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Posted 28 November 2022 - 10:27 PM

In August & September 1972 Holden produced 300 LJ XU-1’s with nibless rims. 100 8/72 & 200 9/72. These 300 LJ XU-1’s completed homologation 5/5V and were responsible for the homologation of the XJ cam, 19lb lightened flywheel & springs. The extra 100 also homologated the 3.55 diff ratio…..

#227 LCK186


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Posted 29 November 2022 - 08:53 AM

Fly hi   a friend of mine has a 8/9/72 LJ GTR XU1,  it has the self locator sprintmasters fitted, is that correct



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 09:40 AM

The first 70 9/72 LJ XU-1’s were fitted with sprintmasters, while the final 200 9/72 LJ XU-1’s were fitted with nibless rims.



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 09:56 AM

The first 100 8/72 LJ XU-1’s were fitted with nibless rims, while the final 130 8/72 LJ XU-1’s had sprintmasters fitted

First to last :

100 8/72 Nibless
130 8/72 Sprintmasters
070 9/72 Sprintmasters
200 9/72 Nibless

200 Sprintmasters
300 Nibless



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 10:08 AM

Fly hi   a friend of mine has a 8/9/72 LJ GTR XU1,  it has the self locator sprintmasters fitted, is that correct

Correct :

Is it 1 of 100 fitted with the 3.36 or 1 of 100 fitted with the 3.55 ?



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 03:13 PM

The 200 August & September 1972 sprintmaster cars were also the 50% to allow the homologation 2/2V Sprintmasters & homologation 4/4V Track , to proceed. These 200 cars were only responsible for allowing the homologation of the sprintmaster rims & track. It was the 10/72 & 11/72 LJ XU-1’s along with the second batch of self locating sprintmasters which were available as an option, which completed the homologation process for 1972. The twelve months of 1972 being the last of group E.

1973 provided a new set of rules, many more freedoms and much wilder race cars. A new minimum of 500 was required before you could go racing. What a great form of motor racing group C turned out to be…….

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Posted 29 November 2022 - 04:26 PM

Fly hi,   were there any 73 dated self locators, i was told that there was a limited edition and were they dealer fitted,  thanks



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Posted 29 November 2022 - 06:12 PM

Under the 1973 Group C rules, race cars could run 8 & 9 inch sprintmasters. Some of the earlier 1973 production cars were optioned with the leftover 1972 self locators. In total 500 2/73, 4/73 & 5/73 LJ XU-1’s were produced. The third batch produced in 1973 ( 2/73 ) were not self locating.



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Posted 02 December 2022 - 02:26 PM

Fly Again.  I know i'm new here. but if you could, can you please explain what you are trying to prove.  I honestly have no idea how many LC -K Toranas were produced.  I have always been told 200 72 bathurst series toranas were built, and 150 special 73's were built.  Now while not certain, i'm confident there may have been spare cars made for all these models,  just in case (for what ever reason,fire, theft, being written of by journalists.) but just like the 73 cars, if your not on the register you aint getting in.  even if your dressed exactly the same.  just asking as i'm really confused. 

Ah yes, the * MYTH * that Holden only produced 200 1972 “ Bathurst “ LJ XU-1’s. All were fitted with sprintmasters, had wild cams and lightened flywheels and a whole host of other go faster bits. What a complete an utter load of bullshit. From August 1972 there was 3 homologations each requiring the minimum of 200 cars. Homologation 5/5V required 300 cars to complete just by itself.

2/2V Sprintmasters 200
4/4V Track 200
5/5V XJ Cam, Flywheel, Springs 200 + 100 3.55



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Posted 06 December 2022 - 02:43 PM

and what about the biggest * MYTH * of them all, that only 150 1973 Bathurst LJ XU-1’s were produced. The rules required a minimum of 500 cars under Group C. Holden produced 500 2/73, 4/73 & 5/73 LJ XU-1’s prior to starting the Bathurst run in July 1973. These 500 cars allowed the 1973 LJ XU-1 to race and gave it eligibility. From July 1973 Holden produced a further 288 homologation specials. All were fitted with the larger front disc brake rotors and the final 250 received the Bathurst engines. From August they started receiving extractors and fine spline axels and all the bolt on bits. The final 150 engines received the revised starter motor wiring. By placing one produced on the 21-08-1973 and not listed with one produced on the 23-08-1973 and listed, you notice both have 1973 Bathurst engines, both have 8/73 ADR’s, both have extractors, both have fine spline axels & all the bolt on bits but the listed car is the one with the revised starter motor wiring. Making the one produced on the 21-08-1973 not a Bathurst, but the one the 23-08-1973 is a Bathurst ? I would say then you know and understand very little about 1973 LJ XU-1’s and even less about the requirements of the C.A.M.S. Rules…….

I don’t think there has ever been a bigger * MYTH * turned loose on any other Australian Muscle Car as the 1973 LJ XU-1 has received over time, though our very own resident nit wit “ Ben “ is trying his hardest……

The facts are Holden needed to have sold at least 50% or 250 of the 500 minimum to allow any homologation to proceed…..



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Posted 07 December 2022 - 08:21 AM

Attached File  EA2505FE-7158-409C-B859-683FE059651D.jpeg   169.47K   12 downloads

Attached File  24DAC8A0-9756-445D-ACE7-222A95034A4B.jpeg   139.63K   9 downloads

A complete list of engines which received the revised starter motor wiring…..

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