A couple of new pics have popped up on facebook lately.
The first one is the car just after the crash. The photographer said it was eerie because everything went completely silent.
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Johnson couldn't get out of the drivers side window as the roof had been crushed on that side, so he climbed over the 20kg in car camera that channel 7 bolted to the floor and roll cage. Why hasn't anyone seen the footage from this? Because the guy in charge of it forgot to push the record button after turning it on. This photo is Dick about to hop in the passenger seat of Brock's VH Commodore and get a lift back to the pits. Not having to go by ambulance was the one lucky strike he had in a very unlucky week. He can't remember the ride with Brock, or anything else between the crash and when he got back to Jill in their transporter behind the pits.
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Marshals getting the wreck out.
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A deal was done with Andrew Harris (with the help of a fist full of money from Ross Palmer from Palmer Tube Mills) to lease his XE racecar, which also involved buying the Barry Lawrence / Geoff Russell VH Commodore for Harris and Gary Cooke to race. This involved removal of all good parts from Johnson's car for fitting to the Harris car, and painting both cars. Harris had to ring his sponsor Jefferson Ford to get permission to drive a Holden, and it was given on the proviso that the Commodore wear Ford and 5.8 badges, which you can just make out on the front guards in the photo below.
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In a three degrees of separation moment, the Andrew Harris Falcon hit the wall at Forrest's Elbow the year before in the hands of Bob Morris during Saturday practice, and also DNS the race.
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The other top nine competitors voted to allow Johnson to start the race from 10th position, although they probably knew that he wouldn't finish. Andrew Harris and Gary Cooke finished 10th overall, and Harris received the Rookie of the Year award.
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At the conclusion of the event, Dick borrowed Harris's F250 transporter which carried the leased Greens Tuff replacement, and hooked it up to his own enclosed trailer which housed the written off Johnson car. On the way back to Queensland, the towball snapped and sent both the truck and trailer over an embankment. Johnson was driving....and came out without a scratch, but the truck and trailer were scrap. The Harris car on the truck had to be repaired and painted back into its original paint job before it was given back. The Barry Lawrence Commodore was sold back to him.
After all this, Dick finally got home to find it had been burgled while he was away. Maybe he should have just gone fishing for the week.
Edited by Shiney005, 28 April 2024 - 03:36 PM.