CK Xu1
Posted 01 December 2021 - 06:47 PM
Posted 01 December 2021 - 09:40 PM
round 2 has ended round 3 the bell has rang
round 3 has not began yet and dumb & dumber appear to have thrown the towel in........
Posted 02 December 2021 - 06:52 AM
round 3 has not began yet and dumb & dumber appear to have thrown the towel in........
How typical of you, resort to name calling when you are not winning and/or people are just not interested in playing in your kitty litter anymore.
Edited by S pack, 02 December 2021 - 06:55 AM.
Posted 02 December 2021 - 05:26 PM
I don't think you know much either.
Who are you talking to ?
Me ?
If you have something to say i am happy to speak to you
All i am saying the CK cars are unicorns based on the data and numbers I have . The true number matching cars are not there with all the goodies
Ck block
Three Tags
Black outs correct if restored
Date coded gear box etc
Posted 03 December 2021 - 06:16 AM
zook hi a clown u say I don't think so what does zook actually stand for u seem to talk a lot of crap as jj the boss stated im also happy to speak to you about toranas 70 green rings a bell definatly not a ck
Posted 03 December 2021 - 05:54 PM
Yes you. We're all quite aware that there are not many left.Who are you talking to ?
Zook was my first forum name when I had a Suzuki Sierra and was part of the Sierra/Jimny scene. Heady days.You'd be aware that they are known as Zooks. I'm happy to talk to you too but when you make ridiculous claims I sort of lose interest. Haha, yes I talk a lot of crap. How many ACT residents had CKs? Plus, I lived in Sydney for a while. LOL, you guys make me laugh.zook hi a clown u say I don't think so what does zook actually stand for u seem to talk a lot of crap as jj the boss stated im also happy to speak to you about toranas 70 green rings a bell definatly not a ck
Posted 03 December 2021 - 08:05 PM
zook hi im more than happy to chat about cars with u weather toranas fords Suzuki etc etc but sometimes u do go to far u know what lets start all over again fresh start but u do spin some crap from time to time lol as long as we are good on the forum regards dazza
Posted 04 December 2021 - 04:20 AM
zook hi im more than happy to chat about cars with u weather toranas fords Suzuki etc etc but sometimes u do go to far u know what lets start all over again fresh start but u do spin some crap from time to time lol as long as we are good on the forum regards dazza
As has been stated previously, your posts really are annoying to read due to the lack of full stops and capital letters. It's fair enough to miss a few occasionally but yours are on every line of every post. Do you ever read your own posts? Please take the time to put some effort into what you type, quite often I find it useful to press "More Reply Options" prior to pressing "Post".
By the way, google weather vs whether.
Now I really sound like a pain in the ..... don't I?
Posted 04 December 2021 - 05:45 AM
James hi. I was lazy not putting full stops. I will put more effort in the future. I see that u have an SVO. a special car indeed. look after it. they are worth a pretty penny in todays market.
Posted 04 December 2021 - 10:24 AM
My car probably isn't the type of special vehicle order that you are thinking of. However I'll take care of it.
Posted 04 December 2021 - 10:43 AM
James all good mate. no offence taken.
Posted 04 December 2021 - 05:35 PM
Posted 04 December 2021 - 05:46 PM
Caps Lock doesn't need to be on ! & The several full stops appear to be an aggrevated response. Why can't it be a polite discussion amongst enthusiasts ?
Posted 04 December 2021 - 05:51 PM
All good mate, no harm done.
zook hi im more than happy to chat about cars with u weather toranas fords Suzuki etc etc but sometimes u do go to far u know what lets start all over again fresh start but u do spin some crap from time to time lol as long as we are good on the forum regards dazza
Posted 04 December 2021 - 06:01 PM
identical (2)_LI.jpg
Identical model = Holden 1971 lc Torana GTR XU1 2door sedan, all steel outer & inner panels as per factory, mono construction, (no seperate chassis) 6 cylinder 3 Venturi's 4 speed Holden gearbox & factory Holden differential, with varioushomogulated ratios & homogulated reinforced 5.5" steel wheels & approved tyres. There is no hidden wording in there that Dave hasn't stated. Take some time to read it again. It's not about Dave's right or you are. The rules tell the story. I'm not having a go at you, I'm just suggesting that that's clearly how it is worded. Things where worded differently in the 70's & there where manufacturers bringing cars from other countries to race possibly.
Posted 04 December 2021 - 07:17 PM
Grammar and punctuation are not everybodies strength.
Why can't people just participate without being bagged?
Posted 05 December 2021 - 07:43 AM
That was actually hard to do.
Posted 05 December 2021 - 09:04 PM
Posted 05 December 2021 - 09:46 PM
There is no hidden wording in there. Take some time to read it again. The rules tell the story. I'm not having a go at you, I'm just suggesting that that's clearly how it is worded.
post-1815-0-99660800-1637973628.jpg 1.06MB
Quote : same mechanical components. End Quote.
Quote : "Mechanical components" include all parts for the propulsion. End Quote.
The first 200 identical units were not permitted to have any mechanical components changed under Australian rules. Both diff & gearbox ratios are required to be fitted in production.
not applicable (3)_LI.jpg 350.72K
An Australian manufacturer was required to fit one ratio to 200 identical units & the other ratio to 100 units. Ratios are required to be fitted in production.
The building of 200 identical units all fitted with the 3.36 ratio does not homologate 2 ratios under Australian rules. It only homologates 1 ratio.
It is the reason Holden produced 300 August & September 1972 LJ XU-1's with nibless rims. The extra 100 homologated the 3.55 diff ratio.......
Posted 06 December 2021 - 06:58 AM
^^^What a total load of bullshit.
The FIA & CAMS rules are clear and explicit in their meanings and you still can't understand them.
You twist them to say things they don't say to suit your fairytale.
The (Not appliccable to the Australian 200) applies to the 50% rule regarding two gearboxes with a different number of ratios and different in their staging.
I'll fix this for you.
In 1972 (as in previous years) manufacturers were allowed to homologate TWO final drive ratios for the minimum production of the model. However in 1972 (and only 1972) for the 1st time they were now required to fit the minimum production of 200 cars one of the those two ratios, which automatically homologated the other optional/alternative ratio. Having to build 300 cars for homologation of two ratios is pure fiction. The LJ XU1 and XA GT homologations documents don't lie.. For the minimum production for recognition of the respective models both manufacturers homologated TWO final drive ratios.
Posted 06 December 2021 - 08:56 AM
Now all you need to do is show us all the documentation that states the first 200 cars were fitted with 2 different ratios. 50% or 100 cars each ratio.......
Posted 06 December 2021 - 11:21 AM
So what is a CK worth?
Posted 06 December 2021 - 11:26 AM
Once more the debate on the little Toranas goes round and round and round.
To continue the reference from the 12th Man, this is just so frocking boring.
Billy Birmingham was a legend.
Posted 06 December 2021 - 12:27 PM
What this tells me is that there was a required minimum.
If they only built the required minimum, then half of them had to have one of the ratios.
If they produced more than the minimum, then they still only had to have the same number of cars with one of the ratios.
If the minimum was 200, then 100 would have to have the alternative ratio.
If they produced 300, then they still only needed 100 of the alternative ratio.
Posted 06 December 2021 - 01:42 PM
So what is a CK worth?
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