Most accidents waiting to happen are because the driver is not roadworthy rather than the vehicle.
It is true there are people driving around that shouldn't be, but that is a Country wide problem. From drug takers to "Sovereign Citizens" to sheer incompetence to International Drivers Licences and many, many more. I agree with Dr Terry though that if you mix that with unroadworthy vehicles then it is even worse. Annual inspections for rego is a no-brainer, and easily removes most of the unroadworthy vehicles from the equation. There are people out there doing it tough at the moment, and while most want to do the right thing they'll tend to rego/insure their car but not necessarily service it as often as they should, and not change tyres or brakes as often as they should. In NSW that stops at rego time. We all know that two of the best things you can do to any car to make it a lot safer for everyday road use is have good brakes and at least 50% tyre tread followed closely by steering and suspension operating without slack (eg worn tie rods and ball joints). You will not legally get past a pink slip inspection without all of these functioning acceptably.