Excellent, this is looking sensational

New HZ build thread
Posted 06 October 2021 - 02:42 PM
Posted 27 October 2021 - 09:17 AM
More tinkering over the past few days, just doing a little bit each day...
Converted my manual brake pedal into the wider style auto pedal using some scrap metal. Painted up and installed Power Steering box and fitted new Polyurethane Coupler.
things are just ticking along. With warmer weather approaching I'll be getting stuck back into paint soon...
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Posted 27 October 2021 - 05:31 PM
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Posted 28 October 2021 - 11:48 AM
I was told the other day that Monaros had a 16:1 steering box while the lesser cars got 20:1. I notice that yours has "Variable Ratio" stamped into it. Is that what all power steering setups used?
Posted 28 October 2021 - 11:59 AM
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Posted 28 October 2021 - 03:09 PM
Nice colour .
Can you convert these earlier fronts to RTS ? Just curious.
Posted 28 October 2021 - 06:51 PM
What has happened to Byron ffs? He is all over this shit.
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Posted 03 November 2021 - 02:27 PM
I don't know about all the available ratio's. I did notice this one says it's variable, I guess I might play around with it once the car is running maybe? not sure if I should mess with it...
anyway I have another small update. I invested in a decent DA Polisher machine and polished up the Firewall as I wasn't happy with a few dull spots on it. Also started repairing all the runs, I just rubbed them right back and put some more primer on. as you can see.
I'll be aiming to put colour back on this weekend if the weather is decent. Forecast looks promising.
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Posted 03 November 2021 - 03:28 PM
Cool colour.
Posted 08 November 2021 - 10:36 AM
Had a fantastic day yesterday!
Laid down some more colour and flowcoated the roof while I had the oppurtunity.
I blended the colour up the C pillar on the passenger side. I gave the whole car 4 coats of Clear, and with my technique having improved via some tips here (thanks!) and watching some more Youtube vids I was able to put down a really wet coat on the roof with great results.
I wasn't so daring on the upright panels, they got a decent 4th coat, but I moved a bit quicker with the gun so it wasn't so heavy. As a result the rears aren't as glossy off the gun but now I have my good DA Polisher I can get them up to the same standard as the roof via some machine polishing.
I'm stoked with the result off the gun, but after a few months of curing and a once over with the Polisher, and a ceramic coat, this paint is going to be comparable to a pro job I think.
If I can pull into car shows and have people asking me which paint shop painted my car, then I'll have achieved the outcome I'm aiming for.
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Posted 08 November 2021 - 07:35 PM
Posted 06 December 2021 - 01:04 PM
Putting the car back into one piece, new body mounts, Engine and Trans back onto the Chassis, Rlled it under. Hooked up the steering. Stoked on how good it's looking!
Also put the Dash pad back in just so it's not taking up space where I had it stored in the house.
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Posted 06 December 2021 - 09:57 PM
I love it when a plan comes together.
Posted 07 December 2021 - 08:23 AM
Well done mate. What a fantastic achievement.
Posted 04 January 2022 - 02:14 PM
Been working towards my next paint session which I'm planning to paint the Boot, Door Hinges, and Brake Booster.
I needed to sort out an electronic boot popper solenoid which I got a cheapy Ebay one but when I tried to rig it up to the Original boot catch mechanism I wasted a few hours and couldn't come up with a working solution.
I had a light bulb moment where I thought maybe I could utilize a factory mech from a late model car, I just happen to have an FG XR6 in the driveway so I went and raided the boot lock out of it to test out and it was absolutely ideal to retrofit! I couldn't believe my luck.
I used my one to mock up, I'll get one from a wrecker with the loom/ plug so I can wire it up nicely into the aftermarket alarm/keyless entry kit I got.
I even slightly modified the original HZ Striker to suit as you can see in the pics. really happy with this little mod!
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Posted 04 January 2022 - 10:23 PM
That car will be forever possessed by demons............but I suppose you're aware of that?
Posted 04 January 2022 - 11:19 PM
What a cracker.
When you go looking for a solution for your ideas in other cars (i.e. at a wrecker) it is surprising how often you'll find something that's just right.
That's very elegant.
This car will have no key barrel in the bootlid I am guessing? If so, that should look really tidy.
Posted 05 January 2022 - 08:06 AM
Rodomo - It was already possessed when I added the BA Falcon Wiper motor, It will also have a VS commodore washer bottle hidden under the front inner guard, VB Commodore wiper switch (adds inter) I'm sure I'll use something else from another car before I'm done. Oh and the obvious change to VS SS Drivetrain... At least some add ons aren't all ford!
Heath - yeh mate all locks shaved:
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Posted 05 January 2022 - 08:47 AM
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Posted 05 January 2022 - 09:16 AM
they are only 50 years apart!!!
crazy hey
Posted 05 January 2022 - 10:33 AM
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Posted 03 February 2022 - 08:26 AM
Been doing a bit of sanding inside doors and boot, nothing worth taking photos of there... I've also started putting some other pieces together now that the main body is painted. It's a bit of a strange approach I'm taking in doing painting in sections, but it does allow me to change things up and tinker on different jobs which is nice.
I've started on the interior trim, Sound deadener and underlay / acoustic liner and carpet. It's coming up nicely...
and the boot, only using old style chopped textile style underlay in the boot...
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Posted 03 February 2022 - 09:52 AM
Posted 04 February 2022 - 07:53 AM
thanks! I'm much the same with following a few builds both on these forums and some others on youtube. Heath's Hatch has been one of my biggest motivators here... Reading or watching someone else's project come together gets me motivated and excited to get out in the garage. Kind of "re-charges" your battery in a way so you can muster up the energy to get stuck in...
If I can do that for others too, then that's great feeling!
Posted 04 February 2022 - 08:49 AM
Man, those exterior and interior colours go together like peaches and cream. (I can't think of any blue fruit at the moment. )
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