So a few people were keen for me to do an LX wiring schematic like the UC one I did here - http://www.gmh-toran...-diagram/page-2, and this thread is for all my annoying questions (as unlike the UC one, I dont have an LX in pieces to check wiring on!). There are errors and missing info in the LX gregorys supplement too and I cant seem to find a clear HX diagram for comparison either.
Here's what I've got so far -
* Is the low beam wire colour brown or tan(light brown)?
* Is the Cigar lighter wire from the fuse box tan or brown or orange?
* Where is the optional Fuel economy warning light mounted, and where does the switch go - and what does it look like?
* Is the rear demister wire from switch to demister purple/violet all the way, or yellow to the body connector and then purple like UC?
* How does the brake warning light & h/brake wiring differ from LH?
I've got the high beam relay and a few other bits sorted, what other differences are there? What did the ADR27A additions include?
When its finished I'll add it to the pinned LX wiring thread....