The day had arrived to start the engine.
In my mind I remember this day with the LJ and I had Forum member Dave help me and the 202 started first go. It was a very exciting moment.
Again I asked Dave to help, he's very good with electrical gremlins and I like having another set of eyes and a good brain when doing this.
Well, with Sally filming and the first time going for a start the engine gave a pufff as it sort of tryed to start. Again we cranked it - it ran longer but stopped as the key was released. The excitement was disappearing and concern starting.
We made a few alterations with timing and points and tried again. This time it ran but wouldn't idle so we manually kept the revs up for cam bedding in. I was getting nothing on the oil pressure gauge but didn't trust it as dodgy sender and lack of earths on the instrument cluster. I was relying on seeing oil at the rockers as my gauge.
I ran it for a minute with-out any oil at the top before shutting down worried I had oil pressure problems. I was also running two pipes out of the manifold and it was noisy and uncomfortable in the garage.
We stopped the whole process here and I decided to get a exhaust and muffler and borrow a manual oil gauge.
Fast forward another 2 weeks and I had borrowed an old exhaust system and oil gauge. I chose to fire up on my own and it started well and I kept the revs up aiming for 2000rpm for 20 mins to bed the cam in. The oil gauge went straight up to around 45 but there was still no oil at the rockers. Slowly I started to see signs of oil and after about 5 mins the oil was there at the top, what a relief.
Defiantly had a concerned look on my face for this one.
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No oil yet.
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Sorting out the other exhaust system.
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Seeing that gauge move was a great feeling.
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Finally oil at the top.
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Next I started getting oil every where with my dodgy clear rocker cover so it was time to fit the chrome rocker cover, vacuum hose, breather hose and air cleaner.
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Next start will be when the steering column is in and the gauges can be earthed properly.