With the car nearing completion (mostly), it was with some horror and self flagellation I realised I had never test fitted the rear mount K-mac sway bar I bought many moons ago from a Member on here. I only had around 10 years to do it, and then decided to after having fitted drop tank, fuel lines, etc. FFS. At least the exhaust isn't done yet.
At first I was relieved, it bolted on better than most things I have fitted to this car (top pic, just tech screwed it to the rails for now) but my fears were realised when I got to the front of the drop tank and saw the clearance to the fuel filter. Idiot. So, looking for the least disruptive option, because right now, the first big bump and I think the sway bar will take out the fuel filter bracket (hard to see in the pics) in spectacular fashion. Unless I am overreacting. The pics below are taken with the diff on stands, it will only get closer when the car is on the ground, closer again with full fuel tank and interior, etc.
- I could move the fuel filter, but that will impact exhaust plans and mean getting at least two new series 200 AN fuel lines made - not ideal and a bit exxy.
- I could try moving the sway bar itself lower on the diff mounting bracket? Not sure that's as easy as it seems, even though there is the metal to do it, and it may actually make the problem worse as it will move the bar closer as the diff moves through the arc (I think).
- I could bend the bar. Somehow.
Anyone got any bright ideas? Can't believe this has bitten me in the butt at this stage. Anyway...
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