
- '76 SL done as SLR Rep
- current owner purchased it while it was all in primer. No rust but current owner cannot confirm if bog/filler has been used. Prev owner lost tags.
- freshly painted last year and new interior fitted as per LX SLR (dash is like new but SL dash not SLR)
- looks like quite a good paint job from pics but will check out in person
- mild 253 with M20 4 speed.
- standard banjo diff with drum brake rear end.
- new rubber kit fitted
- L34 flares and guards look to be cut well and could fit big wheels
- registered with 253
Bad points:
- no id tags
- heater soesnt work
- speedo doesnt work as little drive gear is missing in gearbox
- thermo fans connected to ignition on so theyre always on instead of being xonnect to thermostat.
I do like this one but the no tags is a bit of a negative unfortunately.
Posted 18 May 2018 - 08:40 PM
If you plan on keeping it forever, who cares, you get a Torana at a discount price (you would certainly want a discount without the tags).
If you're looking for something to resell in a few years then it may not be the best investment?
Under normal circumstances you could possibly get a search done by HHS but I don't think they can search by chassis number alone as there's nothing to corroborate the results. Typically they need at least two of the original numbers so see if you can get any extra info from the seller, does he have old paperwork, or know the original PSN or engine number, etc.?
Posted 18 May 2018 - 10:01 PM
Good candidate for a new driveline and a bit of fun.
No tags? Couldn’t care less if it was me.
Posted 19 May 2018 - 04:01 PM
Have you got a link to HHS? It is registered so they might be able to get some history from that I guess.
Rexy, it's definitely worth more than $15-18k. Paint job on it looks really good and interior has been professionally done. It's essentially all done, just has a mild 253 and M20 + standard diff (there the only things I'd eventually change). No tags is definitely a negative but don't think it would discount the price down to sub $20k. They're asking just shy of $50k, which they're not going to get, but car looks to be restored nicely.
What's everyone's thoughts on a go at price?
*what's everyone's thoughts on a fair price?
Posted 19 May 2018 - 05:59 PM
Sounds like its 40 K plus car in todays market
but who knows ???
Posted 19 May 2018 - 07:07 PM
Holden Historical Services
As Gene said, a basic report will cost you $90 (including postage) but that's only if you can provide full particulars, if you don't know the PSN there will likely be an additional search fee. Although to be fair, it's 'no find - no charge' so you only pay for results.
The report will tell you how it left the factory (model, colour, trim, engine, trans, etc.), when it was built, where it was sold and so on. The only thing it doesn't give are the original owner's details.
Posted 19 May 2018 - 08:55 PM
You have no proof of what’s under that shiny paint.
That drivetrain is worth almost nothing.
No SLR specific parts either orig or repro I presume from your description.
From where it’s currently at it might soak up another 20K to get finished properly.
Posted 19 May 2018 - 09:41 PM
Posted 19 May 2018 - 11:34 PM
Holden Historical Services
As Gene said, a basic report will cost you $90 (including postage) but that's only if you can provide full particulars, if you don't know the PSN there will likely be an additional search fee. Although to be fair, it's 'no find - no charge' so you only pay for results.
The report will tell you how it left the factory (model, colour, trim, engine, trans, etc.), when it was built, where it was sold and so on. The only thing it doesn't give are the original owner's details.
Without the info from all the tags you're wasting your time.
Posted 20 May 2018 - 12:19 AM
And yes I know it has LH paint scheme on an LX..not ideal but I don't mind it and can live with it... wheels would definitely go.
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Posted 20 May 2018 - 12:26 AM
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Posted 20 May 2018 - 12:43 AM
Rexy, I do agree with you and I think Rainman brought up a good point about build pics, which should shed a little light into what's under the paint I guess. I still think $20k is still fairly low. There was an LX in Adelaide recently that was just in primer with 253 and had most parts to complete it that sold for $20k.
S Pack, agreed.. don't think HHS will tell me anything unfortunately.
Posted 20 May 2018 - 01:55 AM
Some pics for reference
If that rear beaver panel is anything to go by, I think I'd give it a miss unless you can get it cheap, looks like it's been remade using body filler!
Posted 20 May 2018 - 02:13 AM
You are dreaming 15 K get you a rust bucket wake up and smell the coffeeIf it survives the magnet test on the panels and looks to be in reasonable shape it’s probably a 15-18k car.
Good candidate for a new driveline and a bit of fun.
No tags? Couldn’t care less if it was me.
give you 30 K for your hatch Rexy yeah didnt think so you know what there going for atm
Posted 20 May 2018 - 11:08 AM
Posted 20 May 2018 - 11:28 AM
if survives magnet test, and underneath also seems straight..
with prices today.. worth 30G every day of the week. lot of care "appears" to of been put into her
and build pics would sure enhance it's being worth it
Posted 20 May 2018 - 12:30 PM
Without seeing more and better photos I would be cautious on this. From what I see it has been done on the cheap on some parts.
The seats seem to be trimmed with a kit but the door trims look poor quality and no vinyl on the top of the door. Dash, seat belts, door handles and other parts look to have been thrown in there without and care or detailing.
If the beaver panel is anything to go by I would be very cautious on the paint and body work. The engine bay looks like they had the motor out and painted everything black with no prep, would nearly bet the whole under side of the car would be the same.
From what I have seen over the years Toranas in Tassie always sell cheaper than the main land because of the cost of transporting them back.
As you said you want to change the drive line I would work out a generous costing on this and keep it in mind when you make any offer, 355 motor $8000, gearbox, clutch, shifter, tail shaft $3500, diff $3000.
Good luck
Posted 20 May 2018 - 01:27 PM
Sellers want top $
Buyers want bottom $
I'd be counting out $50 pineapple beer tokens on his kitchen table to the tune of about 35k and hope everyone walks away happy about it
Go inspect it thoroughly... then buy the bloody thing
Posted 20 May 2018 - 03:30 PM
Posted 20 May 2018 - 06:14 PM
From what we have bee seeing lately, if you can actually sit in it and turn the key and it actually goes, and you can drive it down the road....then yes 30K all day.
Less than that all you will get is a roller or some 1/2 finished project that needs heaps.
Hope you have a good outcome.
Posted 20 May 2018 - 07:17 PM
But relief after some of the other comments giving a current market value.
After Looking around for 3 years or so I can vouch that 10-15grand get you not a lot in LH-LX, if anything at all.
Just not anything around between 15-20.
It’s only worth as much as your willing to pay but I would say 25-35k pending how well it has been painted and finished.
It’s just me but No tags would deter me.
Unless it was closer to the 25k range.
35k I would keep looking around.
As Mentioned if you have plans to drop another 10-15k into driveline, I think you would be better off spending 40-50k on something else.
Or build your own replica.
Posted 21 May 2018 - 09:58 PM
Gonna have a chat with the owner and let him know only willing to go low low 30s due to the above points mentioned in this thread. Will see what he thinks but seeing he's asking 49K he probably won't like it. However, I'd rather waste a phone call than a plane ticket and my time.
Rainman & turbo76lx, can you point out to me the issue/s your seeing in rear beaver panel? I'm pretty sure I can see the issue but want to be 100% sure so I can pick it better in the future.
Thanks again guys and will keep you posted.
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