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Posted 22 May 2021 - 02:18 PM
Posted 22 May 2021 - 08:28 PM
The eyelets in the control arms have been distorted. This has been caused by incorrectly bush pressing or more commonly bashing the bush in with a big hammer in the hand of a new comer. A spacer are generally used between the bush eyelets in the control arm at the time of bush fitment. You would be advised to remove the control arms and square up the two holes and try again. Measure the distance between the k-frame mount and deduct the length of the bush flange and this will give you a indication of where the control arm eyelets should be after squaring them up. I have at times used a chisel and carefully tapped the eyelet outwards till their flush with the bush flange. Sometimes it works and sometime the holes are just to far out of alignment and the control arms need to be removed and repaired on the bench.
Posted 22 May 2021 - 10:29 PM
As axistr has said, you need to ensure you have the spacer (crush tube) protecting the arm whilst they are being pressed in. A well known suspension business crushed one of my arms when pressing in the bush and had to source another. Cheers Ron
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