Car was parked on the street from about 430pm, then at about 8:05 pm, the UNDERBELLY turn up.
They tried to go for the front plate too, but must not have had a tool to fit the bolt heads.
The rear were just phillips head screws (easy target).
So, i can only figure, potentially wanting both plates to use for some CRIM activity, maybe fuel theft drive offs?? Given the recent prices, Or whatever??
I swapped the Front plate to the Rear now, using some torx bit tamperproof screws, with some additional 262 Loctite.
So have reported this through Qld Police Link.
And have contacted Linkt Tolls to remove the particular rego from my account, as to not be charged any tolls by fraudulent users.
The *C-U's-Next-Tuesaday'S*.
The Linkt Tolls customer service representative could not Confirm or answer, that once i ordered and fitted a replacement plate and reactivated my account, that the Stolen plate - if used fraudulently - would/could add charges to my toll account.
Will get onto QLD D.O.T. tomorrow and report the theft with them too. Also confirm how future usage of the Stolen Plate may affect me.??
Has anyone been in a similar position, as to having to consider replacing a Personalized Rego Plate, with a different combo to avoid future complications?