Ok another update. Snuck in a few more hours on the mighty Torry today.
Attempt #2 - partial fail.... more swearing

Read on for details...
To continue the photos of the conversion though first, here is the new pedal fitted. First photo shows where it hits the body. Second photo shows the cut-out section allowing clearance, and lots of dripping paint to seal it up. I should have dropped the steering column so I could get in there easier!

Here's some shots comparing the old factory pedal with the new cable pedal:

This was the old factory setup:

The new cable system:

Attempt #1 was done using the original V8 thrust bearing pictured below. I hoped it would work, even though the clearance is pretty big. But it slipped straight off as soon as any pressure was applied:

So here's the new V6 thrust bearing on the left:

It locates bloody awesome on the throwout fork, nice and snug:

And finally, here's where I'm up to at present with the new bearing in place;
I've modified the bellhousing some more to allow the fork to sit back further (in the resting position), and I've screwed the pivot ball nearly all the way in.
I wanted to get absolute maximum throw, so having the fork as far back as possible to start with was key. The photo doesn't actually show it very clearly, but there is still clearance (just) between the gearbox bolts and the fork. I don't think I can get it back much further now!

BUT it still doesn't work yet :(
As you press the clutch pedal, the throwout fork contacts the pressure plate. In the photo above, on the left side, it touches the circular section. It's so close to working, but just not quite there yet. I didn't have time today to stuff around with cable adjustment / pivot ball adjustments.... that will come next. I hope something works, because I thought the way I'd set everything up was already allowing maximum travel.... but I'll see what I can do. If it doesn't work.... I'm so tempted to take to the pressure plate with a die-grinder to relieve that damn ridge!!!! I only need a couple of mm!!!
Stupid cars :(