Restoring a Torana is an amazing thing, especially on GMH Torana. Just received a template and instructions from John and think it's so cool how we have these real people all over Australia willing to help out. I keep telling Sally, this is what it's all about, the adventure and people you meet, the stuff you learn and friends you keep. This is the best part of owning a Torana. Thanks all.
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Using supplied template I cut up a few bits for under guard and cowl section
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Made a wood template
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Screwed it down and made a metal template and super glued it down to metal
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A press would have been better but I don't have one so used a jack and my car
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The final part
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Made the rear brace and got the car rolling around again, plenty more room to store stuff under car.
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I've made it higher than expected by accident but at least the sill welding will be easy. I can almost walk underneath it. Gene will get that one.
I knew it wouldn't be long before you started another Torana Marty.
Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.
Hi Craig, I sold most of my resto stuff off and said I'll never do another one at home. Haha
How's the relationship with the neighbors Marty now they have seen another project.
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One neighbour is great and comes over to help. Mid 70's aussie farmer. The other neighbour (wingeing pom 60ish) I've been trying to keep this car hidden from and this time the resto is done 10 metres further from his place, so time will sell.
yeah I was wondering about this too.
Also, where's the LJ while all this is happening?
There's a spot in my shed if you need to store it somewhere. 
LJ is in the back work shop, but thanks for the offer.