Dutchess Gold Metallic 13124 LC GTR
Posted 10 May 2019 - 10:52 AM
Now resides in rural town outside of Adelaide
I am still the current owner
Car is in need of restoration
Restoration started
Model - LC 82911
Body no' - 3677-A
Trim - 1829-48v
Paint - 567-13124
7/71 ALC 33351A
Engine no' CF008874
Posted 10 May 2019 - 01:27 PM
My vehicle was originally sold at Smith's Holden's of Port Adelaide I purchased it in Adelaide in mid 90's & it had been painted white
Now resides in rural town outside of Adelaide
I am still the current owner
Car is in need of restoration
Restoration started
Model - LC 82911
Body no' - 3677-A
Trim - 1829-48v
Paint - 567-13124
7/71 ALC 33351A
Engine no' CF008874
small pic is the rear/underside of the ADR tag with last four digits of the PSN/VIN number
Attached Files
Posted 11 May 2019 - 06:29 PM
Restoration back to standard original Paul?
Posted 12 May 2019 - 07:02 AM
Restoration back to standard original Paul?
Yeh Stuart
After a lot of hard thinking that's the plan
Back to factory paint and trim combination
And hopefully one day a period correct CF 173s sitting back under the bonnet
Those younger years of wack'n an 8 in it with a stalled up Powerglide or turn'n it into a XU1 have passed, as I've got older and wiser(a little wiser) i've become a bit more nostalgic, too many have been lost to V8 conversions, custom builds etc
Posted 12 May 2019 - 11:13 AM
Posted 14 May 2019 - 01:01 PM
A very rare colour for this car and a very nice one at that too - this was the colour of mine.
It was a colour that tended to be used on the HQs, Broughams et al. Mine also was an Adelaide made LC GTR.
It is only the 3rd time that I am aware of this colour for a LC GTR.
All the best with the resto.
Posted 14 May 2019 - 08:44 PM
A very rare colour for this car and a very nice one at that too - this was the colour of mine.
It was a colour that tended to be used on the HQs, Broughams et al. Mine also was an Adelaide made LC GTR.
It is only the 3rd time that I am aware of this colour for a LC GTR.
All the best with the resto.
yeh i was starting t think that not many 71 LC GTR's were made in this colour
as I've never seen one on the road before / in person & can't find bugga all on the net ( they must be under lock and key plus camera shy)
i have only come across one so far on the web , a early 1971 GTR with the 161s motor ( Adelaide built) great pics of it too and as you said about the colour " it is very nice indeed "
be nice to know some numbers on how many painted in this colour according to
Brisbane built cars early 71 (161s engines)
Brisbane built cars late 71 (173s engines)
Adelaide built cars early 71 (161s engines)
Adelaide built cars late 71 (173s engines)
dascind it's great to know of another Adelaide built 71 Dutchess Gold Metallic LC GTR
was your's the earlier model with the 161s or the later with 173s
Posted 14 May 2019 - 09:26 PM
Another 1971 Dutchess Gold Metallic LC GTR
this is the one i found on the web
was up for auction at Shannons back in 2008
it is the early model with the 161s with black trim 1829-40v
on the web site there is a pic of the Body ID Tag con firming all details ie; Paint etc
wasn't sure if to post it up or not
link below to Shannons
http://Holden LC Tor...t 21 - Shannons
now i've got an idea of what mine will look like ( that's after a lot of of work though & minus the XU1 wing/bobtail/boot spoiler )
Attached Files
Posted 14 May 2019 - 10:07 PM
OK link all sorted out ( still learning how to copy , paste URL's etc )
hopefully a moderator/the powers that be can insert this link in the previous post / replace my dodgy one & delete this one as i'm unable to edit it myself
Posted 14 May 2019 - 11:55 PM
Here is that same LC GTR at the 2012 NSW All Holden Day, Hawkesbury Showgrounds, Clarendon
There are approx 5 pics in total of the GTR. https://www.flickr.c...in/photostream/
Posted 15 May 2019 - 06:59 AM
There is 9/71 LC XU-1 in Duchess Gold that is on the Qld CU-1 site or similar club title (apologies here).
Cheers Dave
The small pic on left is the engine bay of above.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 08:38 PM
Posted 05 June 2019 - 06:06 PM
My research indicates the 173S first came out on 5 July 71.
Again as I have written about elsewhere, a rather rare engine size, only lasting till Dec of that year. Most owners had replaced them with the larger 202 which came out in the HQ at the same time in 71. (after all how many 173s do you see? - very very few!)
Posted 05 June 2019 - 06:17 PM
My research indicates the 173S first came out on 5 July 71.
Again as I have written about elsewhere, a rather rare engine size, only lasting till Dec of that year. Most owners had replaced them with the larger 202 which came out in the HQ at the same time in 71. (after all how many 173s do you see? - very very few!)
Do you mean the 1st GTR with a 173s was completed on the 5th of July 1971? If so that probably figures the build of the car was commenced on the 1st of July with the 3rd and 4th days being the weekend and the 5th being a Monday.
Posted 05 June 2019 - 08:37 PM
My research indicates the 173S first came out on 5 July 71.
Again as I have written about elsewhere, a rather rare engine size, only lasting till Dec of that year. Most owners had replaced them with the larger 202 which came out in the HQ at the same time in 71. (after all how many 173s do you see? - very very few!)
There were 3 CFs completed in Adelaide on the 2nd July and dozens completed in Brisbane on the 1st and 2nd of July. There was also a CF completed in Brisbane on 30th June.
Posted 06 June 2019 - 12:16 PM
These new dates are interesting.. May explain why my previous LC GTR 161S (Adelaide built) made at the end of June, had an Aussie 4 Speed box as opposed to the Opal.
Posted 07 June 2019 - 07:13 PM
Posted 07 June 2019 - 07:15 PM
Posted 07 June 2019 - 07:33 PM
I have info that an LC GTR 173s was completed in Adelaide on 30/7/71
correction 30/6/71
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